15.3002, Calls: Socioling/Typology/Ireland; General Ling/Poland
linguist at linguistlist.org
Thu Oct 21 22:52:12 UTC 2004
LINGUIST List: Vol-15-3002. Thu Oct 21 2004. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 15.3002, Calls: Socioling/Typology/Ireland; General Ling/Poland
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Wayne State U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
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Sheila Collberg, U of Arizona
Terry Langendoen, U of Arizona
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Date: 19-Oct-2004
From: Tadhg Ó hIfearnáin < tadhg.ohifearnain at ul.ie >
Subject: Near Languages (Collateral Languages 2)
Date: 19-Oct-2004
From: Grzegorz Michalski < grzegorz at ifa.amu.edu.pl >
Subject: 36th Poznan Linguistic Meeting (PLM 2005)
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 2004 18:37:16
From: Tadhg Ó hIfearnáin < tadhg.ohifearnain at ul.ie >
Subject: Near Languages (Collateral Languages 2)
Full Title: Near Languages (Collateral Languages 2)
Date: 16-Jun-2005 - 18-Jun-2005
Location: Limerick, Ireland
Contact Person: Tadhg Ó hIfearnáin
Meeting Email: tadhg.ohifearnain at ul.ie
Web Site: http://www.ul.ie/~lcs/Gaeilge/Collat2.htm
Linguistic Field(s): Anthropological Linguistics; General Linguistics; Genetic
Classification; Linguistic Theories; Philosophy of Language; Psycholinguistics;
Sociolinguistics; Typology
Call Deadline: 14-Jan-2005
Meeting Description:
Conference on measuring the linguistic and sociolinguistic distance between
related languages and dialects which builds on work of an earlier
conference entitled 'Des langues collatérales' held in the Université de
Picardie, Amiens, France in November 2001.
Some languages are obviously 'close' to each other, but assessing the
actual 'distance between languages' requires a complex of very different
yet complementary approaches.
The concept of nearness/distance, meaning the degree or form of
differentiation between language varieties (for example between national
languages, regional and social dialects, standardised codes) has been
developed in various disciplinary and theoretical frameworks: typology,
dialectology, contrastive linguistics, lexical frequency, etc. There are,
however, no instruments available which synthesise these approaches to give
a definitive evaluation of linguistic distance.
Linguistic intercommunication and individuation depend not only on
linguistic distance but also on socio-psychological conditions, the
influence of educational traditions, informal and institutional
communication strategies, and on linguistic and political ideologies.
There is a real need to better understand and appreciate the role that
linguistic nearness and distance play in human relations, and be able to
measure and evaluate it. This is the aim of this conference, which follows
an earlier one held in Amiens in 2001. (Des langues collatérales, J.M. Eloy
ed., Paris, L'Harmattan 2004, 2 vol.)
Proposals for papers, posters and workshops addressing typological,
communication, anthropological and metalinguistic aspects of the relations
between 'near languages' should be sent in an abstract of less than 450
words to reach either of the organisers by 14 January 2005. (Working
languages: French, Irish, English, but proposals in all languages are welcome.)
-------------------------Message 2 ----------------------------------
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 2004 18:37:21
From: Grzegorz Michalski < grzegorz at ifa.amu.edu.pl >
Subject: 36th Poznan Linguistic Meeting (PLM 2005)
Full Title: 36th Poznan Linguistic Meeting (PLM 2005)
Short Title: PLM
Date: 22-Apr-2005 - 24-Apr-2005
Location: Poznan, Poland
Contact Person: Grzegorz Michalski
Meeting Email: plm at ifa.amu.edu.pl
Web Site: http://elex.amu.edu.pl/ifa/plm
Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics
Call Deadline: 15-Jan-2005
Meeting Description:
PLM 2005
Language across disciplines: In search of bridge theories
Dear Colleagues,
We are very happy to announce that the 36th Poznan Linguistic Meeting will
take place in Poznan between the 22nd and 24th of April 2005 (Friday-Sunday).
It is our pleasure to announce the members of PLM 2005 International
Advisory Committee:
Isabella Buniyatova (Kiev Linguistic University)
Nick Campbell (ATR Spoken Language Translation Research Laboratories, Kyoto)
Ron Cole (University of Colorado, Boulder)
Eugeniusz Cyran (Catholic University of Lublin)
Wolfgang U. Dressler (University of Vienna)
Dafydd Gibbon (University of Bielefeld)
William O'Grady (University of Hawaii at Manoa)
Miriam Meyerhoff (University of Edinburgh)
Nikolaus Ritt (University of Vienna)
Rajendra Singh (University of Montreal)
Peter Trudgill (University of Fribourg)
Zygmunt Vetulani (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan)
The Meeting will be organised by the School of English
(http://elex.amu.edu.pl/ifa), Adam Mickiewicz University
(http://www.amu.edu.pl), Poznan (http://www.city.poznan.pl), in association
with the Poznan College of Modern Languages. The leitmotif of this edition
is going to be Language across disciplines: In search of bridge theories.
PLM 2005 will be accompanied by a satellite meeting: The 2nd Language and
Technology Conference - Human Language Technologies as a Challenge for
Computer Science and Linguistics, 21-23 April, 2005. The L&T Conference is
organised by the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, AMU, in
association with the Infosystem Forum 2005 and PLM 2005. The registration
for both conferences is separate. However, there will be joint events, and
those who wish to register for both conferences will receive a substantial
discount (see REGISTRATION below).
So far, the following sessions have been planned:
(1) A session on morphonology;
(2) A progress report on the Polish Literacy Tutor project;
(3) A session on sociolinguistics/gender studies;
(4) A workshop on ''Approaches to language and meaning''.
- for this workshop's call for papers; also 'clickable' directly from PLM
2005 web site)
Suggestions for other sessions or workshops are warmly invited.
Authors should submit abstracts by 15 January 2005, preferably by e-mail
(plm at ifa.amu.edu.pl). CDs/diskettes sent by regular mail will also be
accepted. Abstracts should be about 500 words long, should include
bibliography (not in the word-count), and should be attached to the e-mail
message (or included on the CD/diskette) as a plain text file (txt). If
your abstract should contain figures or non-standard characters, we
recommend submitting it as a pdf file. Please include your name, paper
title and affiliation in the text of the e-mail message (or the text
message on a CD/diskette), but not on the abstract itself. Please include
your last name in the name of the file that contains your abstract. Thank you.
The abstracts will be reviewed by, or with the help of, our International
Advisory Committee. Authors will be notified of acceptance by 20 February 2005.
Traditionally, a book exhibition and sale will be organised by the Omnibus
bookshop (http://www.omnibus.com.pl), offering very attractive prices on
books by major linguistic publishers.
This year, the Meeting will take place in the main building of the Poznan
College of Modern Languages (http://www.wsjo.pl) at 5 Piekary Street in the
very centre of Poznan. The building offers a sufficient number of
conference rooms, internet access, a snack bar and a fitness centre.
Accommodation for the participants will be available in numerous hotels
conveniently situated in the vicinity of the conference building. The list
of hotels as well as prices will be provided in the second circular.
For preliminary registration, please use our on-line registration form at
Please register as soon as possible.
The registration fee will be 100 EUR. This will cover the cost of
conference materials as well as coffee/tea/biscuits during coffee breaks
and the conference banquet on the 23rd of April (Saturday). The venue for
the PLM 2005 Banquet will be particularly attractive!
Students will be entitled to reduced fees: Ph.D. students -- 50 EUR;
undergraduate students -- 10 EUR (will cover admission to sessions only).
Additionally, we are introducing the one-day fee for those who wish to
attend PLM 2005 on one specific day. The one-day fee will be 40 EUR.
Those who register for both PLM and L&T will pay 120 EUR.
We strongly recommend contacting us by e-mail (plm at ifa.amu.edu.pl), and
visiting our web page (http://elex.amu.edu.pl/ifa/plm), which will be
available after 20 October 2004, and will be updated on a regular basis. In
due course, abstracts of the accepted papers will be posted, as well as
various practical tips.
Our regular mailing address is:
PLM 2005
School of English
Adam Mickiewicz University
Collegium Novum
Al. Niepodleglosci 4
61-874 Poznan
Tel: (+48 61) 829-35-06
Fax: (+48 61) 852-31-03
Looking forward to seeing you in Poznan,
PLM Organising Committee
Katarzyna Dziubalska-Kolaczyk
Jaroslaw Weckwerth
Grzegorz Michalski
plm at ifa.amu.edu.pl
LINGUIST List: Vol-15-3002
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