16.914, Calls: General Ling/UK; Discourse Analysis/Belgium
linguist at linguistlist.org
Sat Mar 26 02:34:25 UTC 2005
LINGUIST List: Vol-16-914. Fri Mar 25 2005. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 16.914, Calls: General Ling/UK; Discourse Analysis/Belgium
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Wayne State U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
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Date: 24-Mar-2005
From: Patrick Honeybone < patrick.honeybone at ed.ac.uk >
Subject: Linguistics Association of Great Britain Annual Meeting 2005
Date: 24-Mar-2005
From: Geert Jacobs < geert.jacobs at ugent.be >
Subject: Discourse in Organizations
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Fri, 25 Mar 2005 21:27:52
From: Patrick Honeybone < patrick.honeybone at ed.ac.uk >
Subject: Linguistics Association of Great Britain Annual Meeting 2005
Editor's note: This issue contains non-ISO-8859-1 characters.
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Full Title: Linguistics Association of Great Britain Annual Meeting 2005
Short Title: LAGB 2005
Date: 31-Aug-2005 - 03-Sep-2005
Location: University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Contact Person: Theresa Biberauer & Raffaella Folli
Meeting Email: LAGB at hotmail.co.uk
Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics
Call Deadline: 11-Apr-2005
Meeting Description:
The 2005 Annual Meeting of the Linguistics Association of Great Britain will be
held at the University of Cambridge, at Fitzwilliam College, from 31st August to
3rd September. The local organisers will be Theresa Biberauer and Raffaella
Folli (the *new* meeting email address is LAGB at hotmail.co.uk - please use this
and not any address previously advertised). The 2005 meeting will last four days
and will feature several special events, including two invited speakers and an
invited Language Tutorial.
1. The Henry Sweet Lecture 2005: will be delivered by Gennaro Chierchia
(Università degli Studi di Milano) on the evening of 31st August, with the title
'Recursive pragmatics'.
2. There will also be a Workshop on 'Pragmatics, Multidimensional Semantics, and
Syntax', related to the Henry Sweet lecture, featuring invited speakers, and
organised by Gennaro Chierchia (Università degli Studi di Milano) and Katarzyna
M. Jaszczolt (University of Cambridge) on the afternoon of 31st August.
3. The Linguistics Association Lecture 2005: will be delivered by David Pesetsky
(MIT) on 3rd September, with the title 'Subcategorization phenomena and
Case-theory effects: some possible explanations.'
4. There will also be a special, themed session, related to the David Pesetsky's
Linguistics Association Lecture with the title 'Complementation and Selection
for Syntactic Categories', for which abstracts are now invited. These should be
submitted in the same way as abstracts for the general sessions, but should be
clearly marked that they are intended for the special session.
5. There will be a Language Tutorial on Pirahã, given by Daniel L. Everett
(University of Manchester).
6. There will be a session organised by the LAGB's Education Committee with the
theme 'An A-level in Linguistics?'
**New Deadline for abstracts**: the new deadline for the submission of abstracts
is **11th April** (for details of abstract submission, see below - a new feature
for this year is that abstracts may be submitted either in hard copy or
electronically); sets of abstracts may be submitted together for a themed
session of your choice (for further details, see below).
Two satellite conferences have been organised to fit around this year's LAGB
meeting; please contact the organisers of these events directly for further
* a workshop on Perfectivity and Telicity (September 4th), to be held at the
University of Cambridge; for further details see
* a conference on The Structure of Parametric Variation (September 5th - 7th),
to be held at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne (abstract deadline: 15th
April 2005); for further details see
Fitzwilliam College is one of the more modern colleges within the University of
Cambridge, situated away from the busy town centre at the top of the only hill
in Cambridge, Castle Hill. The College enjoys a large and peaceful site, off
the main tourist route, but within 10 minutes' walking distance from the city
centre. It was built in the 1960s in the grounds of The Grove, a splendid
Regency house which is now part of the college. Last year saw the completion of
a new entrance on Storey's Way, providing the College with new face which opens
onto one of Cambridge's best-kept secrets: Fitzwilliam's beautiful gardens. The
College is situated right next door to two other Cambridge colleges: New Hall,
and Churchill College, which houses some of the most interesting collections in
the city, including the papers of Winston Churchill. More information about
Fitzwilliam can be found at http://www.fitz.cam.ac.uk/
Accommodation: will be provided on site at Fitzwilliam, and a selection of
different types of single rooms (with either (i) en suite bathroom, (ii) en
suite shower and wash- basin or (iii) wash basin only) will be available.
Travel: Cambridge is located just 60 miles (approximately 100kms) north of
London. Stansted is the closet airport (50 minutes away by bus and roughly 45
minutes by train), with hourly connections available from the airport terminal.
The city is also well connected to Heathrow airport and there is also a
convenient rail-link via London King's Cross station. More information on
transport and directions to Cambridge can be found on the University website at
http://www.cam.ac.uk/cambarea/ (consult the 'Travel Information' section).
Both members and non-members are invited to offer papers for the Meeting. The
LAGB welcomes submissions on any topic in the field of linguistics; papers are
selected on their (perceived) merits, and not according to their subject matter
or assumed theoretical framework.
How and when to submit an abstract
Abstracts may be submitted either (i) on paper by post or (ii) by email (no
other means are possible); the procedure for submitting abstracts electronically
is new and details are given below. The format for the abstract should be as set
out below - this is the same for both means of submitting an abstract.
(i) For paper submissions: FIVE anonymous copies of the abstract, plus ONE with
name and affiliation, i.e. CAMERA-READY, should be submitted, and should be sent
in the format outlined below to the President by post (see address below). You
should write your address for correspondence (email or surface, although email
is very much preferred) on the BACK of the camera-ready copy. (Even if several
authors are named on the front, there should be only one name and address for
(ii) For electronic submissions: you will need to send an email with TWO
attachments - one of the attached files should be an anonymous copy of the
abstract (and should be named yoursurname-anon.pdf, or yoursurname.doc, etc.),
and the other should have your name and affiliation, i.e. be CAMERA-READY (and
should be named yoursurname-name.pdf, etc.). The abstracts should be sent in the
format outlined below, and the email should be sent to the President by email
(to THIS ADDRESS: pres at lagb.org). In the body of the email that you send the
attachments with, you should write your address for correspondence (email or
surface, although email is very much preferred). (Even if several authors are
named on the front, there should be only one name and address for
correspondence.) The attached files should be in one of the following formats:
pdf (preferred), or Word, or plain text. Any phonetic characters should either
be embedded in a pdf file, or use the SIL IPA93 Doulos font, which can be
downloaded for free from this site:
Papers for the programme are selected anonymously - only the President knows the
name of the authors. If an abstract is accepted for the meeting, the
camera-ready copy will be used to produce the abstracts booklet. All abstracts
should be accompanied by an account of any special requirements regarding
audiovisual equipment (other than an OHP). While we will make every effort to
provide such equipment, we cannot guarantee that it will be available. The
normal length for papers delivered at LAGB meetings is 25 minutes (plus 15
minutes discussion).
All abstracts must arrive by *11th April 2005*. The committee will plan the
programme as soon as it has selected the successful abstracts, so please
indicate on the anonymous abstracts if you cannot present your paper on any
particular day during the conference. It is very difficult to reschedule papers
after the programme has been planned. Please indicate an accompanying letter or
email if your abstract is intended for the themed session on 'Complementation
and Selection for Syntactic Categories'.
Abstracts must be presented as follows: the complete abstract (i.e. the one
containing your title and your name) must be no longer than ONE A4 page (21cm x
29.5cm) (or standard 'American letter' size if A4 paper is not available to you)
with margins of at least 2.5cm on all sides. Only the first page of any abstract
submitted will be considered - no appendices or page for references can be
accepted. You may use single spacing but type must be no smaller than 12 points.
If the paper is accepted, the abstract will be photocopied and inserted directly
into the collection of abstracts sent out to participants, so the presentation
should be clear and clean.
The following layout should be considered as standard:
(title) Optimality and the Klingon vowel shift
(speaker and email address) Clark Kent (clark at astro.mars.ac.mars)
(institution) Department of Astrology, Eastern Mars University
The following guidelines may be useful:
* You should clearly describe the paper's general topic. (The topic may be a
problem of theory or analysis or set of data which have not previously been
* You should describe your treatment of the topic, and how it relates to
previous work on the same topic. (When referring to previous work, it is enough
to quote ''Author (Date)'' without giving full bibliographical details.) It is
not acceptable simply to promise a solution.
* You should explain how you will justify your treatment, and quote crucial
evidence - you must trust the committee (and other conference attenders) not to
steal your ideas before you have presented them. If you are taking a stand on a
controversial issue, summarise the arguments which lead you to take up this
As well as individual abstracts, groups of speakers may submit a set of
abstracts for a themed session (or panel) on any subject of their choice. Such
groups will normally take up a whole session, and group members may apportion
their time within that as they wish (ideal numbers of abstracts for such
sessions might be 3, 4, 5 or 6). All the abstracts for such sessions will be
considered together, as a group, and one contact for the whole session should be
provided. Abstracts for such themed sessions should be submitted together, to
the President, with the same format as specified for individual abstracts.
Please contact the president directly if you have any questions about this.
Conference Bursaries for postgraduate students and unwaged members
Up to fifteen bursaries are available for unsalaried members of the Association
(e.g. PhD students); preference will be given to those who are presenting a
paper, but if there are not fifteen applications from those presenting papers,
applications from non-presenting attenders will also be considered. Applications
should be sent to the President (address below), and must be received by the
deadline for abstracts (4th April). If you are submitting an abstract and
applying for a bursary, BOTH SHOULD BE SUBMITTED TOGETHER; if you are submitting
your abstract electronically, you should include the application as another
attachment to the main message. If you are not submitting an abstract, but are
still eligible, then you are still encouraged to apply (either hard copy or by
post), as we have sometimes been able to award bursaries to non-presenting
postgraduates in previous years.
Applicants for bursaries must be members of the Association, although
applications for membership may be submitted at the same time as applications
for bursaries (applications for membership should be sent to the Membership
Secretary). There is no application form for the bursaries - please simply set
out in writing: (a) your date of joining the LAGB (b) whether or not you are a
student; (c) if a student, the details of your course of study and whether or
not you receive a grant or studentship; (d) if not a student, your employment
situation. The bursary normally covers the registration fee and travel within
the UK, but not accommodation costs. Those presenting a paper will receive an
additional amount of GBP40 as a contribution to other costs.
Professor April McMahon,
English Language, School of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences,
University of Edinburgh, 14 Buccleuch Place, Edinburgh, EH8 9LN.
april.mcmahon at ed.ac.uk [NB: for abstract submissions, please use pres at lagb.org]
-------------------------Message 2 ----------------------------------
Date: Fri, 25 Mar 2005 21:27:57
From: Geert Jacobs < geert.jacobs at ugent.be >
Subject: Discourse in Organizations
Full Title: Discourse in Organizations
Short Title: DiO
Date: 21-Sep-2005 - 23-Sep-2005
Location: Antwerp and Knokke, Belgium
Contact Person: Chris Braecke
Meeting Email: chris.braecke at ua.ac.be
Web Site: http://www.ua.ac.be/DiO
Linguistic Field(s): Discourse Analysis; Pragmatics; Sociolinguistics;
Text/Corpus Linguistics
Call Deadline: 01-May-2005
Meeting Description:
The workshop will bring together a number of selected researchers from discourse
analysis, linguistic pragmatics and text studies to exchange information and
learn from each other in the area of discourse in organizations, including
business, government and media.
We invite contributions on one of the following three topics:
- writing processes in organizations (such as press releases and business reports)
- spoken interaction in organizations (such as presentations and meetings)
- teaching and learning perspectives on writing processes and spoken interaction
in organizations
In particular, the workshop is meant to provide a platform for empirical work
that takes into account the organizational setting of discursive practices, for
example by taking an ethnographic perspective on the data.
We also welcome junior researchers who are preparing a PhD to present their work
in progress.
Accepted papers will be made available in a proceedings format before the start
of the workshop.
All presentations will be in plenary sessions.
After the workshop, a selection of papers will be published in one or more
separate volumes.
Keynote speakers
Mirjaliisa Charles, Helsinki School of Economics and Business Adm.
Piotr ?ap, Institute of English, University of ?ód?
Extended abstract deadline: 1 May 2005.
Notice of acceptance: 15 May 2005 at the latest.
Deadline for full papers: 1 September 2005.
Venue and Registration
The workshop will be an on-site event in a conference centre in Knokke, Belgium.
Registration details as well as further practical details are available on the
workshop website: http://www.ua.ac.be/DiO
If you are interested in taking part, send us your 1,000-word abstract in which
you spell out research question, method, data, and (preliminary) results.
Scientific Committee
Chris Braecke, University of Antwerp
Pol Cuvelier, University of Antwerp
Paul Gillaerts, Lessius Hogeschool Antwerp
Hans Hoeken, Radboud University
Geert Jacobs, University of Ghent
Eugeen Roegiest, University of Ghent
Luuk Van Waes, University of Antwerp
Paul Verluyten, University of Antwerp
Organizing Committee
Chris Braecke, University of Antwerp
Geert Jacobs, University of Ghent
Katja Pelsmaekers, University of Antwerp
Tom Van Hout, University of Antwerp
LINGUIST List: Vol-16-914
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