15.2162, Qs: Metaphonic Processes/CV Syllables

LINGUIST List linguist at linguistlist.org
Wed Jul 28 21:43:44 UTC 2004

LINGUIST List:  Vol-15-2162. Wed Jul 28 2004. ISSN: 1068-4875.

Subject: 15.2162, Qs: Metaphonic Processes/CV Syllables

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            Helen Dry, Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>

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Date:  Tue, 27 Jul 2004 14:17:11 +0000
From:  Joaquim Brandãode Carvalho <jbrandao at ext.jussieu.fr>
Subject:  Qs: syllable-sensitive umlaut

-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------

Date:  Tue, 27 Jul 2004 14:17:11 +0000
From:  Joaquim Brandãode Carvalho <jbrandao at ext.jussieu.fr>
Subject:  Qs: syllable-sensitive umlaut

Dear colleagues,

Does anybody know of a language where metaphonic processes involving
the leftward propagation of [front], as in western Germanic, or
[high], as in many Romance areas, affect only CV-syllabes? This could
be illustrated as follows:

CeCi > CiCi (high)
CoCi > CuCi (high) or CoeCi (front)
but CeC-Ci and CoC-Ci remain unchanged.

Of course, umlaut may also cause diphthongization, especially when
the target vowel is low or mid-low. My question also concerns these

Thank you very much in advance for any information. I will post a
summary if there are enough responses.
Joaquim Brandao de Carvalho
Universite de Paris 8 / CNRS UMR 7023

Personal address :
320, rue des Pyrenees
75020  Paris  France
jbrandao at ext.jussieu.fr

LINGUIST List: Vol-15-2162

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