15.3199, Calls: General Ling/France; Lang Acquisition/Italy
linguist at linguistlist.org
Sun Nov 14 03:49:24 UTC 2004
LINGUIST List: Vol-15-3199. Sat Nov 13 2004. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 15.3199, Calls: General Ling/France; Lang Acquisition/Italy
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Date: 11-Nov-2004
From: Robin Lickley < rlickley at qmuc.ac.uk >
Subject: Disfluency in Spontaneous Speech
Date: 11-Nov-2004
From: Liliana Albertazzi < liliana.albertazzi at unitn.it >
Subject: Seminar on Bi- and Multilingualism and Cognition
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Sat, 13 Nov 2004 22:37:40
From: Robin Lickley < rlickley at qmuc.ac.uk >
Subject: Disfluency in Spontaneous Speech
Full Title: Disfluency in Spontaneous Speech
Short Title: DiSS
Date: 10-Sep-2005 - 12-Sep-2005
Location: Aix-en-Provence, France
Contact Person: Jean Veronis
Meeting Email: diss05 at disfluency.org
Web Site: http://www.up.univ-mrs.fr/delic/Diss05
Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics
Call Deadline: 08-Apr-2005
Meeting Description:
Call for papers: Disfluency in Spontaneous Speech 2005, an ISCA Tutorial
and Research Workshop.
DiSS 05 is the 4th meeting of the successful series of interdisciplinary
workshops on Disfluency in Spontaneous Speech. It will be held in the
beautiful city of Aix-en-Provence, France, on September 10-12, 2005 and
organised by the DELIC team of the University of Provence. The meeting is
timed to allow participants at Interspeech (Lisbon, September 4-8) to attend.
Previous meetings (Berkeley, 1999; Edinburgh, 2001; Gothenburg, 2003) have
seen papers addressing normal disfluency from a wide range of disciplines,
from automatic speech recognition and computational linguistics to
linguistic analysis, psycholinguistics (production and comprehension), and
beyond. Papers comparing normal disfluencies to those occurring in
communication disorders are also welcome.
We hope to maintain this interdisciplinary approach in 2005 and would
therefore welcome submission of 4-page papers by April 8 2005, for review.
Once accepted, papers may be revised and extended to 6 pages in preparation
for publication in the workshop proceedings.
Papers should be submitted by email to papers at disfluency.org.
Preferred format for submission will be detailed on the workshop website,
shortly: http://www.up.univ-mrs.fr/delic/Diss05
For further information about the workshop, please visit the website or
contact the organisers at diss05 at disfluency.org.
Kind Regards,
The DiSS Planning Team
Jean Veronis
Robert Eklund
Robin Lickley
Liz Shriberg
Åsa Wengelin
-------------------------Message 2 ----------------------------------
Date: Sat, 13 Nov 2004 22:37:45
From: Liliana Albertazzi < liliana.albertazzi at unitn.it >
Subject: Seminar on Bi- and Multilingualism and Cognition
Full Title: Seminar on Bi- and Multilingualism and Cognition
Short Title: BML
Date: 19-May-2005 - 21-May-2005
Location: Bolzano, Italy
Contact Person: Liliana Albertazzi
Meeting Email: liliana.albertazzi at unitn.it
Web Site: http://www.mitteleuropafoundation.it
Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics; Language Acquisition
Call Deadline: 15-Apr-2005
Meeting Description:
The aim of this seminar is to discuss the most recent research on cognitive
aspects of bi- and multilingualism. Since language research is basically
cognitive research, a cognitive theory of language is the most suitable
theoretical framework in which to bring together psychology, linguistics,
and bilingualism. Research has demonstrated that a significant amount of
cognitive development results from the internalization of interpersonal
communicative processes. Cognitive approaches to bi- and multilingualism
attempt to find out what happens if these interpersonal communicative
processes involve the use of more than one language. Earlier research
studies concentrated on the bilingual person and the product of thinking,
while recent trends have seemed to favour the process of thinking, focusing
on language recall, reaction time, information processing and memorization,
on the one hand, and social and conceptual development on the other. Issues
reflecting these developments will be addressed and discussed in the
seminar. Ample time will be allocated to discussion. The first two days
will be devoted to presentation/discussion of the invited speakers'
contributions, while the third one will be taken up by panel/short
presentations. Power point presentations are encouraged. If you are
interested in attending the workshop and/or contributing your own ideas,
please send a mail (with a two-page abstract if you intend to give a
presentation/panel) to the address below before April 15.
Invited keynote speakers (confirmed):
Ellen Bialystok (Department of Psychology, York University, Canada)
''Cognitive effects of bilingualism across the lifespan.''
Ton Dijkstra (Nijmegen Institute for Cognition and Information, The
Netherlands) ''Task and context effects in bilingual processing.''
Istvan Kecskes (State University of New York, Albany, USA) ''Synergic
concepts in the bilingual mind.''
Michel Paradis (McGill University, Cognitive Neuroscience Center, Canada)
''The components of the bilingual cognitive system.''
The conference will be organized by the Mitteleuropa Foundation, Bolzano,
Portici Street, 30, Italy (http://www.mitteleuropafoundation.it)
If you are interested in attending the workshop and/or contributing your
own ideas, please send an email (with a two-page abstract in attachment if
you intend to give a presentation/panel) to the secretary of Mitteleuropa
Foundation, Dr. Paola Benevento (p.benevento at mitteleuropafoundation.it)
before April 15.
Important Dates:
Deadline for abstract submissions: April 15, 2005
Conference: May 19-21, 2005
Information about how to reach Bolzano are available from the Foundation's
webpage (http://www.mitteleuropafoundation.it)
LINGUIST List: Vol-15-3199
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