16.181, Calls: Cognitive Sci/India; Historical Ling/Indo-European
linguist at linguistlist.org
Fri Jan 21 03:11:02 UTC 2005
LINGUIST List: Vol-16-181. Thu Jan 20 2005. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 16.181, Calls: Cognitive Sci/India; Historical Ling/Indo-European
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Wayne State U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews (reviews at linguistlist.org)
Sheila Collberg, U of Arizona
Terry Langendoen, U of Arizona
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Editor for this issue: Amy Wronkowicz <amy at linguistlist.org>
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Date: 18-Jan-2005
From: Achla Raina < achla at iitk.ac.in >
Subject: Spatial Issues in Language and Vision
Date: 18-Jan-2005
From: Angelo Mercado < maom at ucla.edu >
Subject: 17th Annual UCLA Indo-European Conference
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2005 21:55:50
From: Achla Raina < achla at iitk.ac.in >
Subject: Spatial Issues in Language and Vision
Full Title: Spatial Issues in Language and Vision
Short Title: SILV
Date: 24-Mar-2005 - 25-Mar-2005
Location: Kanpur, U.P., India
Contact Person: Amitabha Mukerjee
Meeting Email: amit at iitk.ac.in
Web Site: http://www.cse.iitk.ac.in/silv/
Linguistic Field(s): Cognitive Science
Call Deadline: 31-Jan-2005
Meeting Description:
March 24-25, 2005
IIT Kanpur, India
The underlying models of space affects language in a profound
way, as it does the modalities for sensory interpretation such
as Vision. While there are a number of separate forums dealing
with Spatial Cognition, Computer Vision, or Natural Language,
there is a need for a venue where researchers working on space
as it relates to vision and language can interact. The SILV
workshop intends to fill this gap, and is the outcome of
preliminary discussions held at the International Spatial
Cognition Summer Institute at Bad Zwischenhahn in September
SILV is conceived as a two-day workshop with many
opportunities for researchers to interact freely. The main
areas of emphasis are:
* Modeling Visual Space with respect Shape Models,
Language Acquisition,
Attentive Mechanisms for Task Execution,
Scene Analysis, Motion and Video Analysis, etc.
Statistical and Morphological Approaches in IP
* Spatial and Language Issues - Topological and Distance Models
Spatio-Temporal reasoning, Semantic Lexicon building, Concept
Formation, Evolution of Conceptual Structures, Motion Planning
* Cognitive Processes in Space, Sensing, and Communication. Cognitive
Experiments relating space, language, navigation, positioning,
perceptual differences, formation of spatial concepts, etc.
The workshop format would be a single track meeting, with
several opportunities for breakout discussions and
About IIT Kanpur
The city of Kanpur is in North India, about 400 km east of
Delhi. The Indian Institute of Technology at Kanpur is
located on a green campus not very far from the river Ganges,
which flows through Kanpur. The city was founded as a
cantonment town in the early years of British presence in
India, and is today a busy commercial hub with a number of
monuments from the British era. Lucknow, Agra, and Varanasi
are other towns within easy reach of Kanpur. The city is
served by the Lucknow-Kanpur International Airport, as well as
a frequent train service from Delhi.
March 24-25 is just before the Indian Festival of colours
called Holi, so participants are encouraged to experience the
extremely colourful (literally) activities of Holi on March 26
should they wish. This is one of the major festivals of North
India and recounts the love story between the Lor Krishna and
the milkmaid Radha.
Submit papers electronically (no more than 8 pages in the IEEE
two-column, single spaced, 10pt, format available at
http://www.ieee.org), PDF files strongly preferred, to
silv at cse.iitk.ac.in.
* Full Paper submission 31 January 2005
* Notification re acceptance 25 February 2005
* Camera-ready version due 15 March 2005
* Workshop dates 24-25 March 2005
Pabitra Mitra (IIT Kanpur)
Amitabha Mukerjee (IIT Kanpur)
K S Venkatesh (IIT Kanpur)
Program Committee
Barbara Tversky (Stanford University)
Dana Ballard (U. of Rochester)
Subhashis Banerjee (IIT Delhi)
B.B. Chaudhuri (ISI Calcutta)
Tony Cohn (U. Leeds)
Christian Freksa (U. Bremen)
David Hogg (U. Leeds)
Harish Karnick (IIT Kanpur)
Daniel Montello (U. Santa Barbara)
Amitabha Mukerjee (IIT Kanpur)
PJ Narayanan (IIIT Hyderabad)
Achla Raina (IIT Kanpur)
Vishwanathan Ramesh (SCR Siemens)
Additional information
URL: http://www.cse.iitk.ac.in/silv/
-------------------------Message 2 ----------------------------------
Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2005 21:55:55
From: Angelo Mercado < maom at ucla.edu >
Subject: 17th Annual UCLA Indo-European Conference
Full Title: 17th Annual UCLA Indo-European Conference
Short Title: WeCIEC 17
Date: 28-Oct-2005 - 29-Oct-2005
Location: Los Angeles, CA, United States of America
Contact Person: Stephanie Jamison
Meeting Email: jamison at humnet.ucla.edu
Web Site: http://www.humnet.ucla.edu/pies/IEC.html
Linguistic Field(s): Historical Linguistics; Ling & Literature
Language Family(ies): Indo-European
Call Deadline: 01-Jun-2005
Meeting Description:
17th Annual UCLA Indo-European Conference (28-29 October 2005), an
international and interdisciplinary conference on Indo-European
linguistics, philology, and archaeology.
The Seventeenth Annual UCLA Indo-European Conference will be held on
Friday-Saturday, 28-29* October 2005, on the campus of the University of
California, Los Angeles.
We invite papers on any aspect of Indo-European studies: linguistics,
archaeology, comparative mythology, culture. Papers on both
interdisciplinary and specific topics (e.g., typology, methodology,
reconstruction, the relation of Indo-European to other language groups, the
interpretation of material culture, etc.) are welcome. A period of twenty
minutes will be allotted for each paper, followed by a ten-minute
discussion period. Abstracts** must be received by 1 June 2005. Please
note the earlier dates and deadlines for the upcoming conference.
* Depending upon the number of abstracts received and topics treated, the
conference may be extended to Sunday, 30 October.
** We ask that those contemplating submission of an abstract please pay
careful attention to the following guidelines:
- Abstracts should be no more than 1-2 pages typewritten (about 700 words
- Please attach a cover sheet, with your name, institutional affiliation,
and accurate contact information (mailing address and e-mail address) for
the summer and fall of 2005.
- Abstracts should indicate the precise topic to be treated, the author's
contribution to the problem, the relationship of the work to previous
scholarship on the topic, and the author's specific conclusions and their
relevance for the field of Indo-European Studies.
- Only one abstract may be submitted per person.
- If an abstract is accepted:
-- the author is invited to submit a revised abstract in an electronic
format (in addition to the preliminary abstract), e.g. Microsoft® Word
document (DOC; please include any special fonts used), Rich Text Format
(RTF), Postscript (PS), or Portable Document Format (PDF; most preferred),
etc., by 1 October 2005 for publication on line;
-- the final version of the paper must be read at the conference by the
author of the abstract. (In the case of a co-authored abstract, the final
version must be presented by one or more of the co-authors.)
Address all abstracts and inquiries to:
Indo-European Conference Committee
UCLA Program in Indo-European Studies
100 Dodd Hall
405 Hilgard Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1417
Preliminary abstracts can also be sent via e-mail as an attached file (see
instructions on submitting revised electronic abstracts at
http://www.humnet.ucla.edu/pies/IECeAbstracts.html) to Prof. Stephanie
Jamison (jamison at humnet.ucla.edu) and Angelo Mercado (maom at ucla.edu).
For further information, please contact the Program's main office by
telephone at 1 (310) 825-4171 (weekdays, 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. US Pacific
Time) or by fax at 1 (310) 206-1903.
Through the generosity of its donors, the Friends and Alumni of
Indo-European Studies (FAIES) will offer a prize for the best paper by a
current student or recent Ph.D. (received 2000 or later). Please indicate
your current status and year of Ph.D. with your abstract if you qualify. At
least one week prior to the conference, eligible presenters should contact
Dr. Karlene Jones-Bley:
2143 Kelton Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90025-5705
KJonesBley at aol.com
The most up-to-date information on the conference and the UCLA Program in
Indo-European Studies can be found on the program's website at
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