16.1800, Calls: Translation/Turkey
linguist at linguistlist.org
Wed Jun 8 13:37:02 UTC 2005
LINGUIST List: Vol-16-1800. Wed Jun 08 2005. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 16.1800, Calls: Translation/Turkey
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Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
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Date: 08-Jun-2005
From: Ismail Boztas < boztas at bilkent.edu.tr >
Subject: Translation Studies in the New Millennium
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Wed, 08 Jun 2005 09:35:40
From: Ismail Boztas < boztas at bilkent.edu.tr >
Subject: Translation Studies in the New Millennium
Full Title: Translation Studies in the New Millennium
Linguistic Field(s): Translation
Subject Language(s): English (ENG)
French (FRN)
German, Standard (GER)
Turkish (TRK)
Call Deadline: 29-Jul-2005
Second Call for papers
Style Sheet for Authors
March 2005
The School of Applied Languages (SAL), Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey
announces the publication of the third volume of the annual international
English, French and Turkish. AIM: to provide a forum for the exchange of
ideas between theoreticians and practitioners about important issues in
translation studies. EDITORS: Barbara Blackwell Gulen, Ismail Boztas, Sirin
NEXT ISSUE: September 2005. MANUSCRIPT DEADLINE: July 29, 2005.
I.Only original contributions are accepted. Submission of a manuscript
implies that it has not been previously published and that it is not under
review elsewhere.
It is possible to submit your paper in the following ways:
· You may submit three identical copies of the manuscript, printed on one
side only, with all pages numbered consecutively, with your name on each
page along with a MSWindows/word compatible 3.5 diskette and send it to the
following address:
Barbara Blackwell Gulen
Bilkent Univers?ty
School of Applied Languages
· You may submit your paper as an e-mail attachment (MS Windows/word
compatible). Please use the following address:
boztas at bilkent.edu.tr
II.Format of Papers:
The papers, carefully edited for language quality, should be in the
following format:
· Title Page: Include the title of article, author's name and affiliation,
author's full address and e-mail address. For multiple authors, provide the
same information for each. Also, if applicable, include the names and
addresses of proofreaders.
· Abstracts (100-150 words) should be written in italics in English and
labeled 'abstract' in bold, Times New Roman 9 font. Please provide a list
of 5-10 key words.
· Languages: English, French, Turkish
· Line spacing: 2 (including Notes and References)
· Font: Times New Roman 12
· Paper size: A4
· Margins: Headers/Footers:5 c.m; sides:3.5 cm
· Pages: Numbered consecutively
· Page limit: 15-20 pages maximum for whole article including References,
· Notes: Numbered consecutively and put at the very end of the text after
· Tables: Numbered consecutively and referred to in the text
· Linguistic data & glosses: Foreign words in italics should be followed by
the gloss in quotes (e.g. Beyaz 'white')
· Quotations: Quotes of fewer than three lines should be inserted in the
text using double quotations with reference added. If quotes are longer
than three lines, they should be indented and set from the regular text
with reference added. No quotation marks are needed.
· References: Listed alphabetically and chronologically by author surname,
References should be placed before the Notes section and should list all
references mentioned in the main text. Full names of journals and authors
are required.
In the body of the text: (Boztas 2003: 2)
Book (Monograph) BOZTAS, ISMAIL. 2003. English Grammar for Proficiency.
Ankara: Hacettepe TA? Publications.
Book (Proceedings) GULEN, BARBARA BLACKWWELL, Ismail Boztas and Christoph
Veldhues, eds. 2002. Translation Studies in the New Millennium. Ankara:
Bizim Buro.
Articles in proceedings: BOZTAS, ISMAIL and Ayse Sirin Okyayuz Yener.
2002. 'Novels translated from English into Turkish: analyzing cultural,
literary and linguistic norms in translations'. Gulen, Barbara Blackwell,
Ismail Boztas and Christoph Veldhues, eds. Translation Studies in the New
Millennium. Ankara: Bizim Buro, 2002. 105-123.
Articles in periodicals: YENER, A. SIRIN OKYAYUZ and Volkan Dalkilic. 2002.
'Translation of fantastic works'. Journal of Translation Studies 12:12. 77-91.
Internet addresses: GOFFE, BILL. 'Resources for Economists in the
Internet.' http://econwpa.wustl.edu/. June 1996.
LINGUIST List: Vol-16-1800
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