15.1465, Calls: General Ling/Greece; History of Ling/China
linguist at linguistlist.org
Mon May 10 14:36:03 UTC 2004
LINGUIST List: Vol-15-1465. Mon May 10 2004. ISSN: 1068-4875.
Subject: 15.1465, Calls: General Ling/Greece; History of Ling/China
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Wayne State U.<aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Dry, Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews (reviews at linguistlist.org):
Sheila Collberg, U. of Arizona
Terence Langendoen, U. of Arizona
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Editor for this issue: Marie Klopfenstein <marie at linguistlist.org>
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Date: Fri, 7 May 2004 04:39:13 -0400 (EDT)
From: atzanne at enl.uoa.gr
Subject: (Re)Constructing Pain and Joy in Language, Literature, and Culture
Date: Fri, 7 May 2004 05:15:33 -0400 (EDT)
From: schmipe at uni-muenster.de
Subject: 1st East Asian SGdS-Colloquium on the History of Linguistics
-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------
Date: Fri, 7 May 2004 04:39:13 -0400 (EDT)
From: atzanne at enl.uoa.gr
Subject: (Re)Constructing Pain and Joy in Language, Literature, and Culture
(Re)Constructing Pain and Joy in Language, Literature, and Culture
Date: 20-Oct-2005 - 23-Oct-2005
Location: Athens, Greece
Contact: Angeliki Tzanne
Contact Email: atzanne at enl.uoa.gr
Meeting URL: http://www.cc.uoa.gr/english/P&J/P&J1.htm
Linguistic Sub-field: General Linguistics
Call Deadline: 10-Jan-2005
Meeting Description:
(Re)Constructing Pain and Joy in Language, Literature and Culture, the
6th International Conference of the Hellenic Association for the Study
of English (HASE), University of Athens, October 20-23, 2005. Drawing
upon the debate on representing vs. (re)constructing reality through
language and literature, the conference aims to explore views in
relation to the treatment of 'joy' and 'pain' as human experiences
combining physical, psychological, private, public, conceptual and
cultural dimensions. Furthermore, it fosters work that addresses the
relationship between pain/joy and creativity, examining the extent to
which pain/joy may be seen as sterile and constrictive or creative and
expansive. Proposals for 20-min papers (title, 300-word abstract,
100-word bionote) by 10 January 2005 to Angeliki Tzanne
<atzanne at enl.uoa.gr>, Faculty of English Studies, University of
Athens, Panepistimioupoli Zographou, Athens 157 84, Greece. Tel.: +30
210 7277913; fax: +30 210 7277020.
Hellenic Association for the Study of English
6th International Conference
October 20-23, 2005
(Re)Constructing Pain and Joy
Language, Literature, and Culture
Conference site:
The 6th HASE conference aims at addressing the special theme of Pain
and Joy which have been explored as experiences combining physical,
psychological, private, public, conceptual and cultural dimensions. To
investigate how these multi-faceted and subjective domains of human
experience are construed and constrained, prospective participants are
invited to contribute studies in the fields of linguistics, literature
and cultural theory from autonomous or interdisciplinary
perspectives. Hence, links between different areas within and across
these fields are particularly encouraged. Drawing upon the debate on
representing vs. (re)constructing reality through language and
literature, the conference is meant to explore views in relation to
the treatment of 'joy' and 'pain'. Furthermore, it fosters work that
addresses the question of the extent to which pain/joy may be seen as
agents of either the inhibition or the stimulation of creativity.
Pain and joy may be examined in relation to the suggested topics below
(the list not being exhaustive):
- cognition and emotion
- cross-linguistic and cross-cultural perspectives
- instinct vs. education in science and culture
- socio-cultural stereotypes
- power and authority
- identity formation
- collective and/or individual memory
- embodiment
- pain and ponos
- religion, morality and ethics
- textuality vs. physicality
- marketability
Paper presentation format:
20-minute speaker presentation, followed by 10-minute discussion
Abstract specifications:
Maximum length: 300 words (excluding references)
Font type: Times New Roman
Font size: 12 pt
Line spacing: 1.5
Note: Each author may submit no more than one individual and one
co-authored abstract.
Abstracts should be sent electronically to: atzanne at enl.uoa.gr
Applicants who have no access to e-mail facilities should
fax their abstracts to: +30 210 7277020
mail them to:
Angeliki Tzanne
Faculty of English Studies
School of Philosophy
University of Athens
Panepistimioupoli Zographou
Athens 157 84
E-mail abstract submission:
In addition to your abstract, please provide the following
o name
o affiliation
o title of proposed paper
o references (optional)
o bionote (maximum length: 100 words)
o postal address
o telephone number
o e-mail address
Regular postal submission:
Send 3 copies of the abstract. Include a separate sheet of paper with
the following information:
o name
o affiliation
o title of proposed paper
o references (optional)
o bionote (maximum length: 100 words)
o postal address
o telephone number
o e-mail address
Deadline for submission of abstracts: 10 January 2005
Notification of acceptance: 21 March 2005
Organising Committee
Chair: Chryssoula Lascaratou
Vice Chair: Spiros Iliopoulos
Treasurer: Christina Dokou
Secretary: Angeliki Tzanne (atzanne at enl.uoa.gr)
Members: Anna Despotopoulou
Elly Ifantidou
-------------------------------- Message 2 -------------------------------
Date: Fri, 7 May 2004 05:15:33 -0400 (EDT)
From: schmipe at uni-muenster.de
Subject: 1st East Asian SGdS-Colloquium on the History of Linguistics
1st East Asian SGdS-Colloquium on the History of Linguistics
Date: 28-Oct-2005 - 30-Oct-2005
Location: Hong Kong, China
Contact: Peter Schmitter
Contact Email: schmipe at uni-muenster.de
Meeting URL: http://home.t-online.de/home/dutz.nodus/03c-rb.htm
Linguistic Sub-field: History of Linguistics
Call Deadline: 1-Feb-2005
Meeting Description:
The First East Asian SGdS-Colloquium on the History of Linguistics
will be held at the University of Hong Kong. Papers are invited on all
aspects of the history of linguistics. But topics relating to the
study of East Asian languages and the history of linguistics in East
Asia (esp. in China, Japan, and Korea) are particularly welcome.
The 'Studienkreis Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft (SGdS)' in
conjunction with the Department of English and the Programme in
Language Communication at the University of Hong Kong will be holding
a colloquium at the University of Hong Kong from October 28 to 30,
2005. The conference languages will be English and German. Papers are
invited on all aspects of the history of linguistics. But topics
relating to the study of East Asian languages and the history of
linguistics in East Asia (esp. in China, Japan, and Korea)are
particularly welcome. The deadline for registration and submission of
abstracts is February 1, 2005.- Members of the organizing committee
are Dr Christopher Hutton, Dr Hans-Georg Wolf, and Professor Peter
LINGUIST List: Vol-15-1465
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