16.1237, Jobs: Psycholing: Research Asst, U of Maryland
linguist at linguistlist.org
Tue Apr 19 07:58:00 UTC 2005
LINGUIST List: Vol-16-1237. Tue Apr 19 2005. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 16.1237, Jobs: Psycholing: Research Asst, U of Maryland
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Date: 19-Apr-2005
From: Colin Phillips < colin at umd.edu >
Subject: Psycholinguistics: 3 Research Assistant Positions, University of Maryland, MD, USA
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2005 03:55:40
From: Colin Phillips < colin at umd.edu >
Subject: Psycholinguistics: 3 Research Assistant Positions, University of Maryland, MD, USA
University or Organization: University of Maryland
Department: Linguistics
Job Rank: Three Research Assistant Positions
Specialty Areas: Language Acquisition; Neurolinguistics; Psycholinguistics
The Cognitive Neuroscience of Language (CNL) Lab in the Department of
Linguistics, University of Maryland, College Park, is looking to fill three
full-time Research Assistant Positions. Starting date for all positions is
summer or fall 2005. the positions are for a one year initial appointment,
with the possibility of extension beyond that time. Salary is competitive,
with benefits included. The positions would be ideal for a person with a BA
or higher degree who is interested in gaining significant research
experience in a very active lab.
Position #1: Cognitive Neuroscience of Language I
This person will be a core member of a team that is using multiple brain
imaging techniques to investigate the mapping from acoustics to phonetics
to the lexicon in the brain, with a particular focus on the temporal
encoding of information. The research is currently funded by NIDCD. The
person will be involved in all aspects of the design, testing, and analysis
of studies using ERP, MEG, and possibly fMRI. Training is provided, but
prior experience of laboratory research is preferred. The ideal candidate
will have strong technical and interpersonal skills. For more information
contact Dr David Poeppel, dpoeppel at umd.edu, (301) 405-1016.
Position #2: Cognitive Neuroscience of Language II
This person will take a leading role in research projects on the cognitive
neuroscience of language. The research is currently funded by the Human
Frontiers Science Program. The person will be involved in all aspects of
the design, testing and analysis of studies of language comprehension in
adults, using behavioral and neuroscientific techniques, especially ERP and
MEG brain recordings (training provided). The research spans the
phonological, syntactic, and semantic levels. Previous experience in
linguistics and/or psycholinguistics is preferred. The ability to interact
comfortably with a wide variety of people (and machines) is a distinct
advantage. For more information contact Dr Colin Phillips, colin at umd.edu,
(301) 405-3082. http://www.ling.umd.edu/colin
Position #3: Language Acquisition in Infancy and Beyond
This person will play a key role in research projects on language
development, currently funded by NSF and NIDCD. The person will be involved
in designing, testing, and analysis of studies on language comprehension
involving children aged from 14 months to 5 years. Previous experience in
linguistics and/or psycholinguistics is preferred. Good interpersonal
skills are a must. For more information contact Dr Jeff Lidz,
jlidz at northwestern.edu, (847) 491-8050.
The Cognitive Neuroscience of Language Lab is a well-integrated community
of over 40 faculty, students and research staff, engaged in research on a
wide variety of areas of language, ranging from acoustics to semantics, in
children and adults, normal and disordered populations, and covering around
10 languages. The lab has facilities for behavioral testing of children and
adults, two eye-tracking labs, a high-density ERP lab and a whole-head MEG
facility. The lab is affiliated with the Departments of Linguistics
and Biology, and with the Neuroscience and Cognitive Science Program.
To apply, please contact Drs Poeppel, Phillips, or Lidz by email.
Positions are open until filled.
Address for Applications:
Colin Phillips
Dept of Linguistics
1401 Marie Mount Hall
College Park, MD 20742
United States of America
Application Deadline: Open until filled.
Contact Information:
Colin Phillips
Email: colin at umd.edu
Phone: +1 301 405 3082
Fax: +1 301 405 7104
Website: http://www.ling.umd.edu
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