15.245, Calls: General Ling/Canada; General Ling/Hungary
linguist at linguistlist.org
Fri Jan 23 12:40:23 UTC 2004
LINGUIST List: Vol-15-245. Fri Jan 23 2004. ISSN: 1068-4875.
Subject: 15.245, Calls: General Ling/Canada; General Ling/Hungary
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Wayne State U.<aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Dry, Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews (reviews at linguistlist.org):
Sheila Collberg, U. of Arizona
Terence Langendoen, U. of Arizona
Home Page: http://linguistlist.org/
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Editor for this issue: Andrea Berez <andrea at linguistlist.org>
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Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2004 18:54:19 -0500 (EST)
From: wakashan at arts.ubc.ca
Subject: Wakashan Linguistics Conference
Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2004 10:29:14 -0500 (EST)
From: rakosigy at delfin.unideb.hu
Subject: 8th Symposium on Logic and Language
-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------
Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2004 18:54:19 -0500 (EST)
From: wakashan at arts.ubc.ca
Subject: Wakashan Linguistics Conference
Wakashan Linguistics Conference
Date: 09-Aug-2004 - 11-Aug-2004
Location: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Contact: Henry Davis
Contact Email: wakashan at arts.ubc.ca
Meeting URL: t.b.a.
Linguistic Sub-field: General Linguistics
Subject Language Family: Wakashan ,Northern Wakashan ,Southern
Wakashan Call Deadline: 01-Apr-2004
Meeting Description:
The aim of the Wakashan Linguistics Conference is to bring together
researchers and educators with an interest in Wakashan languages. The
conference will be divided into two parts (though participants are
strongly encouraged to attend both). The first part will be dedicated
to descriptive and theoretical work on Wakashan languages. The second
part will be devoted to presentations on and discussion of language
revitalization. Announcement and Call for Papers
University of British Columbia
August 9-11, 2004
The Department of Linguistics at the University of British Columbia is
pleased to announce the first-ever Wakashan Linguistics Conference.
The aim of this conference is to bring together researchers and
educators with an interest in Wakashan languages. Though there is a
long and rich tradition of linguistic work on Wakashan, and over the
years there have been several important language revitalization
efforts in Wakashan-speaking communities, there has never been a
single forum where researchers and educators can come together from
all across the Wakashan-speaking world to share knowledge and ideas.
The conference will be divided into two parts (though participants are
strongly encouraged to attend both). The first part, dedicated to
descriptive and theoretical linguistic work on Wakashan languages,
will be held at the University of British Columbia on August 9-10. The
second part, devoted to presentations on and discussion of language
revitalization, will be hosted on the final day of the conference by
the Squamish Nation in North Vancouver. The dates of the Wakashan
Linguistics Conference have been synchronised with those of the
International Conference on Salish and Neighbouring Languages, which
will be held at the Squamish Nation on August 11-13.
For those wishing to present a paper in the first part of the
conference, see the Call for Papers below. For those interested in
presenting during the second part, please contact us directly at
wakashan at arts.ubc.ca.
INVITED SPEAKERS (to be confirmed):
Emmon Bach (University of Massachusetts, Amherst)
Darin Howe (University of Calgary)
William Jacobsen (University of Nevada)
John Stonham (University of Newcastle Upon Tyne)
Adam Werle (University of Massachusetts, Amherst)
Florence Woo (University of California, Santa Cruz)
Abstracts are invited for 30-minute presentations (plus 15 minutes
discussion) on topics dealing with any area of descriptive or
theoretical Wakashan linguistics, including syntax, semantics,
morphology, phonology and typology. Abstracts should be anonymous and
no longer than one page (an additional page for references and
examples can be included), with margins of at least 1 inch, font size
11. Submissions are limited to one singly authored and one jointly
authored abstract per author, or two jointly authored abstracts.
We accept hardcopy or electronic submission of abstracts. Abstracts
must be received by April 1, 2004. Please send 3 copies of a hardcopy
abstract to the following address (include title, author and contact
information on a separate sheet.):
Wakashan Linguistics Conference Organisers
Department of Linguistics
University of British Columbia
Buch E270- 1866 Main Mall,
Vancouver, B.C. V6T 1Z1 Canada
Abstracts can also be sent electronically to the conference e-mail
address (wakashan at arts.ubc.ca) as attachments in PDF or word
format. If non-standard fonts are required, use the 'embed fonts'
option in a PDF when you save the file. Include title, author and
contact information in the body of the email.
ADDRESS FOR INQUIRIES: wakashan at arts.ubc.ca
-------------------------------- Message 2 -------------------------------
Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2004 10:29:14 -0500 (EST)
From: rakosigy at delfin.unideb.hu
Subject: 8th Symposium on Logic and Language
8th Symposium on Logic and Language
Short Title: LoLa8
Date: 26-Aug-2004 - 28-Aug-2004
Location: Debrecen, Hungary
Contact: Gyorgy Rakosi
Contact Email: lola8 at lola8.unideb.hu
Linguistic Sub-field: General Linguistics
Meeting Description:
The Eighth Symposium on Logic and Language will be held in Debrecen
from 26th to 29th of August, 2004. The Symposium is organised by the
Linguistics Department and the Philosophy Department of the University
of Debrecen, in conjunction with the Research Institute for
Linguistics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Budapest).
The 2004 forum is the eighth instalment of the Logic and Language
Symposium series, which is designed to provide a forum where logicians
and linguists meet to share and discuss current issues concerning how
theories of linguistics and logic influence each other, with the aim
of promoting a fruitful cooperation. Preceding symposiums took place
in Debrecen (1987), Hajduszoboszlo (1989), Revfulop (1990), Budapest
(1992), Noszvaj (1994), Budapest (1998) and Pecs (2002).
-- Second announcement --
The Eighth Symposium on Logic and Language
Debrecen, Hungary
August 26-28, 2004
homepage: http://lola8.unideb.hu
The Eighth Symposium on Logic and Language will be held in Debrecen
from 26th to 28th of August, 2004. The Symposium is organised by the
Linguistics Department and the Philosophy Department of the University
of Debrecen, in conjunction with the Research Institute for
Linguistics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Budapest).
The 2004 forum is the eighth instalment of the Logic and Language
Symposium series, which is designed to provide a forum where logicians
and linguists meet to share and discuss current issues concerning how
theories of linguistics and logic influence each other, with the aim
of promoting a fruitful cooperation. Preceding symposiums took place
in Debrecen (1987), Hajduszoboszlo (1989), Revfulop (1990), Budapest
(1992), Noszvaj (1994), Budapest (1998) and Pecs (2002).
The Eighth Symposium on Logic and Language invites submissions for
25-minute presentations (plus 10 minutes for discussion) especially on
the various aspects of contextuality and the role it plays in logic
and linguistics.
The importance of the notion of context is widely acknowledged, even
if to varying degrees, among pursuers of theories of natural as well
as of formal languages. The very same word ''context'' often refers to
quite heterogeneous sets of intuitions, which is obviously reflected
in the corresponding formalisms. The aim of the Symposium is to
analyse, compare and discuss a wide range of problems which are
(directly or indirectly) related to the proper treatment of
contextuality both in logic and in linguistics. We envisage a meeting
with invited keynote speakers and a restricted number of papers from
logicians, linguists, philosophers and computer scientists working on
the formalization of contexts and the use of context in
applications. In general, we hope to promote a discussion on how to
recognize, acquire and represent contextual information as well as on
the interplay between particular formalisms and the contextual
information they aim to capture.
We also welcome contributions concerning related areas of the
description of languages. There exist various logics of context and it
is a matter of constant discussion to what extent we need reference to
context in approaches to information content, information structure,
logically relevant sense, intensionality, dynamicity, valid inference,
the proof theoretic handling of free variables, etc. On the
linguistics side, an adequate semantic or syntactic account of a wide
range of empirical phenomena, such as anaphora, tense, aspectuality,
topichood, focushood, contrastivity, etc. heavily depends on the use
and inclusion of different types of contextual information. The study
of these specific domains might help to develop a fuller understanding
of the notion of context.
The programme will also include a special series of short lectures
given by members of the Advisory and Review Board as well as the
following keynote lectures (please note that the titles are
Katalin Kiss (Research Institute for Linguistics of the Hungarian
Academy of Sciences) ''Topic Selection and Contextuality''
Chris Fox (University of Essex) and Shalom Lappin (King's College,
London) ''Generating Underspecified Interpretations as Terms of the
Representation Language''
Paul Dekker (University of Amsterdam) ''Contexts for Questions''
Tamas Mihalydeak (chair - logic)
Laszlo Hunyadi (chair - linguistics)
Eniko Toth (organizer)
Gyorgy Rakosi (organizer)
Submissions should consist of:
1. An anonymous abstract of maximum four pages (1500 words).
2. A separate page with the following information: title of the paper,
authorâEuro(tm)s name, address, affiliation, phone and fax number,
email, complete mailing address and a 200-word long summary.
We strongly encourage electronic submissions, which can be in pdf, ps,
rtf or word format.
Abstracts should be sent to:
submit at lola8.unideb.hu
The deadline for the submission of abstracts is: March 15, 2004.
A proceedings volume will be published by the conference date. The
guidelines for the submission of articles will be made available on
the homepage for the prospective authors by the time the notification
of acceptance (May 1, 2004) is due.
All abstracts will be reviewed anonymously by the LoLa8 Advisory and
Review Board, which consists of:
Gabor ALBERTI (University of Pecs), Johan VAN BENTHEM (University of
Amsterdam), Cleo CONDORAVDI (Palo Alto Research Center & Stanford
University) Paul DEKKER (University of Amsterdam), Jan VAN EIJCK
(Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica, Amsterdam & Utrecht Institute
of Linguistics OTS), Martin EVERAERT (Utrecht Institute of Linguistics
OTS), Chris FOX (University of Essex), Beata GYURIS (Research
Institute for Linguistics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences),
Laszlo KALMAN (Research Institute for Linguistics of the Hungarian
Academy of Sciences), Andras KERTESZ (University of Debrecen) Ferenc
KIEFER (Research Institute for Linguistics of the Hungarian Academy of
Sciences), Shalom LAPPIN (King's College, London), Marta MALECZKI
(University of Szeged), Andras MATE (Eotvos Lorand University,
Budapest), Peter MEKIS (Eotvos Lorand University, Budapest), Walt
Detmar MEURERS (The Ohio State University), Barbara H. PARTEE
(University of Massachusetts, Amherst MA), Christopher PINON (Research
Institute for Linguistics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences), Peter
REBRUS (Research Institute for Linguistics of the Hungarian Academy of
Sciences), Tanya REINHART (Tel Aviv University & Utrecht Institute of
Linguistics OTS), Henk van RIEMSDIJK (Tilburg University), Robert VAN
ROOIJ (University of Amsterdam), Anna SZABOLCSI (New York University),
Henk VERKUYL (Utrecht Institute of Linguistics OTS).
Registration is possible during the pre-registration period (April 1 -
May 30, 2004) and the registration period (June 1 - August 20, 2004).
There are two types of registration within each period: Type1 is only
for PhD students, and Type2 is for anybody else. Each type includes
the following: - Conference booklet - Proceedings volume - Coffee
breaks - Reception - An excursion to Hortobagy followed by a
comprehensive dinner at a traditional Hungarian farm.
Pre-registration fees (April 1 - May 30, 2004)
Type1: 50 Euros (13.000 HUF)
Type2: 90 Euros (23.500 HUF)
Registration fees (June 1 - August 20, 2004)
Type1: 70 Euros (18.000 HUF)
Type2: 110 Euros (28.500 HUF)
Details of the registration process will be made available on the
conference homepage by the start of the pre-registration period (April
1, 2004).
Submission deadline: March 15, 2004
Notification of acceptance: May 1, 2004
Pre-registration period: April 1 - May 30, 2004
Registration period: June 1- August 20, 2004
submit at lola8.unideb.hu (submission of abstracts)
lola8 at lola8.unideb.hu (any other correspondence)
homepage: http://lola8.unideb.hu
LINGUIST List: Vol-15-245
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