16.1896, Calls: Applied Ling/UK; Phonetics/Phonology/France
linguist at linguistlist.org
Mon Jun 20 03:13:20 UTC 2005
LINGUIST List: Vol-16-1896. Sun Jun 19 2005. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 16.1896, Calls: Applied Ling/UK; Phonetics/Phonology/France
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Wayne State U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
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Terry Langendoen, U of Arizona
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Date: 17-Jun-2005
From: Graham Low < gdl1 at york.ac.uk >
Subject: Researching and Applying Metaphor: Ten Years on.
Date: 16-Jun-2005
From: Barbara Kühnert < barbara.kuhnert at wanadoo.fr >
Subject: 10th Conference on Laboratory Phonology
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Sun, 19 Jun 2005 23:02:06
From: Graham Low < gdl1 at york.ac.uk >
Subject: Researching and Applying Metaphor: Ten Years on.
Full Title: Researching and Applying Metaphor: Ten Years on.
Short Title: RAAM6
Date: 10-Apr-2006 - 12-Apr-2006
Location: Leeds, Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Contact Person: Graham Low
Meeting Email: gdl1 at york.ac.uk
Web Site: http://www.psyc.leeds.ac.uk/raam6/
Linguistic Field(s): Applied Linguistics
Call Deadline: 30-Jun-2005
Meeting Description:
RaAM6 is an interdisciplinary conference, welcoming work from any relevant
discipline and using any theory that highlights the many and complex roles of
metaphor in real world contexts.
RaAM 6
Researching and Applying Metaphor: Ten years on.
Conference to be held at the University of Leeds
10 - 12 April, 2006.
This sixth conference in the RaAM series returns to Yorkshire, UK to celebrate
10 years of Researching and Applying Metaphor.
Theme: Metaphor in the real world.
The 10th anniversary RaAM conference aims to look back over a decade and five
successful international RaAM conferences in order to assess key developments in
our particular area of metaphor studies.
RaAM began as a small seminar in York in January 1996, funded by the British
Association for Applied Linguistics and Cambridge University Press. A key
feature of that first meeting was the exploration of the nature and use of
metaphor in naturally-occurring discourse data. The ''applying'' in the title
refers to our commitment to using research to address and to try to ameliorate
'real world' issues and situations.
For RaAM6 we wish to preserve the characteristics of friendliness and equality
that have made previous RaAM events different from many other academic
conferences: it is an opportunity to meet people and talk shop in a supportive way.
Plenary speakers
Professor Ray Gibbs (Psychology. University of California, Santa Cruz)
Baroness Susan Greenfield, CBE (Director, the Royal Institution; Professor of
Pharmacology, University of Oxford; Director, Oxford Centre for the Study of the
Dr. Brigitte Nerlich (Institute for the Study of Genetics, Biorisks and Society,
The University of Nottingham)
Scientific Committee
Lynne Cameron, University of Leeds; Graham Low, University of York (Co-chairs)
John Barnden, University of Birmingham, UK
Alice Deignan, University of Leeds, UK
Ray Gibbs, University of California, Santa Cruz, USA
Thomas Li, Beihang University (BUAA), China
Jeannette Littlemore, University of Birmingham, UK
Zouhair Maalej, University of Manouba, Tunisia
Gerard Steen, Vrije University, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Zazie Todd, University of Leeds, UK
Local Organising Committee
Graham Low, York
Lynne Cameron, Leeds
Alice Deignan, Leeds
Zazie Todd, Leeds
Time and Place
Start Monday 10 April at 13.30hr.
Finish Wednesday 12 April at 1800hr.
The conference will be held on the campus of the University of Leeds.
Types of session
We would welcome proposals for any of the following:
- Presentation (40 min)
- Colloquium or Panel Session (80 min)
- Workshop (80 min or 120 min)
- PhD report (40 min), from recently or nearly completed doctoral
research projects.
- Poster/ Electronic Poster
Submission of proposals
Submissions should be made electronically using the RAAM website
They should give the title of the session, the type of session, the name of the
presenter or co-ordinator, affiliation, contact addresses and email. The text
should be a summary of 500 words max. indicating the content of the session and
summarizing relevant data.
Workshop proposals should explain why the session is valuable and the nature of
the data to be explored.
Colloquium proposals should indicate the names of the main contributors and how
they would interact with the audience.
Please word your proposal clearly and concretely.
Deadline for receipt of proposals: 30 June 2005
Notification of acceptance: November 2005
Confirmation by presenters: 30 November 2005
Registration opens: 1 December 2005
-------------------------Message 2 ----------------------------------
Date: Sun, 19 Jun 2005 23:02:18
From: Barbara Kühnert < barbara.kuhnert at wanadoo.fr >
Subject: 10th Conference on Laboratory Phonology
Full Title: 10th Conference on Laboratory Phonology
Short Title: LabPhon 10
Date: 29-Jun-2006 - 01-Jul-2006
Location: Paris, France
Contact Person: Cécile Fougeron
Meeting Email: labphon10 at lpl.univ-aix.fr
Web Site: http://www.lpl.univ-aix.fr/~labphon10/
Linguistic Field(s): Phonetics; Phonology
Call Deadline: 05-Dec-2005
Meeting Description:
The 10th Conference on Laboratory Phonology (LabPhon 10) will take place in
Paris, France, June 29 - July 1, 2006. The theme of the conference is
'Variation, Detail and Representation'. The deadline for abstract submission is
December 5, 2005.
First Announcement and Call for Papers
The Tenth Conference on Laboratory Phonology (LabPhon 10)
29 June-1 July 2006 - Paris, France
The 10th Conference on Laboratory Phonology is to be held in Paris, hosted by
the LPP/Paris, the LPL/Aix-en-Provence, the ICP/Grenoble and the LLING/Nantes.
The aim of the conference, entitled ''Variation, Detail and Representation'', is
to better understand and define the linguistic relevance of patterns of
variation in speech production, perception and acquisition; their range and
limitations in normal and pathological speech; their implications for language
universals; and their impact on phonological theories.
The themes of the conference and the questions we would like to address are:
How to determine the language-specific interpretation of phonetic detail and its
importance for both speech production and perception? How to distinguish it from
intrinsic low level variation of the motor system? To what extent is phonetic
detail relevant for phonological theories and representations?
Invited speaker & discussant: Sarah HAWKINS (U. Cambridge, UK) & Edward FLEMMING
Invited speaker & discussant: Maria-Josep SOLÉ (UA. Barcelona, Spain) & Jean-Luc
'normal' variation stop and 'pathological' variation start? Can we distinguish
the two? What does pathological variation tell us about phonological
representations? What do pathological patterns of emergence tell us about the
normal learning paths?
Invited speaker & discussant: Grzegorz DOGIL (U. Stuttgart, Germany) & Raymond
KENT (U. of Wisconsin-Madison, USA)
* VARIATION AND THE EMERGENCE OF PHONOLOGY: How is variation dealt with during
the acquisition process? What are the interactions between production and
perception in the build-up of phonological representations? Is the acquisition
process sensitive to phonetic detail?
Invited speaker & discussant: Paula FIKKERT (Radboud U. Nijmegen, Netherland) &
Frank RAMUS (LSCP, France)
* VARIATION AND LANGUAGE UNIVERSALS: To what extent are phonological universals
rooted in phonetics? Are there universal patterns in variation? Can they be
formalized? What is the relationship between phonological markedness and
phonetic variation?
Invited speaker & discussant: Ian MADDIESON (UC Berkeley, USA) & Nick CLEMENTS
(LPP, France)
Twenty-one years after its first edition, LabPhon 10 will celebrate the occasion
with a SPECIAL 10TH ANNIVERSARY SESSION. In this session, we expect submissions
on: how laboratory research has changed our conception of phonetic and
phonological representations; the need to re-evaluate the relationship between
the two; what models based on phonetic detail and probability effects tell us
about the nature of the interface.
Invited speaker: Abigail COHN (U. Cornell, USA)
Abstract submission: December 5, 2005
Notification of acceptance: February 15, 2006
Submission of accepted papers: April 14, 2006
For more information about the conference and abstract submission, the LabPhon
10 web page will be opened shortly at http://www.lpl.univ-aix.fr/~labphon10/
where you can also sign up for the LabPhon 10 mailing list. Questions can be
addressed to labphon10 at lpl.univ-aix.fr.
CECILE FOUGERON, chair (Lab. de Phonétique et Phonologie, CNRS/U. Paris 3)
MARIAPAOLA D'IMPERIO, co-chair (Lab. Parole et Langage, CNRS/U. de Provence)
LISE CREVIER-BUCHMAN (Lab. de Phonétique et Phonologie, CNRS/U. Paris 3 ;
Hôpital Européen Georges Pompidou)
BARBARA KÜHNERT (Inst. du Monde Anglophone, U. Paris 3 ; Lab. de Phonétique et
Phonologie, CNRS/U. Paris 3)
NOËL NGUYEN (Lab. Parole et Langage, CNRS/U. de Provence)
ANNIE RIALLAND (Lab. de Phonétique et Phonologie, CNRS/U. Paris 3)
NATHALIE VALLEE (Inst. de la Communication Parlée, CNRS/U. Stendhal/INPG Grenoble)
JACQUELINE VAISSIERE (ED268 «Langage et Langues», U. Paris 3 ; Lab. de
Phonétique et Phonologie, CNRS/U. Paris 3)
SOPHIE WAUQUIER-GRAVELINES (Lab. de Linguistique, U. de Nantes)
LINGUIST List: Vol-16-1896
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