16.1246, Calls: Ling & Literature/Malaysia; General Ling/Germany
linguist at linguistlist.org
Tue Apr 19 20:01:39 UTC 2005
LINGUIST List: Vol-16-1246. Tue Apr 19 2005. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 16.1246, Calls: Ling & Literature/Malaysia; General Ling/Germany
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Wayne State U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews (reviews at linguistlist.org)
Sheila Dooley, U of Arizona
Terry Langendoen, U of Arizona
Homepage: http://linguistlist.org/
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State University, and donations from subscribers and publishers.
Editor for this issue: Amy Wronkowicz <amy at linguistlist.org>
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Date: 12-Apr-2005
From: Ganakumaran Subramaniam < solls at ukm.my >
Subject: Worlds in Discourse: Representations of Realities
Date: 18-Apr-2005
From: Manfred Stede < stede at ling.uni-potsdam.de >
Subject: Multidisciplinary Approaches to Discourse 2005
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2005 15:43:58
From: Ganakumaran Subramaniam < solls at ukm.my >
Subject: Worlds in Discourse: Representations of Realities
Full Title: Worlds in Discourse: Representations of Realities
Short Title: SoLLs.INTEC.05
Date: 21-Nov-2005 - 23-Nov-2005
Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Contact Person: Zalina Mohd. Lazim
Meeting Email: solls at ukm.my
Web Site: http://www.fssk.ukm.my/solls
Linguistic Field(s): Ling & Literature
Call Deadline: 01-Jun-2005
Meeting Description:
Worlds in Discourse: Representations of Realities is a conference on
interdisciplinary engagements with Literary Studies.
Conference Title: Worlds in Discourse: Representations of Realities
Organiser: School of Language Studies and Linguistics, Faculty of Social
Sciences and Humanities, National University of Malaysia
Dates: 21-23 Nov 2005
Venue: Sheraton Hotel and Towers, Subang Jaya
Website: http://www.fssk.ukm.my/solls
''Worlds in Discourse: Representations of Realities'' is a conference on
interdisciplinary engagements with Literary Studies. The conference aims to be a
platform for interaction, exploration, examination, and comprehension of issues
related to human perception of differing realities and the modes utilised in
engaging with these differences. It will be an occasion for different worlds and
their views to meet in democratic and intellectual discourse to contend with
issues of negotiating and understanding differing realities and their
consequences on human existence. 'Worlds' in the context of this meeting refer
to worldviews and voices bearing different ideologies pertaining to national,
regional, cultural, religious, racial, ethnic, social, economic, and gender
Conference Themes
Worlds in Conflict: Discordant Realities
Engendered Worlds: Gender Realities
Worlds at 'Margins': Marginalised Realities
Hidden Worlds: Suppressed Realities
Ruptured Worlds: Shattered Realities
Future Worlds: Imagined or Projected Realities
Worlds of Education: Learning Realities
All papers, workshops, demonstrations, panel discussions and displays must
operate within the parameters of the concepts of 'worlds', literary studies and
realities highlighted as themes for the conference. Presentations offering
interdisciplinary engagements in literary studies are especially encouraged. The
presentations may relate the following areas with literary studies:
- cultural studies
- sociolinguistics
- applied linguistics
- critical discourse analysis
- stylistics
- semiotics
- gender studies
- literary education
- media studies
- history
- sociology
- anthropology
- psychology
- politics
- performing arts
Dr. Zawiah Yahya - Malaysia
Prof. Dato' Dr. Shamsul A.B - Malaysia
Prof. Gauri Viswanathan - USA
Prof. Harish Trivedi - India
Prof. Arjuna Parakrama - Sri Lanka
Prof. Dr. Bienvenido Lumbera - Philippines
H.E. Daniel Mulhall - Ireland
Dr. Joseph Ushie - Nigeria
Prof. Alan Maley - UK
Prof. Dr. Hideyuki Shitaka - Japan
Malaysian Prose: Mr. K.S. Maniam, Mr. Rehman Rashid
Malaysian Poetry: Mr. Wong Phui Nam, Mr. Cecil Rajendra
Malaysian Theatre: Mr. Kee Thuan Chye, Ms. Faridah Merican
Malaysian Film: Ms. Yasmin Ahmad, Mr. Amir Muhammad and Mr. Hishamuddin Rais
Presentations may be in the form of paper presentations, workshops,
demonstrations, panel discussions, poster or multimedia presentations.
Presentations may be made in English or Bahasa Malaysia
Please send an abstract of your paper (250 words) and your bio-data (50 words)
in English to the Secretariat before 1 June 2005. It can be sent by e-mail or
by mail on a floppy disk (MS word). Please name the file according to author,
e.g. Ruzy.doc and include the following information:
- Author's name
- Affiliation
- Full address including phone and fax numbers
- E-mail address
- Title of paper (in not more than 15 words)
- Biodata (50 words)
Malaysian presenters: RM300
Malaysian participants: RM350
Student presenters & participants: RM250
Overseas presenters & participants: USD120
Local participants - by cheque or bank draft Overseas participants - by bank
draft made payable to:
Bendahari UKM (SoLLs.INTEC)
The Secretariat
SoLLs.INTEC.05 - Worlds in Discourse Conference
School of Language Studies & Linguistics
Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
43600 Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia
Tel. 603-89216676/6498
Fax. 603-89254577
e-mail: solls at ukm.my
Sheraton Subang Hotel and Towers
Superior Room RM190 nett
Deluxe Room RM 236 nett
For Reservation:
Tel: 603-5033 7370
Fax: 603-50319339
e-mail: Subang.reservations at sheraton.com
Malaysia Airlines is providing competitive airfares on Malaysia Airlines
International scheduled services for all registered delegates/participants
attending Worlds In Discourse: Representations of Realities International
Conference. Registered delegates and accompanying persons who wish to fly on
Malaysia Airlines should contact our nearest ticket office and quote ''G
DISCOURSE'' for further assistance.
* excluding Singapore-Malaysia and domestic services
For further information and registration forms please visit
-------------------------Message 2 ----------------------------------
Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2005 15:44:04
From: Manfred Stede < stede at ling.uni-potsdam.de >
Subject: Multidisciplinary Approaches to Discourse 2005
Full Title: Multidisciplinary Approaches to Discourse 2005
Short Title: MAD 05
Date: 05-Oct-2005 - 08-Oct-2005
Location: Chorin/Berlin, Germany
Contact Person: Manfred Stede
Meeting Email: mad05 at ling.uni-potsdam.de
Web Site: http://www.ling.uni-potsdam.de/~mad05
Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics
Call Deadline: 20-May-2005
Meeting Description:
Second Call for Papers: MAD 05
Multidisciplinary Approaches to Discourse 2005 (MAD'05) is the sixth in a series
of small-scale, high-quality workshops held bi-annually since 1995. The theme of
the 2005 WS is 'salience in discourse'.
Workshop Theme: Salience in Discourse
Understanding language involves mapping a linear sequence of information units
(in the case of texts: characters or words) to a structured representation.
Various proposals for such structures are under discussion, but many of them
share an underlying assumption: Structure arises from some elements of the text
being more prominent than others. The term salience is often used for this
phenomenon, but it comes in many different flavours. The workshop aims to
compare these flavours, to look for commonalities, but also to sharpen
distinctions where appropriate. We thus invite contributions from linguistic,
psychological, computational perspectives on salience in discourse, including
but not limited to notions such as the following:
- Information structure is well known for a wide varitey of competing
conceptions, but they all relate to salience in one way or another:
focus/background, topic/focus, theme/rheme etc.
- Anaphora resolution (and, in the opposite direction, production of referring
expressions) can be modelled using salience, as it has been done for instance in
conceptions of referent accessibility (e.g., Prince 1981).
- Choices in sentence structure between coordination, subordination, or
nominalization can be claimed to have ramifications for discourse processing,
leading to conceptions of foreground/background structures on the text level
(e.g., Talmy 2000).
- Similarly, most theories of discourse structure involve salience, e.g.. the
notion of nuclearity in 'Rhetorical structure theory' (RST, Mann/Thompson 1988),
or the distinction between coordinating and subordinating relations in
'Segmented Discourse Representation Theory' (SDRT, Asher/Lascarides 2003).
- The semantics of definite descriptions and pronouns have been analyzed in
terms of salience, for instance by Lewis (1979).
- Other tasks of language processing, such as word-sense disambiguation or
metaphor processing (e.g., Giora and Fein 2004), are sometimes modelled with
salience-inspired approaches.
Following the tradition of the earlier workshops, attendance will be limited to
30 people. Speakers of accepted papers are automatically granted a seat; the
remaining ones are assigned on first-come-first-serve basis.
Invited speakers:
In addition to the regular paper sessions, the workshop features the following
invited talks:
- Kristiina Jokinen (Univ. of Helsinki) on salience in language and other
modalities in dialog
- Thomas Noll (TU Berlin) on salience in language and music
- Jon Oberlander (Univ. of Edinburgh) on salience in language and reasoning
- Michael Tanenhaus (Univ. of Rochester) on salience in language and vision
Electronic submissions (PDF format) are strongly preferred. Papers should not be
longer than eight pages (including figures and references), using 11pt font. For
the final versions of accepted papers, precise formatting instructions (for Word
and LateX) will be issued.
Send your submission until May 20, 2005 per email to mad05 at ling.uni-potsdam.de
Program Committee:
Jennifer Arnold (Univ. of Rochester, USA)
Salvatore Attardo (Youngstown State University, USA)
Rachel Giora (Tel Aviv University, Israel)
Michael Grabski (TU Berlin, Germany)
Ivana Kruijff-Korbayova (Univ. des Saarlandes, Germany)
Luuk Lagerwerf (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, NL)
Massimo Poesio (University of Essex, UK)
Manfred Stede (Univ. Potsdam, Germany)
Alice ter Meulen (Center for Language and Cognition, Groningen, NL)
Submission deadline: May 20, 2005
Notification of acceptance: July 18, 2005
Final papers due: August 19, 2005
Workshop: Oct 5-8, 2005
Manfred Stede, Universitaet Potsdam
Michael Grabski, Technische Universitaet Berlin
Luuk Lagerwerf, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
LINGUIST List: Vol-16-1246
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