15.234, Confs: Forensic Linguistics/Lyon, France

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Thu Jan 22 22:33:46 UTC 2004

LINGUIST List:  Vol-15-234. Thu Jan 22 2004. ISSN: 1068-4875.

Subject: 15.234, Confs: Forensic Linguistics/Lyon, France

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Date:  Wed, 21 Jan 2004 16:03:50 -0500 (EST)
From:  D-Milovanovic at neiu.edu
Subject:  International Roundtables for the Semiotics of Law

-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------

Date:  Wed, 21 Jan 2004 16:03:50 -0500 (EST)
From:  D-Milovanovic at neiu.edu
Subject:  International Roundtables for the Semiotics of Law

International Roundtables for the Semiotics of Law

Date: 07-Jul-2004 - 12-Jul-2004
Location: Lyon, France
Contact: Anne Wagner
Contact Email: valwagnerfr at yahoo.com

Linguistic Sub-field: Forensic Linguistics

Meeting Description:
The theme of the international conference is Signs of the World:
Interculturality and Globalization, and while papers directed toward
that very broad topic are welcome, in the spirit of Bobbie Kevelson we
are of course open to all varieties of legal semiotics.
Thème :
Signs of the World of the Law: Law is a symbolic construction and
therefore rests on a variety of undertakings. What gives law its
meaning is, for some, ideology, for others, the welfare of the
majority. However, what is manifest is a conception of the law as a
material structure that carries symbols of everyday life. The analyses
that are made in the Law and Semiotics movements show that the law's
symbolism cannot be understood by reference only to itself, a strictly
'legal' meaning. It is a symbol that conveys life, a symbol that in
itself is contaminated with life, politics, morality and so on. Law
and Semiotics is an obvious meeting point between traditions, because
it is the place where all the discussions about the law can find a
common language.

As Peter Goodrich suggested in ''Languages of Law: From Logics of
Memory to Nomadic Masks'' : The question of language, which must now
be taken to include all the other systems of signs - of architecture,
dress, geography, ceremony, aura and technology - that accompany legal
tradition, that prejudge the text as a legal text, the spoken word as
the word of the law, that question of language is the question of the

Our association - The International Round Tables for the Semiotics of
Law : The International Round Table for the Semiotics of Law is
concerned with the application of different forms of textual analysis
to the discourses of the law.

This includes:
- the semiotics of Greimas, Peirce and Lacan,
- rhetoric,
- philosophy of language,
- pragmatics,
- sociolinguistics,
- deconstructionism, as well as
- more traditional legal philosophical approaches to the language of
the law.
The organization also sponsors the quarterly journal, the
International Journal for the Semiotics of Law

Our organization has been recently formed (2001) by the merging of the
International Association for the Semiotics of Law and the Roundtable
for the Semiotics of Law.

Chair Person:
Anne WAGNER, Maître de Conférences, spécialité : Langues et Droit.
- CERCLE, équipe VolTer (Vocabulaire, Lexique et Terminologie) -
Université du Littoral - Côte d'Opale (France).
- LARJ (Laboratoire de Recherches Juridiques) - Université du Littoral
- Côte d'Opale (France).
- Editorial Board Member and French Book Review Editor for :
International Journal for the Semiotics of Law
- Advisory/coordinating Committee Member of the International Round
Tables for the Semiotics of Law.
- Clarity Representative: A movement to simplify legal language


1. Charls Pearson, American Semiotics Research institute, Atlanta,
Georgia, USA
A Community of Justice: The Role of Community in the Semiotics of Law
2. Celina Frade, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Semiotic Aspects of Legal Conditionals
3. Deborah Cao, Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia
'Keywords'' in Chinese Law: A Semiotic Interpretation
4. Mattie Scott - USA
Peirce's Esthetics and the 2003 Discrimination Decisions
5. Dragan Milovanovic, Professor, Justice Studies, Northeastern
Illinois University
Globalization and Juridic Capture: A Semiotics of Indigenous
Intellectual Property Rights
6. Pekka Virtanen, Department of Political Science and International
Relations, FIN-33014 University of Tampere, Finland
>>From national laws to global rules: Semiotics of forest certification
in Brazil
7. Maarten Henket, Utrecht University, Institute of Public
International Law, The Netherlands
Adjudication: between science and art
8. Anita Soboleva, Ph. D. (linguistics), LL.M. Jurists for
Constitutional Rights and Freedoms (JURIX), Executive Director,
Moscow, Russia
Topical Jurisprudence: Reconciliation of Law and Rhetoric
9. Agnes T.M. Schreiner, Law Faculty/Jurisprudence, University of Amsterdam
The Common Core of Trento
10. Tracey Summerfield, Murdoch University, Australia
A Rhetoric of Substance: Indigenous Rights Discourse in Australia
11. Jack Rooney, Cooley Law School, Lansing, Michigan, USA
The Misuse of Language in the Pursuit of Justice
12. Wouter G. Werner, Utrecht University, Institute of Public
International Law, The Netherlands Towards a Discriminatory Concept of
International Law?
13. Professor Moshe Azar, Department of Hebrew Language, The
University of Haifa, Israel Transforming Ambiguity into Vagueness in
legal Interpretation
14. Joanna Jemielniak, Assistant Professor Department of
Administrative and Legal Sciences, Leon Kozminski Academy of
Entrepreneurship and Management, Warsaw, Poland
Rational and Objective: Self-legitimizing in the Legal Interpretation
15. Dubrulle Jean Baptiste, Doctorant - allocataire moniteur,
Université du littoral Côte d'Opale - France
Boundary and Identities: Distinctive or Similar?
16. Sophie Cacciaguidi-Fahy, University of Galway, Ireland
Images of the ''Patriarchal'' Family: A Slightly Constitutional
Familial Arrangement
17. Ronnie Lippens, Keele University, Department of Criminology, ST5
5BG Staffs, UK
Surgical Strikes and Viral Contagion : An Emerging Imaginary of Global
18. Phillip C. H. Shon, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of
Criminology, Indiana State University, Terre Haute, IN 47809
The Fraternal Order of Warnings and Threats in Police-Citizen
19. Aleksandar Jokic, Assistant Professor, Portland State University,
Department of Philosophy, USA
Globalizing World and Genocidalism
20. José de Sousa e Brito
How much do human rights depend on civilization? - The question of
human rights in Islam
21. Paul Robertshaw
Convicting Margherita: American Juries Deliberate: Mule or Moll or
just a Doll?
22. Carl S. Bjerre, Associate Professor of Law, University of Oregon,
School of Law
Mind and Metaphor in Judicial Opinions
23. Annabelle Mooney, Cardiff University, Wales, UK
The Drama of the Courtroom
24. Philip Gaines, University of Montana, USA
Ideal and Actual Evidence in the Courtroom: Jurors' and Attorneys'
Sense of Facts and Evidence
25. Hanneke van Schooten, Tilburg University, The Netherlands
Communicating Law
26. Shaeda ISANI, Département d'Anglais Appliqué, UFR de Langues,
Université Stendhal, Grenoble 3
The non-verbal as a semiotic vector of professional cultural identity
-  the example of Anglo-Saxon legal professions
27. Anne Wagner, Maître de Conférences, Laboratoires de Recherche :
Université du Littoral - Côte d'Opale, Boulogne, France
Visual Signs in France
28. Richard Sherwin, New York, USA
The Law/Media/Culture Project and Its Implications for Legal Theory -
Part One
29. Neal Feigenson, Quinnipiac University, USA
The Law/Media/Culture Project and Its Implications for Legal Theory -
Part Two
30. Christina Spiesel, Yale University, USA
The Law/Media/Culture Project and Its Implications for Legal Theory -
Part Three

LINGUIST List: Vol-15-234

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