16.659, Calls: Discourse Analysis/France; General Ling/Germany

LINGUIST List linguist at linguistlist.org
Sun Mar 6 02:52:27 UTC 2005

LINGUIST List: Vol-16-659. Sat Mar 05 2005. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.

Subject: 16.659, Calls: Discourse Analysis/France; General Ling/Germany

Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Wayne State U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
            Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews (reviews at linguistlist.org) 
        Sheila Collberg, U of Arizona  
        Terry Langendoen, U of Arizona  

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Date: 04-Mar-2005
From: Albert Di Cristo < albert.dicristo at lpl.univ-aix.fr >
Subject: Discourse Prosody Interface 2005 

Date: 04-Mar-2005
From: Juliana Goschler < juliana.mehls at student.hu-berlin.de >
Subject: Theme Session: Metaphors in Science and Technology 

-------------------------Message 1 ---------------------------------- 
Date: Sat, 05 Mar 2005 21:44:06
From: Albert Di Cristo < albert.dicristo at lpl.univ-aix.fr >
Subject: Discourse Prosody Interface 2005 

Full Title: Discourse Prosody Interface 2005 
Short Title: IDP05 

Date: 08-Sep-2005 - 09-Sep-2005
Location: Aix-en-Provence, France 
Contact Person: Annie Colas
Meeting Email: idp05 at lpl.univ-aix.fr
Web Site: http://www.lpl.univ-aix.fr/~prodige/idp05 

Linguistic Field(s): Discourse Analysis 

Call Deadline: 15-Mar-2005 

Meeting Description:

IDP05 (Discourse Prosody Interface 2005) is a symposium to be held in
Aix-en-Provence (France) on September 8th-9th 2005. Organized by the
multidisciplinary research group « Prosodie et Discours » within the Laboratoire
Parole et Langage (CNRS), this meeting focuses on the modelling of the relations
between prosody and discourse as a complex interface. Both theoretical and
empirical propositions will be considered. 

2nd Announcement + New Submission Deadline 

Prosody has certainly been one of the most popular components of language and
speech within not only language sciences, but also parent disciplines such as
psycholinguistics and neurolinguistics. Prosody thus constitutes a new
linguistic dimension which paves the way for an increased knowledge of language
and its uses, captured by the general notion of discourse. This symposium aims
at questioning which theoretical and methodological frameworks would be most
likely to favour an integrative approach of the relations of prosody to
discourse. More precisely, our objective is to focus on the modelling of these
relations, taking into account both experimental and theoretical perspectives.
In this context, conceptions of the relations of prosody to discourse as a
complex interface, and not simply as binary interactions (prosody/syntax or
prosody/semantics) will be favoured. Communications will consist in invited,
oral and poster presentations.

*	Syntax, macrosyntax and discourse 
*	Discourse semantics and pragmatics 
*	Discourse prosody 
Both theoretical and empirical propositions are welcome.

-------------------------Message 2 ---------------------------------- 
Date: Sat, 05 Mar 2005 21:44:11
From: Juliana Goschler < juliana.mehls at student.hu-berlin.de >
Subject: Theme Session: Metaphors in Science and Technology 


Full Title: Theme Session: Metaphors in Science and Technology 

Date: 12-Oct-2005 - 14-Oct-2005
Location: Darmstadt, Germany 
Contact Person: Bruno Arich-Gerz
Meeting Email: tagung-graduiertenkolleg at ifs.tu-darmstadt.de
Web Site:

Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics 

Call Deadline: 22-Apr-2005 

Meeting Description:

Theme Session: Metaphors in science and technology
Deadline for abstract submission: 22nd April 2005 

Graduiertenkolleg ''Technisierung und Gesellschaft'' 
TU-Darmstadt 12.10.2005-14.10.2005
Deadline: 22.04.2005

Call for Papers

International conference

Technisierung/Ästhetisierung  - Technological and Aesthetic (Trans)Formations of

Theme session: Metaphors in science and technology

Metaphors are ubiquitous not only in everyday but also in scientific and
technological language. Research on metaphor in discourse can describe shifts in
scientific theories or technological models with the help of diachronic and
synchronic comparisons. Since cognitive metaphor theories propose a close
connection between linguistic metaphorical expressions and mental concepts, the
study of the use of metaphor can also provide an insight into the structures of
our thinking in general. From this perspective, metaphors figure as a means to
grasp abstract concepts which are not perceptible to our senses. Metaphors are
therefore not merely a linguistic, but a conceptual phenomenon. If so, the
research on metaphor can be a useful tool to describe conceptual structures and
the structure of our scientific and technological thinking.

These general considerations can be made fruitful for the investigation of how
to use and how to deal with metaphors in science and technology. Here,
philosophers and sociologists of science and technology as well as linguists and
cognitive scientists might approach a wide range of questions. Which metaphors
are used in scientific and technological contexts? How can one describe and
explain the connection between linguistic and conceptual phenomena? Are
metaphors really unavoidable and universal principles of thinking and speaking?
Which role do they play for scientific models? Can we chose freely which
metaphors we use for scientific and technological research? What does that mean
for our conceptual system? What does it mean for our conception of science? Can
we prove the truthfulness of scientific arguments, or can we only analyse the
metaphors? Are metaphors borders, or are they useful tools for scientific
thinking, or are they neither of these? Which role do metaphors play for
scientific creativity and innovation? Do aesthetics play a role in this, and if
so: which one?

The planned interdisciplinary panel will probe into these questions from both a
theoretical and an empirical view. Cross-connections to other panels of the
conference can (and will) be established, for instance to those on 'pictures'
and 'visualising strategies' in science and technology.

General conference description:

For the past nine years, the interdisciplinary graduate college "Technisierung
und Gesellschaft" considered the technological (trans)formation of society. As
the last cohort of doctoral students concludes its studies, the final conference
widens the perspective and brings past researches to bear on the interplay of
technological and aesthetic dimensions of formative processes in contemporary

By foregrounding process, the conference goes beyond the iconic turn in science
and technology studies. Rather than focus on images, it will explore the work
that goes into producing self and society in the image of technology. This work
involves constructions of time and space, it negotiates forces of globalization
and localization, it construes self and nature as subject and object of
technological shaping. This work also produces tensions between and among
aesthetic and technological ideals.

Abstracts from a wide variety of disciplines are welcome. These include
philosophy, sociology, history, engineering and the natural sciences, art
history, linguistics or media studies. Submit 500-word abstracts by April 22,
2005, as a Word or RichText document to

TU Darmstadt
Fachbereich 2
Graduiertenkolleg "Technisierung und Gesellschaft" Karolinenplatz 5 (Fach 1404)
64289 Darmstadt Germany
E-mail: tagung-graduiertenkolleg at ifs.tu-darmstadt.de

There will be panels on:
- Aesthetic Anticipation
- Art, Technosciences, and Social Criticism
- Metaphors in Science and Technology
- The Aesthetic Dimensions of Warfare
- Urban Spaces and Private Quarters

Other topics might include:
- Perception and Technologies of Visualization
- The Justification of the Self as Post-Human Artwork
- Designing Life-Cycles of People and Products
- Modeling between Artefacts and practical Usage
- Vestiges of Nature
- Visions and Visionaries from Science Fiction to Science Fact
- Figurative and the Literal Aspects of Technical Discourses
- Bordercrossings: Technology and the Arts

For a more detailed call for papers and a collection of topical theses go to

Bruno Arich-Gerz

TU Darmstadt
Fachbereich 2
Graduiertenkolleg "Technisierung und Gesellschaft" Karolinenplatz 5 (Fach 1404)
64289 Darmstadt Germany

E-mail: tagung-graduiertenkolleg at ifs.tu-darmstadt.de


LINGUIST List: Vol-16-659	


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