15.2801, Calls: Ling & Literature/German/USA;General Ling/Hungary
linguist at linguistlist.org
Wed Oct 6 18:55:33 UTC 2004
LINGUIST List: Vol-15-2801. Wed Oct 06 2004. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 15.2801, Calls: Ling & Literature/German/USA;General Ling/Hungary
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Wayne State U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews (reviews at linguistlist.org)
Sheila Collberg, U of Arizona
Terry Langendoen, U of Arizona
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Date: 04-Oct-2004
From: Suin Shin < shin77 at berkeley.edu >
Subject: 13th Annual Interdisciplinary German Studies Conference
Date: 05-Oct-2004
From: Huba Bartos < bartos at nytud.hu >
Subject: 7th International Conference on the Structure of Hungarian
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Wed, 06 Oct 2004 14:38:33
From: Suin Shin < shin77 at berkeley.edu >
Subject: 13th Annual Interdisciplinary German Studies Conference
Full Title: 13th Annual Interdisciplinary German Studies Conference
Date: 12-Mar-2005 - 13-Mar-2005
Location: Berkeley, CA, United States of America
Contact Person: Suin Shin
Meeting Email: shin77 at berkeley.edu
Linguistic Field(s): Ling & Literature
Subject Language(s): German, Standard
Call Deadline: 17-Dec-2004
Meeting Description:
This conference aims to explore constructions of the 'foreign' in the
German-speaking context throughout the centuries.
Paper proposals are being accepted for the 13th Annual Interdisciplinary
German Studies Conference, March 12-13, 2005 at the University of
California, Berkeley. The conference theme is ''Finding the 'Foreign'.''
This conference aims to explore constructions of the 'foreign' in the
German-speaking context throughout the centuries. Etymology reveals that
'friend' was once related to family; 'foe' was related to strife. Situated
between friend and foe one finds the stranger or the foreigner - 'der
Fremde' - potentially inspiring curiosity or fear, potentially a friend or a
foe, potentially a source of insight about oneself.
Who or what is foreign? What tropes or techniques create a sense of the
foreign, and how do they serve to position the foreign on the spectrum from
friend to foe? How have such discourses been countered by minority voices,
hybrid cases, or the uncanny within oneself to destabilize or
re-appropriate these categories? What does the construction of the foreign
reveal about the formation of national, communal, and personal identities?
We invite scholars from all disciplines to submit paper proposals
responding to these or similar questions related to constructs of
foreignness in modern or pre-modern time periods. Possible topics include,
but are not limited to:
- Cultural identity/ imagined communities
- Ethnic & religious minorities in Germany
- Heimat/ nationalism
- Foreign at home? (BRD/GDR)
- Migration/exiles
- Linguistic approaches to the foreign
- Intercultural communication
- German as foreign language
- Gendered portrayals of the foreign
- Translating or exoticizing the foreign
The primary language of the conference is English, but presentations in
German are also welcome. Please send an abstract of not more than 250 words
with a separate cover sheet indicating the proposed title, author's name,
affiliation, and e-mail address by Friday, December 17, 2004 to: Robert T.
Schechtman / Suin Shin, Department of German, University of California,
Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720-3243 or to GermanConference2005 at lists.berkeley.edu
-------------------------Message 2 ----------------------------------
Date: Wed, 06 Oct 2004 14:38:36
From: Huba Bartos < bartos at nytud.hu >
Subject: 7th International Conference on the Structure of Hungarian
Full Title: 7th International Conference on the Structure of Hungarian
Short Title: ICSH-7
Date: 29-May-2005 - 31-May-2005
Location: Budapest, Hungary
Contact Person: Huba Bartos
Meeting Email: icsh7 at nytud.hu
Web Site: http://www.nytud.hu/eng/icsh7.html
Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics
Subject Language(s): Hungarian
Call Deadline: 01-Dec-2004
Meeting Description:
The 7th conference in this series (with events alternately held in Hungary
and in some other country), this time in Veszprém, Hungary, organized
jointly by the Research Institute of Linguistics of the Hungarian Academy
of Sciences, the Department of English and American Studies of the
University of Veszprém and the Veszprém Regional Committee of the Hungarian
Academy of Sciences, is probably the most important gathering of linguists
working on any formal aspect of Hungarian.
Dates: May 29-31, 2005
Abstract deadline: December 1, 2004
7th International Conference on the Structure of Hungarian (ICSH 7)
Veszprém, Hungary, May 29-31, 2005
We are calling linguists in and outside Hungary to gather and produce
state-of-the-art presentations in English in the theoretical aspects of
research into the Hungarian language, notably in phonology, morphology,
syntax, semantics, pragmatics, socio-, psycho- and neuro- and historical
linguistics, as well as cognitive science.
We are expecting anonymous abstracts in English of maximum two pages
(single-space, Times 12 point or equivalent), for 30-minute presentations
(to be followed by 10 minutes of discussion), preferably sent
electronically to the following address:
icsh7 at nytud.hu
not later than December 1, 2004.
Hard copies (5 anonymous copies + a card with author's name and
affiliation) are to be sent to the following address (please, observe the
same deadline):
MTA Nyelvtudományi Intézet
H-1068 Budapest,
Banczúr u. 33.
Please make sure that the abstract contains no easily recognizable
reference to your own work. (The organizers will see to it that all
abstracts sent out to the selection committee are properly anonymized.)
Notifications of acceptance/rejection will be sent out by January 31, 2005.
Young researchers, graduate students are particularly encouraged by special
grants made available to them.
The venue of the conference:
Veszprém Academic Committee Building
On behalf of the organizers,
István Kenesei, Director, Research Institute of Linguistics of the
Hungarian Academy of Sciences,
Szilárd Szentgyörgyi, Associate Professor, Dept. of English and American
Studies, University of Veszprém
Send all inquiries to:
icsh7 at nytud.hu
Or visit the website:
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