16.1839, Confs: General Ling/Haifa, Israel
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Sat Jun 11 00:02:14 UTC 2005
LINGUIST List: Vol-16-1839. Fri Jun 10 2005. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 16.1839, Confs: General Ling/Haifa, Israel
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Wayne State U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
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Terry Langendoen, U of Arizona
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Date: 08-Jun-2005
From: Ariel Cohen < arikc at bgumail.bgu.ac.il >
Subject: 21st Annual Meeting: Israel Association for Theoretical Linguistics
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Fri, 10 Jun 2005 19:56:30
From: Ariel Cohen < arikc at bgumail.bgu.ac.il >
Subject: 21st Annual Meeting: Israel Association for Theoretical Linguistics
21st Annual Meeting: Israel Association for Theoretical Linguistics
Short Title: IATL 21
Date: 22-Jun-2005 - 23-Jun-2005
Location: Haifa, Israel
Contact: Ariel Cohen
Contact Email: arikc at bgumail.bgu.ac.il
Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics
Meeting Description:
The 21st Annual Meeting - Israel Association for Theoretical Linguistics (IATL 21)
June 22-23 (Wednesday/Thursday), 2005
The Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa
Joost Zwarts, Radboud University Nijmegen & Utrecht University
Khalil Sima'an, University of Amsterdam
IATL 21, the 21st annual meeting of the Israel Association for Theoretical
Linguistics, will be held at the Technion, Haifa, on June 22-23, 2005.
Submissions are invited for papers presenting high quality, previously
unpublished research in all areas of theoretical linguistics (interpreted
broadly to include psycholinguistics and neurolinguistics). NOTE: The conference
will be held in conjunction with the annual meeting of ISCOL, The Isreali
Seminar on Computational Linguistics. Submissions that have computational as
well as theoretical implications are particularly welcome.
IATL publishes on-line proceedings in which all accepted and alternate papers
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
9:30-10:00 Gathering and refreshments
ISCOL/IATL special session on Morphological Analysis and Disambiguation of Hebrew
10:00-10:05 Opening
10:05-10:30 Shlomo Yona - Knowledge Center for Processing Hebrew
A Finite-State Based Morphological Analyzer for Hebrew
10:30-10:55 Roy Bar-Haim - Bar-Ilan University
Part-of-Speech Tagging for Hebrew and Other Semitic Languages
10:55-11:20 Meni Adler - Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
A Hebrew morphological disambiguator based on an unsupervised morpheme-based
stochastic model
11:20-11:45 Danny Shacham - Haifa University
Morphological Disambiguation of Hebrew Using a Combination of Simple Classifiers
11:45-13:30 Lunch
13:30-13:35 Welcome
13:35-14:35 ISCOL/IATL plenary speaker - Khalil Sima'an - University of Amsterdam
Between Computational Linguistics and computation for Linguistics
14:35-15:00 Mori Rimon - The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Sentiment Classification: Linguistics and Non-linguistic Issues
15:00-15:40 Malka Rappaport Hovav - The Hebrew University of Jerusalem & Beth
Levin - Stanford University
Not all dative verbs are created equal
15:40-16:00 Refreshments
16:00-16:40 Galit W. Sassoon - Tel Aviv University,
Typicality: An improved Semantic Analysis
16:40-17:20 Henriëtte de Swart - Utrecht University, Yoad Winter - The Technion,
& Joost Zwarts - Radboud University Nijmegen/Utrecht University
Syntax and semantics in the interpretation of Dutch predicate nominals
17:20-17:30 Refreshments
17:30-18:00 IATL/ISCOL joint panel session
Cooperation between theoretical and computational linguists in research and
Panelists: Ido Dagan, Nurit Melnik, Mori Rimon
Thursday, June 23, 2005
10:00-11:00 Invited speaker - Joost Zwarts, - Radboud University
Nijmegen/Utrecht University
The case of prepositions
11:00-11:40 Nora Boneh - The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
A third viewpoint aspect in Syrian Arabic
11:40-11:55 Refreshments
11:55-12:35 Sharon Armon-Lotem - Bar-Ilan University
Subject-object asymmetry and specificity effects in children's comprehension
of sentences containing logical words
12:35-13:15 Aviya Hacohen - Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
The psychological reality of the telic/atelic distinction: Evidence from adult
and child Hebrew
13:15-14:30 Lunch
14:30-15:00 Business Meeting
15:00-15:40 Lisa Rochman - Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Information structure and phonology in floating quantifier placement
15:40-16:20 Takashi Toyoshima - Kyushu Institute of Technology
Preemptive move toward elimination of lexical subarray: Dynamic economy
16:20-16:35 Refreshments
16:35-17:15 Olga Kagan - The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
A modal analysis of genitive case in Russian
17:15-17:55 Pavel Braginsky & Susan Rothstein - Bar-Ilan University
Imperfective Accomplishments in Russian: The 'bit-by-bit' modification
LINGUIST List: Vol-16-1839
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