15.1545, FYI: Contrastive and Internat'l Rhetoric Institute

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Fri May 14 02:01:36 UTC 2004

LINGUIST List:  Vol-15-1545. Thu May 13 2004. ISSN: 1068-4875.

Subject: 15.1545, FYI: Contrastive and Internat'l Rhetoric Institute

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            Helen Dry, Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>

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	Sheila Collberg, U. of Arizona
	Terence Langendoen, U. of Arizona

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Date:  Tue, 11 May 2004 17:08:28 -0400 (EDT)
From:  alscampb at iupui.edu
Subject:  Contrastive and Intercultural Rhetoric Summer Institute

-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------

Date:  Tue, 11 May 2004 17:08:28 -0400 (EDT)
From:  alscampb at iupui.edu
Subject:  Contrastive and Intercultural Rhetoric Summer Institute

ICIC's First Annual Contrastive and Intercultural Rhetoric Institute
and Written Discourse and Contrastive Rhetoric Conference

Short Title: CR Institute & Conference
Date: 26-Jul-2004 - 31-Jul-2004
Location: Indianapolis, Indiana, United States of America
Contact Email: icic at iupui.edu
Meeting URL: http://www.iupui.edu/%7Eicic/events.html
Linguistic Sub-field: General Linguistics
Subject Language: English
Subject Language Family: English

Meeting Description:

The Indiana Center for Intercultural Communication is pleased to offer
the ICIC Summer Institute on Contrastive and Intercultural Rhetoric
Instructors: Dwight Atkinson, Temple University Japan Ulla Connor,
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis Edwin Nagelhout,
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis July 26-30, 2004

Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI)

Students and scholars interested in research on L2 writing will gather
for a one-week institute from July 26-30, 2004 on the IUPUI campus in
Indianapolis, Indiana.

The goals of the institute are to review and update Contrastive and
Intercultural Rhetoric research.  Consideration will be given to all
steps in the research process from the initial finding of the topic to
publishing and applying the research in practice.

The focus of the institute will be on research methods, as well as on
the presentation and publication of results.  Participants will
receive 15 hours of classroom instruction (with the possibility of
earning one graduate credit from IUPUI); participants will work on
their own selected topics during the week and have individual
consultations with the instructors; participants will prepare
presentations for the 1st Annual ICIC Conference on Written Discourse
and Contrastive Rhetoric.


July 26-30, 2004
Sponsored by the Indiana Center for Intercultural Communication and
Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI)


Graduate students and practicing teachers interested in scholarly work
on L2 writing from around the world. The institute consists of 20
contact hours and opportunities for individual consultation with the
instructors. The institute may be worth one graduate credit and
requires a written product completed by the participants. A one-day
conference follows the institute.

Institute Goals and Curriculum

The goals of the institute will be to review the basics of contrastive
rhetoric research, from the initial finding of the topic to publishing
and applying the research in practice. The focus will be on research
methods as well as on the presentation and publication of results. The
learners will be able to work on their own selected topics during the
week and will prepare presentations for a one-day conference which
will culminate the week's learning.

The courses will be held in classrooms and computer laboratories on
the IUPUI campus. The participants will be able to stay in dormitories
on campus or choose nearby hotel accommodation. There will be social
occasions in the evenings and during meals to encourage interaction
among the faculty and participants. This model comes from the Summer
TESOL institutes in the 1980s and early 1990s, in places like
Bratislava, Slovakia, and San Bernardino, California, when most of the
faculty and students were rooming in the same dormitories and eating
meals together, etc.

1st Annual Conference on Written Discourse and Contrastive Rhetoric

The institute will culminate in a public contrastive rhetoric
conference at IUPUI on July 31, 2004 following the institute. All
participants will be encouraged to present their work at this

Course Synopses for the ICIC Summer Institute on Contrastive and
Intercultural Rhetoric:

Dr. Dwight Atkinson:
Examining the Practice and Expanding the Scope of Contrastive
Rhetoric in the 21st Century

In this session (8 contact hours) we will look at three basic issues:
1) What CR is; 2) How it has been critiqued; and 3) What to do about
it. The overall focus of the course will be on research methods--ways
in which CR has been studied in the past, ways it is being studied in
the present, and ways to update and enrich its study in the
future. Methodology, however, does not proceed apart from the social
purposes and assumptions (both theoretical and practical) underlying
its development and application, or apart from the content to which it
is applied. The study of methodology in CR must therefore proceed hand
in hand with more comprehensive study of the content of the theory

Dr. Ed Nagelhout:
An Overview of Qualitative Research Methods

This 4 hour interactive session will explore a variety of qualitative
research forms and methods.  We will begin with an examination of the
value of qualitative research, especially in contrastive and
intercultural rhetoric.  We will continue with a general overview of
primary qualitative research forms (such as ethnography, case study,
life history, and ethnomethodology), qualitative research methods
(such as discourse analysis, conversation analysis, interviewing,
surveying, and participant observation), and qualitative research
design strategies.  This discussion will also include the kinds of
documents necessary for a successful study.  The workshop will
conclude with a sample project that will give participants hands-on
experience with qualitative research design.

Dr. Ulla Connor:
Designing and Conducting Intercultural Studies

The session (8 contact hours) will explain the steps in cross-cultural
research from design to analysis, interpretation, and writing up of
results. The focus will be on research methodologies as this field of
intercultural rhetoric currently expands its topics (professional as
well as academic discourse), approaches writing as socially situated,
and views culture as less static. A variety of analyses, including
text analysis, genre analysis, corpus linguistics, and
ethnographic/observational analysis, will be examined as they are
shown to document and explain major intercultural variation in
preferences in different national, academic, and professional
discourses. The session will underscore the importance of using a good
design that includes topics, concepts, methods, and linguistic
variables with common platforms for comparison so that they are
comparable. Sample published studies will be used as examples, and
participants will also be able to practice analyses with authentic

Institute Faculty

Dwight Atkinson, Ph.D.

Dwight Atkinson teaches in the Graduate College of Education at Temple
University Japan. His research interests include L2 writing,
qualitative research methods, culture, and sociocognitive approaches
to learning and teaching. Recent publications include ''L2 Writing in
the Post-Process Era'' and ''Writing and Culture in the Post-Process
Era,'' both in Journal of Second Language Writing (12, 2003);
''Writing for Publication/Writing for Public Execution: On the
(Personally) Vexing Notion of (Personal) Voice'' (C. Casanave &
S. Vandrick (eds.), Writing for Scholarly Publication, 2003):
''Language Socialization and Dys-socialization in a South Indian
College'' (B. Bayley & S. Schecter (eds.) Language Socialization in
Bilingual and Multilingual Societies, 2003); and ''Toward a
Sociocognitive Approach to Second Language Acquisition'' (Modern
Language Journal, 86, 2002).

Ulla Connor, Ph.D.

Dr. Ulla Connor is the Barbara E. and Karl R. Zimmer Chair in
Intercultural Communication and Director of the Indiana Center for
Intercultural Communication at IUPUI. Recipient of many research
grants, she is most recently co-editor of Reflections on Multiliterate
Lives (2001) and author of Contrastive Rhetoric: Crosscultural Aspects
of Second Language Writing (1996).  She has taught and lectured in
many countries including England, Finland, Egypt, Hong Kong, Israel,
Japan, Malaysia, Slovakia, Sweden, and Venezuela. Her current research
interests are on the cross-cultural study of promotional discourse
such as research grant proposals and fundraising discourse.

Ed Nagelhout, Ph.D.

Dr. Nagelhout is an assistant professor of rhetoric and writing at
IUPUI. His current research interests include literacy studies and the
visual design of fundraising documents. His qualitative research has
focused on graduate student writing practices in biology labs, the
publishing processes of scientists in academic settings, and the use
of multiple literacies in undergraduate technical writing
classrooms. He recently co-edited Classroom Spaces and Writing
Instruction, and he has published articles in Technical Communication
Quarterly, the Journal of Technical Writing and Communication, and
Business Communication Quarterly.

To register go to: http://www.iupui.edu/%7Eicic/registrationform.htm

Contrastive and Intercultural Rhetoric Institute W609
(Individual Writing Projects 1 credit)

IUPUI/IU students can register via the internet at
http://insite.indiana.edu/ or (317) 274-1501 for T600 (section X516)
and/or G651 (section X425). Please send a confirmation of your
registration to alscampb at iupui.edu.

IUPUI/IU students who would like to register for W609 (section X947)
will need to send their name and identification number (social
security or international 999 number) to alscampb at iupui.edu.

Non-IUPUI/IU students should contact the Graduate Non-Degree Program
at http://www.iupui.edu/~resgrad/grad/non/gnd-opening.htm or (317)

REGISTRATION FEES (for those not seeking IUPUI course credit)

Contrastive and Intercultural Rhetoric Institute July 26-30,
2004 $500 (price includes registration for Written Discourse and
Contrastive Rhetoric Conference the following day)

Written Discourse and Contrastive Rhetoric Conference July 31,
2004 $70 ($35 for students)

ICIC accepts international money orders, business and personal checks,
and major credit cards (MasterCard, Visa, Discover, and American

Any check or money order should be made out to Indiana
University/Indiana Center for Intercultural Communication, and
sent to: Indiana Center for Intercultural Communication, Indiana
University Purdue University Indianapolis, 620 Union Drive, Room 407,
Indianapolis, Indiana 46202, U.S.A.

If you would like to pay by credit card please send the following
information to alscampb at iupui.edu, or to the address above:

1)	credit card number
2)	credit card expiration date
3)	full name as shown on the credit card
4)	amount in U.S. dollars

Full payment should be received by July 1, 2004. A registration
confirmation will be e-mailed or faxed to you after a completed
registration form and full payment has been made.

LINGUIST List: Vol-15-1545

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