16.1898, Calls: Phonology/Korea; Applied Ling/Canada
linguist at linguistlist.org
Mon Jun 20 05:06:44 UTC 2005
LINGUIST List: Vol-16-1898. Mon Jun 20 2005. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 16.1898, Calls: Phonology/Korea; Applied Ling/Canada
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Wayne State U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews (reviews at linguistlist.org)
Sheila Dooley, U of Arizona
Terry Langendoen, U of Arizona
Homepage: http://linguistlist.org/
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Editor for this issue: Kevin Burrows <kevin at linguistlist.org>
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Date: 18-Jun-2005
From: Seungho Nam < nam at snu.ac.kr >
Subject: Seoul Workshop on Phonological Typology
Date: 17-Jun-2005
From: Gisèle Chevalier < chevalg at umoncton.ca >
Subject: 29th Annual Congress of the Atlantic Province Linguistic Association/ 29e Colloque annuel de l'Association de linguistique des provinces atlantiques
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Mon, 20 Jun 2005 01:02:03
From: Seungho Nam < nam at snu.ac.kr >
Subject: Seoul Workshop on Phonological Typology
Full Title: Seoul Workshop on Phonological Typology
Date: 08-Dec-2005 - 10-Dec-2005
Location: Seoul, Korea, Republic of
Contact Person: Jongho Jun
Meeting Email: jongho at snu.ac.kr
Linguistic Field(s): Phonology
Call Deadline: 30-Aug-2005
Meeting Description:
The main part of Seoul Linguistics Forum 2005. Professors Adam Albright,
Juliette Blevins, and Donca Steriade will give two invited talks each, and there
will be ten slots for reviewed paper presentations. The themes of the special
sessions include the question of whether phonological typology is linguistic
competence or linguistic history. Papers on any topic of phonology, phonetics,
and morphology are equally welcome.
Seoul Workshop on Phonological Typology
8-10, Dec, 2005
Seoul National University
Seoul, KOREA
Deadline for abstracts: 30th, Aug. 2005
Email submission: jongho at snu.ac.kr
Special session: 'Phonological Typology' (featuring Adam Albright, Juliette
Blevins, Donca Steriade)
We are pleased to announce the Seoul Workshop on Phonological Typology, which
will be hosted by Seoul National University. The workshop is scheduled as a part
of the 39th Seoul Linguistics Forum, Dec. 8th - 10th, 2005. The workshop will
host three invited talks and 10 contributions of reviewed papers.
The main theme of the workshop is the question of whether phonological typology
is linguistic competence or linguistic history. However, papers on any topic of
phonology, phonetics, and morphology are equally welcome.
SPECIAL SESSION SPEAKERS (in alphabetical order)
- Adam Albright (MIT, USA)
- Juliette Blevins (Max Planck Institute, Leipzig, Germany)
- Donca Steriade (MIT, USA)
- Abstracts can be submitted on any topic on phonology, phonetics and
morphology, but some of the special sessions will be composed of the papers on
phonological typology. Abstracts should be sent to Jongho Jun as attachments to
an email ( jongho at snu.ac.kr ) by 30th, August 2005.
- Abstracts should be no longer than one side of A4/Letter, with 2.5cm or one
inch margins, single-spaced, with a font size no smaller than 12, and with
normal character spacing.
- Please send two copies of your abstract - one of these should be anonymous and
one should include your name, affiliation and email at the top of the page,
directly below the title. All abstracts will be reviewed anonymously by members
of the programming committee and advisory board.
- Please use one of these formats for your abstract: pdf, Word, rtf, or plain
text. If you need to use a phonetic font in your abstract, either embed it in a
pdf file, or use the SIL IPA93 Doulos font, which can be downloaded for free
from this site: ftp://ftp.sil.org/fonts/win/silipa93.exe
- Full papers will last around 30 minutes with around 10 minutes for questions.
If you need technical equipment for your talk, please say so in the message
accompanying your abstract and we will do our best to provide it, although this
cannot be guaranteed.
- We aim to finalise the programme, and to contact abstract-senders by late
September. There will be a general proceedings of the Meeting, which will
include the manuscripts of your contributions. The paper deadline is November 15th.
Programming Committee Chair:
Jongho Jun, Professor
Linguistics, Seoul National University
jongho at snu.ac.kr
-------------------------Message 2 ----------------------------------
Date: Mon, 20 Jun 2005 01:02:12
From: Gisèle Chevalier < chevalg at umoncton.ca >
Subject: 29th Annual Congress of the Atlantic Province Linguistic Association/ 29e Colloque annuel de l'Association de linguistique des provinces atlantiques
Full Title: 29th Annual Congress of the Atlantic Province Linguistic
Association/ 29e Colloque annuel de l'Association de linguistique des provinces
Short Title: APLA/ALPA
Date: 04-Nov-2005 - 05-Nov-2005
Location: Moncton, New-Brunswick, Canada
Contact Person: Gisèle Chevalier
Meeting Email: aplaalpa29 at umoncton.ca
Web Site: http://www.unb.ca/apla-alpa/colloque.html
Linguistic Field(s): Applied Linguistics
Call Deadline: 02-Sep-2005
Meeting Description:
Sociolinguistics, linguistics and the teaching of languages in multilingual and
multidialectal contexts / Les apports de la sociolinguistique et de la
linguistique descriptive à l'enseignement des langues dans des contextes
plurilingues et pluridialectaux.
We are seeking submissions pertaining to approaches or practices in language
teaching in many different parts of the world and in a wide range of contexts,
such as the teaching of first vs. second languages, official language vs.
indigenous languages, majority vs. minority language, standard vs. regional
varieties, dialect maintenance, etc. We hope to put an emphasis on the
crossroads between three complementary fields: sociolinguistics, descriptive
linguistics, and language teaching. Abstracts of 300-400 words excluding title
and references may be submitted electronically in Word, WordPerfect, or RTF to
aplaalpa29 at umoncton.ca.
Proposals for papers treating other areas of linguistics are also welcome, and
graduate students are especially encouraged to submit.
Presentations may be given in English or French and are to be 20 minutes in
length followed by 10 minutes for discussion.
LINGUIST List: Vol-16-1898
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