16.1841, Calls: Semantics/Germany; Lang Acquisition/Canada
linguist at linguistlist.org
Sat Jun 11 15:20:28 UTC 2005
LINGUIST List: Vol-16-1841. Sat Jun 11 2005. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 16.1841, Calls: Semantics/Germany; Lang Acquisition/Canada
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Wayne State U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
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Sheila Dooley, U of Arizona
Terry Langendoen, U of Arizona
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Date: 09-Jun-2005
From: Rainer Osswald < rainer.osswald at fernuni-hagen.de >
Subject: Lexical Semantic Resources for Language Documentation and Language Processing (Workshop at the DGfS annual meeting)
Date: 09-Jun-2005
From: Sonia Guerriero < sonia.guerriero at mail.mcgill.ca >
Subject: Language Acquisition and Bilingualism: Consequences for a Multilingual Society
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Sat, 11 Jun 2005 11:12:23
From: Rainer Osswald < rainer.osswald at fernuni-hagen.de >
Subject: Lexical Semantic Resources for Language Documentation and Language Processing (Workshop at the DGfS annual meeting)
Full Title: Lexical Semantic Resources for Language Documentation and Language
Processing (Workshop at the DGfS annual meeting)
Date: 22-Feb-2006 - 24-Feb-2006
Location: Bielefeld, Germany
Contact Person: Rainer Osswald
Meeting Email: rainer.osswald at fernuni-hagen.de
Web Site: http://pi7.fernuni-hagen.de/osswald/dgfs06-ag
Linguistic Field(s): Computational Linguistics; Lexicography; Semantics
Call Deadline: 15-Aug-2005
Meeting Description:
DGfS-06 Workshop on Lexical Semantic Resources for Language Documentation and
Language Processing
Reasonably large lexical semantic resources are often regarded as a prerequisite
for advanced natural language processing (NLP). For the German general domain
vocabulary, there are currently several such resources under construction,
including GermaNet, SALSA/FrameNet, and HaGenLex/MultiNet, some of which being
integrated into multilingual resources (GermaNet) or based on descriptive
frameworks developed for a different language (SALSA/FrameNet).
This workshop is intended as a forum for discussing both foundational and
practical issues concerning the design, the development, and the application of
monolingual and multilingual lexical semantic resources, where the
aforementioned examples may but need not serve as a point of reference.
Contributions addressing the following questions are particularly welcome:
* Which design principles for lexical semantic resources are desirable from the
viewpoint of theoretical semantics, while keeping in mind the need to cover many
thousand lexemes?
* How can large-scale lexical semantic resources contribute to the systematic
description of the lexicon from a theoretical perspective?
* To what extent are theoretically motivated requirements compatible with those
deriving from applications in actual NLP systems?
Further topics of the workshop are:
* practical problems related to the construction and extension of large lexical
semantic resources - for instance the need for appropriate software tools and
the use of corpus-based methods,
* initiatives that aim at building multilingual resources or establishing
standards for lexical semantic representation (e.g. the EAGLES/ISLE
* applications of lexical semantic resources in mono- and multilingual NLP
systems, especially with respect to desiderata concerning the coverage and
structure of the resources.
Our workshop aims at bringing together developers and users of lexical semantic
resources as well as researchers interested in theoretical aspects of lexical
Claudia Kunze, University of Tuebingen, Germany
Lothar Lemnitzer, University of Tuebingen, Germany
Rainer Osswald, University of Hagen, Germany
Abstract submission deadline: August 15, 2005
Notification of acceptance: September 5, 2005
Camera ready copy: October 15, 2005
Workshop date: February 22 - 24, 2006
Extended abstracts of one page should be submitted to the following email address:
rainer.osswald at fernuni-hagen.de
In order to be fully considered, submissions must arrive by August 15, 2005.
The languages of the workshop are German and English.
Please note that according to the DGfS guidelines no speaker is allowed to give
a talk in more than one workshop of the DGfS main conference!
Please check the homepage of the DGfS-06 main conference, which will be
accessible via the workshop homepage or via http://www.dgfs.de.
-------------------------Message 2 ----------------------------------
Date: Sat, 11 Jun 2005 11:12:29
From: Sonia Guerriero < sonia.guerriero at mail.mcgill.ca >
Subject: Language Acquisition and Bilingualism: Consequences for a Multilingual Society
Full Title: Language Acquisition and Bilingualism: Consequences for a
Multilingual Society
Short Title: LAB Conference
Date: 04-May-2006 - 07-May-2006
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Contact Person: Uma Sivaram
Meeting Email: labconf at yorku.ca
Web Site: http://www.psych.yorku.ca/labconference
Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics; Language Acquisition
Call Deadline: 07-Apr-2006
Meeting Description:
The purpose of the conference is to explore how the factors that are part of the
landscape of multilingual societies affect the way in which children learn
language and establish the linguistic and cognitive concepts associated with
successful participation in society.
Consequences for a Multilingual Society
May 4 - 7, 2006
Courtyard by Marriott Downtown Toronto
We would like to draw your attention to a conference on language acquisition and
bilingualism. The conference will examine the impact of a multilingual
environment on children's linguistic development. Research on children's
language acquisition normally assumes that the environment offers only one
linguistic choice and that children's early experiences will proceed in a
predictable manner as language is incrementally built up and cognition is
increasingly boosted. In some countries, such as Canada, the existence of two
official languages means that the linguistic context for language acquisition is
more complex. The purpose of the conference is to explore how the factors that
are part of the landscape of multilingual societies affect the way in which
children learn language and establish the linguistic and cognitive concepts
associated with successful participation in society.
The audience will consist of researchers, educators, and practitioners who work
with bilingual and multilingual children. Presentations will describe current
research by leading scholars, representing a wide range of countries.
Discussions will be focussed on the social and linguistic dimensions of
bilingual language acquisition, which will be relevant to those working in both
research and applied fields.
The conference will include presentations in 5 areas:
(1) Language acquisition in bilingual environments
- Janet Werker (Canada), University of British Columbia
- Marilyn Vihman (Wales), University of Wales
- Fred Genesee (Canada), McGill University
- Jurgen Meisel (Germany), Hamburg University
(2) Cognitive implications of early bilingualism
- Elena Nicoladis (Canada), University of Alberta
- Ludo Verhoeven (Netherlands), University of Nijmegen
- Esther Geva (Canada), University of Toronto
- Ellen Bialystok (Canada), York University
(3) Bilingual language acquisition for special populations
- Martha Crago (Canada), McGill University &
Johanne Paradis (Canada), University of Alberta
- Rachel Mayberry (USA), McGill University
- Shanley Allen (USA), Boston University
(4) Bilingual development in different social contexts
- Kenneth Hyltenstam (Sweden), Stockholm University
- Annick de Houwer (Belgium), University of Antwerp
- Barbara Pearson (USA), University of Massachusetts
(5) Implications and applications
- Kenji Hakuta (USA), University of California
- Michael Sharwood Smith (Scotland), Heriot Watt University
- Jim Cummins (Canada), University of Toronto
Submissions are invited for posters from all of the above areas.
Deadline for poster submissions is April 7, 2006.
Visit the website for details of poster submission and conference registration:
Questions or inquiries may be directed to labconf at yorku.ca
LINGUIST List: Vol-16-1841
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