16.2208, Qs: Profglot Code; Discussion List for Journal Editors

LINGUIST List linguist at linguistlist.org
Tue Jul 19 14:04:15 UTC 2005

LINGUIST List: Vol-16-2208. Tue Jul 19 2005. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.

Subject: 16.2208, Qs: Profglot Code; Discussion List for Journal Editors

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            Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
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Date: 18-Jul-2005
From: Simon Courtenage < courtes at westminster.ac.uk >
Subject: Profglot Code 

Date: 18-Jul-2005
From: Robert Dale < rdale at ics.mq.edu.au >
Subject: Discussion List for Journal Editors 

-------------------------Message 1 ---------------------------------- 
Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2005 10:01:39
From: Simon Courtenage < courtes at westminster.ac.uk >
Subject: Profglot Code 

I would like to find out if anyone has the code for Profglot that they
could send me (email address: courtes at wmin.ac.uk).

Many thanks

Simon Courtenage

Dr. Simon Courtenage
Software Systems Engineering Research Group
Dept. of Software Engineering
Cavendish School of Computer Science
University of Westminster, London, UK
Email: courtes at wmin.ac.uk
Web: http://users.cscs.wmin.ac.uk/~courtes/ | http://www.sse.wmin.ac.uk 

Linguistic Field(s): Computational Linguistics

-------------------------Message 2 ---------------------------------- 
Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2005 10:01:41
From: Robert Dale < rdale at ics.mq.edu.au >
Subject: Discussion List for Journal Editors 


As editor of Computational Linguistics, I've often felt that it would be
useful to discuss issues and share knowledge with other journal editors. 
I've been wondering if there's a discussion list out there for journal
editors; I've done a fair bit of googling in an attempt to find something,
but with no success.  

Then it occurred to me that it's probably the case that the editors of most
journals in the linguistics space read Linguist. So: does anyone on the
list know of such a discussion list?  And if not, if you're the editor of a
journal, would you be interested in being on such a list?  If there's
sufficient interest I'll set one up.  

This may be the kind of thing where a more or less discipline-specific
model is the way to go:  there might be much to be gained from the editors
of all the journals of interest to a community (like the Linguist
community) having a common forum.

Any responses will be gratefully received, and if it looks like there is
anything there of general interest to the Linguist readership I'll post an
appropriate summary.


Linguistic Field(s): Not Applicable


LINGUIST List: Vol-16-2208	


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