15.256, Confs: Anthropological Ling/Geneva, Switzerland

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Fri Jan 23 20:30:39 UTC 2004

LINGUIST List:  Vol-15-256. Fri Jan 23 2004. ISSN: 1068-4875.

Subject: 15.256, Confs: Anthropological Ling/Geneva, Switzerland

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            Helen Dry, Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>

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	Terence Langendoen, U. of Arizona

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Date:  Fri, 23 Jan 2004 13:56:56 -0500 (EST)
From:  Louis.deSaussure at lettres.unige.ch
Subject:  Pragmatic Interfaces / Interfaces pragmatiques

-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------

Date:  Fri, 23 Jan 2004 13:56:56 -0500 (EST)
From:  Louis.deSaussure at lettres.unige.ch
Subject:  Pragmatic Interfaces / Interfaces pragmatiques

Pragmatic Interfaces / Interfaces pragmatiques

Date: 12-Feb-2004 - 14-Feb-2004
Location: Geneva, Switzerland
Contact: Michaela Popa
Contact Email: Michaela.Popa at lettres.unige.ch
Meeting URL: http://www.unige.ch/lettres/latl/interfaces/index.html

Linguistic Sub-field: Anthropological Linguistics
Subject Language: French

Meeting Description:

International colloquium on interfaces and relations between current
approaches in pragmatics and discourse analysis

Colloque international sur les relations entre les approches actuelles
en pragmatique et analyse du discours Thursday, 12 February 2004 Jeudi
12 février 2004

Colloquium opening and welcome message
Ouverture du colloque et messages de bienvenue

09.30 - Marc DOMINICY (Bruxelles)
The ''representational'' dimension of pragmatic meaning

10.15 - Ruth WODAK (Vienna)
Text and discourse - Co-text and Context: the linguistic analysis of
insinuations and implicatures

11.00 - coffee break - pause café

11.30 - Antoine AUCHLIN (Genève)
Prosody as meaning - body interface, an enactive perspective: is that
basic pragmatics?

12.15 Lunch break / Déjeuner

14.00 - Paul CHILTON (Norwich)
Deixis, distance and direction: thoughts on vectors and discourse

14.45 - Paul DANLER (Innsbruck)
The controversy over pragmatic valence: ''il caso del duce''

15.30 - coffee break - pause café

16.00 - Alain BERRENDONNER (Fribourg)
Title to be announced

16.45 - Jacques MOESCHLER (Genève)
Comment les relations de discours sont-elles inférées?

17.30 - Conclusions of the day - Conclusions de la journée

Friday, 13 February 2004
Vendredi 13 février 2004

09.00 - Hans KAMP (Stuttgart)
Title to be announced

09.45 - Nicholas ASHER (Austin)
Title to be announced

10.30 - coffee break - pause café

11.00 - Frans van EEMEREN (Amsterdam)
Argumentation theory as normative pragmatics

11.45 - Louis de SAUSSURE (Genève)
The explicit-implicit and the articulated-unarticulated distinctions

12.30 Lunch break / déjeuner

14.00 - Deirdre WILSON (London)
Relevance and argumentation

14.45 - Robyn CARSTON (London)
Relevance and coordinating utterances

15.30 - Coffee break - Pause café

16.00 - Diane BLAKEMORE (Salford)
'And', discourse markers and parentheticals

16.45 - Nicholas ALLOTT (London)
Game theory and radical pragmatics

17.30 - Day conclusions - Conclusions de la journée

Saturday, 14 February 2004
Samedi 14 février 2004

09.00 - Laurent FILLIETTAZ (Genève)
Temps, rythme et contexte: interfaces pragmatiques ou interférences

09.45 - Daniel VANDERVEKEN (Québec)
Speech acts in conversation and discourse pragmatics

10.30 - coffee break - pause café

11.00 - Peter SCHULZ (Lugano)
Non-propositional knowledge and utterance meaning

11.45 Round table on pragmatic interfaces
Table ronde sur les interfaces pragmatiques

12.30 Closing of the colloquium - Clôture du colloque

LINGUIST List: Vol-15-256

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