16.714, Jobs: Open Specialty: Director, U of Cyprus

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Thu Mar 10 19:59:17 UTC 2005

LINGUIST List: Vol-16-714. Thu Mar 10 2005. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.

Subject: 16.714, Jobs: Open Specialty: Director, U of Cyprus

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Date: 10-Mar-2005
From: Kleanthes Grohmann < kleanthi at ucy.ac.cy >
Subject: Open Specialty: Director of the Language Center, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus

-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Thu, 10 Mar 2005 14:55:29
From: Kleanthes Grohmann < kleanthi at ucy.ac.cy >
Subject: Open Specialty: Director of the Language Center, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus

University or Organization: University of Cyprus
Department: Language Center
Job Rank: Director of the Language Center
Specialty Areas:
Applied Linguistics; Discipline of Linguistics; General Linguistics; Language
Acquisition; Ling & Literature; Linguistic Theories; Morphology; Phonetics;
Phonology; Pragmatics; Semantics; Sociolinguistics; Syntax; Text/Corpus
Linguistics; Translation; Language Teaching, Pedagogy, Language Center


The University of Cyprus is looking to fill the position of Director of the
Language Center. The contract will be made initially for a one-year Visiting
post, but the University of Cyprus is currently investigating the possibility of
the successful applicant on the full post straight away. The full post of
Director of the Language Center will be made out to the academic rank and salary
level of Associate Professor or Full Professor on the basis  of a renewable
three-year contract.

Minimum qualifications for an appointment as Associate Professor are seven
years employment and work experience in a relevant area after the doctoral
degree has been conferred (a PhD in a relevant area is required). Candidates who
already hold a full professorship would be hired at the rank of Full Professor.

The position is available immediately, with a preferred starting date as soon as
possible or September 1, 2005.

Among the expected tasks of the Director is setting up the Language Center in a
dynamic environment: the University of Cyprus, the only public university in the
Republic of Cyprus, was founded in 1989 and admitted its first students in 1992.
The Language Center has only recently been established as an autonomous
institution within the newly found Faculty of Humanities (alongside the
Departments of English Studies, French Studies and Modern Languages, and Turkish
and Middle Eastern Studies). The working language is mainly English, knowledge
of Greek will be an asset.

Further tasks of more immediate need and relevance include:
- course management and scheduling within the University of Cyprus;
- expanding the Language Center to offer language courses to the public;
- training and managing language teachers (incl. hiring, promoting, training);
- teaching one academic course per semester (in one of the three
departments of the Faculty of Humanities).

General information
The new homepage (partially under construction) of the entire Faculty of
Humanities can be found at: http://www.hum.ucy.ac.cy/index.php (information
on these pages supersedes the official UCY homepage at
http://www.ucy.ac.cy.) The homepage of the Language Center, also under
ongoing construction, can be found at: http://www.hum.ucy.ac.cy/LGC/index.php.
The University of Cyprus is also currently building a new campus which will
eventually house the entire institution. One of the future facilities will be a
state-of-the-art Learning Center where the Computer Center, the Library, and the
Language Center will find a home.

Another prime task of the Visiting Director will thus be to supervise and engage
in the preparations for construction, incl. technical and instructional

Actual situation:
The languages currently taught at the University of Cyprus alongside Greek
(which is independent of the Language Center) are Turkish, English, French,
German, Spanish, and Italian, with Russian starting next academic year.

Please submit a CV in electronic form to Dr. Kleanthes Grohmann, the
Interim Director of the Language Center. For submission of applications and
further inquiries, please send an email to kleanthi at ucy.ac.cy.

Address for Applications:

	Dr. Kleanthes Grohmann
	University of Cyprus, Language Center
	75 Kallipoleos
	Nicosia, Nicosia 1678

Application Deadline: Open until filled.

Contact Information:

	Grohmann Kleanthes Grohmann
	Email: kleanthi at ucy.ac.cy
	Phone: +357-22-892106
	Fax: +357-22-750310
	Website: http://www.hum.ucy.ac.cy/LGC/index.php

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LINGUIST List: Vol-16-714	


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