16.886, Alert: Only $9000 raised after week one!
linguist at linguistlist.org
Wed Mar 23 18:37:25 UTC 2005
LINGUIST List: Vol-16-886. Wed Mar 23 2005. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 16.886, Alert: Only $9000 raised after week one!
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Wayne State U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews (reviews at linguistlist.org)
Sheila Collberg, U of Arizona
Terry Langendoen, U of Arizona
Homepage: http://linguistlist.org/
The LINGUIST List is funded by Eastern Michigan University, Wayne
State University, and donations from subscribers and publishers.
Editor for this issue: Neil Salmond <neil at linguistlist.org>
To post to LINGUIST, use our convenient web form at
Date: 23-Mar-2005
From: linguist < linguist at linguistlist.org >
Subject: Only $9000 raised after week one!
Date: 23-Mar-2005
From: linguist < linguist at linguistlist.org >
Subject: How to donate...
Date: 23-Mar-2005
From: linguist < linguist at linguistlist.org >
Subject: Merci! Danke! Dhanyawad! Chin'an! Obrigado! Grazie! Gracias! Arigato!
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Wed, 23 Mar 2005 13:34:55
From: linguist < linguist at linguistlist.org >
Subject: Only $9000 raised after week one!
Dear Subscribers,
The first week of Fund Drive 2005 came to an end yesterday, and we were
astounded to find that we had collected only $9000. This means that we are
significantly behind last year's fund drive, and the crew is absolutely
mystified as to how this can be.
Following suggestions given to us by our readers regarding past fund drive
tactics, we have decided to make Fund Drive 2005 truly fun. We have not hounded
subscribers with poverty-stricken emails, we have not put incessant pop-ups on
the website, and we haven't even made our home page disappear. Instead, we have
devised "fun" projects in the hopes that subscribers would give just as much --
if not more -- if there were no annoyance involved.
Unfortunately, the numbers suggest an entirely different outcome. As we have
decided to end Fund Drive after four weeks this year, we have only three weeks
to collect the remaining $41000. Therefore, the LINGUIST List will be stepping
up the campaign in an attempt to get the remaining funds. We will continue with
the "fun" part of FUNd drive, but it will definitely be interspersed with
"better fund raising tactics" so that our subscribers remember that amusement --
as well as all LINGUIST List services -- comes at a significant operational cost.
Please, please donate to LINGUIST List, if only to deliver yourself from fund
raising tactics. But, more importantly, please donate to LINGUIST List because
it provides an essential service to the discipline and for linguists worldwide.
-------------------------Message 2 ----------------------------------
Date: Wed, 23 Mar 2005 13:34:58
From: linguist < linguist at linguistlist.org >
Subject: How to donate...
This Year the LINGUIST List hope to raise $48,867. This money will go to help
keep the List running, by supporting all of our Student Editors for the coming year.
There are many ways to donate to LINGUIST!
You can donate right now using our secure credit card form.
Alternatively you can also pledge right now and pay later.
For all information on donating and pledging, including information on how to
donate by check, money order, or wire transfer, please visit:
The LINGUIST List is under the umbrella of Eastern Michigan University and as
such can receive donations through the EMU Foundation, which is a registered
501(c) Non Profit organization. Our Federal Tax number is 38-6005986. These
donations can be offset against your federal and sometimes your state tax return
(U.S. tax payers only). For more information visit the IRS Web-Site, or contact
your financial advisor.
Many companies also offer a gift matching program, such that they will match any
gift you make to a non-profit organization. Normally this entails your
contacting your human resources department and sending us a form that the EMU
Foundation fills in and returns to your employer. This is generally a simple
administrative procedure that doubles the value of your gift to LINGUIST,
without costing you an extra penny. Please take a moment to check if your
company operates such a program.
Thank you very much for your support of LINGUIST!
-------------------------Message 3 ----------------------------------
Date: Wed, 23 Mar 2005 13:35:00
From: linguist < linguist at linguistlist.org >
Subject: Merci! Danke! Dhanyawad! Chin'an! Obrigado! Grazie! Gracias! Arigato!
LINGUIST Contributors
Angels ($1000 and over)
Mainstays ($100 to $1000)
Shanley Allen
Wayles Browne
Laura Callahan
Andrew Carnie
Columbia School Linguistic Society
Karen Davis
Arienne M. Dwyer
Edward Garrett
Jeff Good
Stefan Thomas Gries
MJ Hardman
Michael Hess
Baden Hughes
James Jenkins
John Kingston
D. Terence Langendoen
John M.Lawler
Beth Levin
Rochelle Lieber
Gerardo Lorenzino
Monica Macaulay
Ernest McCarus
Line Mikkelsen
Karen Milligan
Danny Moates
Margaret Winters and Geoff Nathan
Manuela Noske
Keren Rice
Shirley Silver
Michael Silverstein
Margaret Speas
Bernard Spolsky
Sanford Steever
Surrey Morphology Group
Michael Swan
Center for Advanced Study in Theoretical Linguistics (CASTL)
Utilika Foundation
Elly van Gelderen
Catherine Walter
Adam Werle
Larisa Zlatic
Danny R. Moates
Plus 3 anonymous donors
Supporters ($50 to $100)
Joan Baart
Joaquim Barbosa
Susanne Bartke
Stefano Bertolo
Charlotte Brammer
Susan Meredith Burt
Michael Cahill
Katy Carlson
Karen Corrigan
Fred Cummins
Laura Downing
Joseph Eska
Susan Fischer
Sarah Fish
Janet Fuller
Judith W. Fuller
Lisa Galvin
Jane H Hill
Patrick Honeybone
Grover Hudson
Richard Hudson
Jeff Kaplan
Veronika Koller
Valia Kordoni
Hans Lindquist
Ora Matushansky
Scott McGinnis
Joybrato Mukherjee
Josep Quer
Alice Turk & Bert Remijsen
Norvin Richards
Anette Rosenbach
Joana Rossello
Andrea C. Schalley
Keith Slater
Nancy Sullivan
Maite Taboada
Pius ten Hacken
Elena Valenzuela
Margaret van Naerssen
Wim Vandenbussche
Kathleen M. Ward
Laurie Zaring
Frauke Zeller
Plus 4 anonymous donors
Donors (Up to $50)
Diana Apoussidou
Maher Awad
Sergio Baauw
Rosemary Beam de Azcona
Christopher Becker
Mayrene Bentley
Caren Brinckmann
Elisabeth Cottier-Fabian
Peter M Ecke
Elizabeth Erling
Susan Fiksdal
Will Fitzgerald
Catherine Fortin
Naomi Fox
Raffaella Zanuttini and Bob Frank
Jila Ghomeshi
Tanja Grewe
Theres Grueter
Tim Hadley
Sara Heitshu
San Hellmuth
Dina Kapetangianni
Istvan Kecskes
Larry LaFond
Jenifer Larson-Hall
Leila Lomashvili
Shakuntala Mahanta
Jobin Mathew
Mike Matloff
Marie Nilsenova
Dimitrios Ntelitheos
Loretta O'Connor
Tomoko Okuno
Tuan PhamVan
Michael Pickering
Sam Pilato
Davi Reis
Juan Carlos Rubio
Bonny Sands
Eileen Smith
Heather Lee Taylor
John te Velde
Judith Tonhauser
Job van Zuijlen
Michael Wagner
Nancy Wiegand
Hedde Zeijlstra
Plus 7 anonymous donors
* * * * *
Supporting Publishers
Cascadilla Press
Continuum International Publishing Group Ltd
Edinburgh University Press
Elsevier Ltd.
Equinox Publishing Ltd.
Georgetown University Press
Hodder Arnold
John Benjamins
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
Lincom GmbH
MIT Press
Mouton de Gruyter
Oxford University Press
Graduate Linguistic Students' Assoc., Umass
International Pragmatics Assoc.
Kingston Press Ltd
MIT Working Papers in Linguistics
Multilingual Matters
Pacific Linguistics
Palgrave Macmillan
SIL International
St. Jerome Publishing Ltd.
Utrecht Institute of Linguistics / LOT Netherlands Graduate School of Linguistic
* * * * *
Agder University College
City University of Hong Kong
Cymfony, Inc.
East Carolina University
McGill University
McNeil Technologies, Inc.
Meertens Institute
Nstein Technologies inc.
Portland State University
Recruiting Services
Saarland University, Saarbruecken, Germany
University College London
University of Arizona
University of Cologne, Germany
University of Edinburgh
University of Minnesota Duluth
University of Newcastle
University of Ulster
University of Windsor
Zi Corporation
LINGUIST List: Vol-16-886
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