15.2894, Qs: Prothesis/Single Consonant;Caucasian V Agreement

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Thu Oct 14 01:42:54 UTC 2004

LINGUIST List: Vol-15-2894. Wed Oct 13 2004. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.

Subject: 15.2894, Qs: Prothesis/Single Consonant;Caucasian V Agreement                                                                                                                                                        

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Date: 12-Oct-2004
From: Katalin Balogne Berces < bbkati at yahoo.com >
Subject: Prothesis Before Single Consonant 

Date: 11-Oct-2004
From: Johannes Bertl < a9705696 at unet.univie.ac.at >
Subject: Caucasian Verb Agreement 

-------------------------Message 1 ---------------------------------- 
Date: Wed, 13 Oct 2004 21:38:57
From: Katalin Balogne Berces < bbkati at yahoo.com >
Subject: Prothesis Before Single Consonant 
Dear Linguists,

I'm looking for examples of vowel prothesis before a single consonant. Prothesis
is usually exemplified in word-initial consonant clusters, whether the vowel is
inserted before the cluster (as in Spanish ''escuela'' 'school') or within (as
in Arabic ''bilastic'' 'plastic'). I'm sure there are cases of word-initial
vowel epenthesis before a non-branching onset, something like ''ibala'' for a
loanword from an input ''bala'', I just haven't found any examples. I hope you
can help me.

Katalin Balogne Berces 

Linguistic Field(s): Phonology

-------------------------Message 2 ---------------------------------- 
Date: Wed, 13 Oct 2004 21:38:59
From: Johannes Bertl < a9705696 at unet.univie.ac.at >
Subject: Caucasian Verb Agreement 

On page 151 of the German edition of Klimov's standard work on the Caucasian
languages (= Klimov 1994*) the author writes about the personal agreement
pattern of the verb in the (North-)East-Caucasian language Tabarasan: 

''[...] im Tabarasanischen fällt zusätzlich ins Auge, daß die Personenflexion
hier nach den Regeln eines nominativischen Systems erfolgt [...].''
Similarly on page 260 he states that Tabarasan would have developed series of
''subjective'' (''subjektsbezogen'') and ''objective'' (''objektsbezogen'')
personal affixes on verbs respectively which for him is an instance of Tabarasan
being in a process of ''Nominativization''. 

But quite on the contrary on the same page 260 Klimov writes about Tabarasan
possesing (besides Lak and Dargwa / Dargin) an ''absolutive'' and an
''ergative'' series of personal verbal affixes.

These two statements seem apparently contradictijng to me. 
So my question now is: Does personal (and class) agreement on verbs in Tabarasan
follow an absolutive / ergative, a nominative / accusative or perhaps some mixed
pattern? What about the other East Caucasian languages? Is there a recent
scholarly work in a Western language or Russian that treats these subjects?

Any answer would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much in advance.

Johannes Bertl (Vienna)

* Klimov, Georgij A.: Einführung in die kaukasische Sprachwissenschaft, Hamburg

Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics; Genetic Classification; Morphology;

Subject Language(s): Tabassaran Language Code: TAB 

Language Family(ies): Northeast North Caucasian 


LINGUIST List: Vol-15-2894	


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