16.1930, Calls: Computational Ling/Germany; General Ling/Germany
linguist at linguistlist.org
Thu Jun 23 04:38:24 UTC 2005
LINGUIST List: Vol-16-1930. Thu Jun 23 2005. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 16.1930, Calls: Computational Ling/Germany; General Ling/Germany
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Wayne State U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews (reviews at linguistlist.org)
Sheila Dooley, U of Arizona
Terry Langendoen, U of Arizona
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Date: 21-Jun-2005
From: Andrea Kowalski < kowalski at coli.uni-sb.de >
Subject: Corpus-based Approaches to Non-compositional Phenomena
Date: 21-Jun-2005
From: Juerg Fleischer < jfleischer at staff.hu-berlin.de >
Subject: Describing and Modeling Variation in Grammar
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Thu, 23 Jun 2005 00:31:36
From: Andrea Kowalski < kowalski at coli.uni-sb.de >
Subject: Corpus-based Approaches to Non-compositional Phenomena
Full Title: Corpus-based Approaches to Non-compositional Phenomena
Date: 22-Feb-2006 - 24-Feb-2006
Location: Bielefeld, Germany
Contact Person: Andrea kowalski
Meeting Email: kowalski at coli.uni-sb.de
Linguistic Field(s): Computational Linguistics; Lexicography; Semantics;
Text/Corpus Linguistics
Call Deadline: 15-Aug-2005
Meeting Description:
DGfS-06 workshop on Corpus-based Approaches to Non-compositional Phenomena
DGfS-06 http://www.spectrum.uni-bielefeld.de/DGfS/ Workshop on Corpus-based
Approaches to Non-compositional Phenomena
February 22 -24, 2006
Bielefeld, Germany
Workshop Description
Metaphors, metonymies, idioms and support verb constructions are omnipresent in
every day language. These non-compositional phenomena contradict - to different
degress - the somewhat idealising, but still common assumption, that meanings of
complex expressions can be systematically derived from their parts.
Recently, corpus-based methods have become an important methodology in lexical
semantics. In this new research paradigm, non-compositional phenomena have to be
dealt with in one some way or other. To date, theoretically well-founded
principles for the annotation of such non-compositional phenomena have not yet
been fully worked out. In particular, language resources for the automatic
identification and representation are still rare.
In the last couple of years, several projects have chosen non-compositional
phenomena as a central research topic. Large data bases for the phenomena under
consideration have been built in projects such as ''Collocations in the German
Language'' (http://www.bbaw.de/bbaw/Forschung/Forschungsprojekte/kollokationen)
or the ''Hamburg Metaphor Database'' (http://www.rrz.uni-hamburg.de/metaphern).
An important question in this area of research is how to bridge the gap between
traditional theory (e.g. Cognitive Linguistics/Lakoff's theory of metaphors) and
recent corpus-based approaches. Moreover, we can expect that corpus-based
approaches will lead to a new perspective on the phenomena under consideration
and to an empirical evaluation of (established) theories.
The goal of the workshop is to give researchers in this field the opportunity to
report on and to exchange experiences with different aspects of corpus-based
research on non-compositional phenomena. Contributions addressing the following
topics are particularly welcome:
- Typology or classification schemes
- Semantic annotation and annotation schemes
- Empirical evaluation of corpora
- Representation within the lexicon
- Building of lexical data bases
- Integration into computational linguistics oriented/machine-readable resources
(such as Frame Net, Word Net, Propbank ...)
- Automatic identification/analysis
- Automatic annotation
- Cross-lingual studies/parallel corpora
Manfred Pinkal, Universität des Saarlandes, Germany
Andrea Kowalski (kowalski at coli.uni-sb.de) Universität des Saarlandes, Germany
Important Dates:
Abstract submission deadline: August 15, 2005
Notification of acceptance: September 5, 2005
Camera ready copy: October 15, 2005
Workshop date: February 22 - 24, 2006
Submission Information:
Extended abstracts of one page should be submitted to the following email address:
kowalski at coli.uni-sb.de
In order to be fully considered, submissions must arrive by August 15, 2005. The
language of the abstracts/talks should be English or German, discussion language
of the workshop will be German.
Please note that according to the DGfS guidelines no speaker is allowed to give
a talk in more than one workshop of the DGfS conference.
Registration and Accomodation:
Information about registration, participation fee, accomodation, and location
will be available on http://www.spectrum.uni-bielefeld.de/DGfS.
Contact Information:
Andrea Kowalski
Fachrichtung 4.7 Allgemeine Linguistik
Universität des Saarlandes
Im Stadtwald - Gebäude 17.4
Postfach 151150
66041 Saarbrücken
kowalski at coli.uni-sb.de
tel + 49 (0)681/302 70033
Korpusbasierte Behandlung nichtkompositioneller Phänomene
Nichtkompositionelle Phänomene sind in der Alltagssprache weit verbreitet.
Hierunter fallen u.a. Phänomene wie Metaphern, Metonymien, Idiome oder
Funktionsverbgefüge. Sprachliche Phänomene dieser Art widersprechen (in
unterschiedlichen Graden) der immer noch gängigen Idealisierung, dass sich die
Bedeutung komplexer Ausdrücke systematisch auf die Bedeutungen ihrer
Teilausdrücke zurückführen lässt. Seit wenigen Jahren werden korpusbasierte
Methoden vermehrt auch auf lexikalisch-semantische Fragestellungen angewandt.
Dabei hat sich deutlich gezeigt, dass nichtkompositioneller Sprachgebrauch schon
aufgrund der bloßen Vorkommenshäufigkeit keinen randständigen oder
vernachlässigbaren Forschungsgegenstand darstellen kann. In der
korpuslinguistischen Forschung fehlen jedoch noch immer theoretisch fundierte
Prinzipien für die Annotation dieser Phänomene. Insbesondere ist noch immer ein
Mangel an Daten und Methoden für die automatische Identifikation und
Repräsentation zu verzeichnen. Erst in den letzten Jahren sind Projekte
entstanden, die nichtkompositionelle Phänomene zum Kern korpusbasierter
Forschung machen und z.T. große Datenbanken für die jeweiligen Phänomene
aufbauen (z.B. ''Kollokationen im Wörterbuch'' unter der Leitung von C. Fellbaum
oder die ''Hamburger Metapherndatenbank'', Leitung W. Settekorn). In diesem
Forschungskontext stellt sich auch die Frage, wie die Lücke zwischen
traditionellen Theorien (z.B. kognitive Linguistik/Lakoffs Metapherntheorie) und
neuen Korpusmethoden geschlossen werden kann. Zu erwarten stehen einerseits die
empirische Überprüfung von Theorien; andererseits können neue Ressourcen zu
neuen Sichtweisen auf die Phänomene führen.)
Ziel der AG ist es, Forscher zusammenzubringen, die sich aus einer
korpuslinguistischen Perspektive mit verschiedenen Aspekten der Behandlung
nichtkompositioneller Phänomene befassen. Hierunter fallen vor allem die
folgenden (computer-)linguistischen Themenbereiche:
- Typologie/Klassifikationsschemata
- Semantische Annotation und Annotationsschemata
- Empirische Auswertung von Korpora
- Behandlung/Repräsentation im Lexikon
- Aufbau lexikalischer Datenbanken
- Möglichkeiten für die Integration in computerlinguistisch orientierte bzw.
computerlesbare Ressourcen (wie WordNet, FrameNet, PropBank)
- Automatisierung von Annotationsverfahren
- sprachübergreifende Studien/parallele Korpora
Hierbei sollen natürlich Arbeiten präsentiert werden, die in größeren
Projektzusammenhängen durchgeführt werden, aber auch korpusbasierte
Einzelanalysen sind von Interesse.
-------------------------Message 2 ----------------------------------
Date: Thu, 23 Jun 2005 00:31:40
From: Juerg Fleischer < jfleischer at staff.hu-berlin.de >
Subject: Describing and Modeling Variation in Grammar
Full Title: Describing and Modeling Variation in Grammar
Date: 22-Feb-2006 - 24-Feb-2006
Location: Bielefeld, Germany
Contact Person: Juerg Fleischer
Meeting Email: dgfs06variation at rz.hu-berlin.de
Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics; Morphology; Phonology; Syntax
Call Deadline: 01-Sep-2005
Meeting Description:
Workshop at the 28th Meeting of the German Linguistic Society (DGfS 28),
University of Bielefeld, Feb 22-24, 2006
The existence of variation within a language has been identified on all
linguistically relevant levels. Particularly in non-standardized languages the
grammar frequently offers competing options which are not clearly distinct in
terms of grammaticality. However, whereas language variation has traditionally
been focused upon in sociolinguistics, it has played a significantly less
prominent role in grammatical theory. As far as the description and modeling of
grammatical variation are concerned, a number of questions may be raised, of
which the following seem particularly relevant: Under which conditions can two
(or more) formal options be analyzed as each other's variants? What is the
status of preferential asymmetries and frequency distributions in the
description and analysis of grammar? Does completely free variation exist at
all, or are cases of supposedly free variation rather due to an incomplete
grammatical description? Can an adequate modeling of language variation only be
achieved through the assumption of several grammatical systems co-existing
within one speaker's competence or is it more promising to posit one single
grammar that is able to generate variable outputs? What are the empirical
arguments supporting the proposed solutions? Does chance deserve a place in a
grammar, and if so, where? Does variation always have to be interpreted as
change in progress, i.e. as the synchronic reflex of the transition between two
grammatical systems that are (supposedly) free from variation?
We invite papers combining a well-founded case study of a phonological,
morphological or syntactical phenomenon with a theoretical perspective on
grammar. Papers discussing methodological issues, (such as data elicitation, the
treatment of variation in historical corpora, etc.), are especially welcome.
Presentations are allotted 20 minutes plus 10 minutes for questions. The
languages of presentation are English and German. Abstracts should include a
statement of topic, approach and conclusions, and may be at most 400 words (plus
references, which may be placed on an optional second page). Please submit your
abstract anonymously as an email attachment (only Microsoft Word or PDF formats)
to the following address:
dgfs06variation at rz.hu-berlin.de
The body text of the email message must contain the following information:
(1) paper title
(2) name(s) of author(s)
(3) affiliation(s) of author(s)
(4) email address for each author
(5) phone number for each author
Deadline for abstract submission: Sept 1st, 2005
Notification of acceptance: Sept 15th, 2005
Note that the workshop is part of the DGfS conference. All participants must
register for the conference. Note also that in accordance with the DGfS
guidelines no speaker is allowed to give a talk in more than one workshop of the
DGfS main conference.
Andreas Dufter, University of Munich
Juerg Fleischer, Humboldt University Berlin
Guido Seiler, University of Zurich
LINGUIST List: Vol-16-1930
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