16.566, Confs: Text/Corpus Ling/Siena, Italy

LINGUIST List linguist at linguistlist.org
Thu Feb 24 18:42:26 UTC 2005

LINGUIST List: Vol-16-566. Thu Feb 24 2005. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.

Subject: 16.566, Confs: Text/Corpus Ling/Siena, Italy

Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Wayne State U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
            Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>

Reviews (reviews at linguistlist.org)
        Sheila Collberg, U of Arizona
        Terry Langendoen, U of Arizona

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Date: 24-Feb-2005
From: John Sinclair < jms at twc.it >
Subject: The Case for a Corpus: Spoken and Written Corpora

-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2005 13:40:16
From: John Sinclair < jms at twc.it >
Subject: The Case for a Corpus: Spoken and Written Corpora

The Case for a Corpus: Spoken and Written Corpora
Short Title: Case for Corpus

Date: 25-Jun-2005 - 29-Jun-2005
Location: Siena, Tuscany, Italy
Contact: John Sinclair
Contact Email: jms at twc.it
Meeting URL: http://www.twc.it

Linguistic Field(s): Text/Corpus Linguistics

Meeting Description:

This is a normal TWC four-day intensive course on the design and construction of
spoken corpora, and written and virtual corpus design and management.
Statistical methods for the analysis of corpus frequency data and their
implications for corpus design are explained and discussed. The course is
relevant for anyone using a corpus in their research or their job.

The venue is an ancient ex-monastery near Siena, and the fees are unchanged from
previous years.

For details, see www.twc.it   For registration contact me, John Sinclair,
jms at twc.it

This is a normal TWC four-day intensive course, (from midday Saturday to midday
  Wednesday) of the kind established by TWC some years ago. Leading experts with
  experience in the design and construction of spoken corpora in several
languages   teach how to do it, and outstanding figures in written and virtual
corpus design   and management do the same for the written form of the language.
Statistical   methods for the analysis of corpus frequency data and their
implications for   corpus design are explained and discussed. The course is
relevant for anyone   using a corpus in their research or their job, and
provides a thorough and   up-to-date picture of corpus work and its theoretical
foundations. As usual   with TWC, there will be regular practical sessions to
follow up the presentations.

TWC events are back in Tuscany after a year of being hosted abroad, and take
place in a new and beautiful venue near Siena. We are pleased to say that we
are able to offer this enhanced location at no extra cost - our fees have been
 unchanged for several years now.

For details, see www.twc.it For registration contact me, John Sinclair,
jms at twc.it For another event that immediately follows this Course see separate
 notice. Participants who register for both events will be offered a discount on
  the total fee.

John Sinclair
President, The Tuscan Word Centre

LINGUIST List: Vol-16-566	


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