16.1480, Qs: Negation in Questions;Hungarian-English Bilinguals

LINGUIST List linguist at linguistlist.org
Tue May 10 13:29:22 UTC 2005

LINGUIST List: Vol-16-1480. Tue May 10 2005. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.

Subject: 16.1480, Qs: Negation in Questions;Hungarian-English Bilinguals

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            Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>

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Date: 09-May-2005
From: Maria Gavriel < m.gavriel at sms.ed.ac.uk >
Subject: Negation in Questions

Date: 10-May-2005
From: Livia Demjanova < demjanli at unipo.sk >
Subject: Hungarian-English Bilingualism Research

-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Tue, 10 May 2005 09:26:41
From: Maria Gavriel < m.gavriel at sms.ed.ac.uk >
Subject: Negation in Questions

Dear Linguists,

I am a postgraduate student of Natural Language Processing and I am
focussing my dissertation project on the treatment of negative input in
Question Answering (QA). I am trying to work out ways of successfully
searching for and retrieving the right answer from a database, to questions
such as:

'What MSc programs of this department DO NOT require mathematical background?'


'Which european country has NEVER won gold metals in the Olympic games?'
etc. etc.

Negative input could be of the form of adverbs (never, seldom), or of the
form of verbs (fail to, stop, seize), etc.

I am in search of whichever research might be related to this, background
reading, or whatever else might seem helpful.

Thank you for your time,

Maria Gavriel
MSc Speech and Language Processing
Edinburgh University

Linguistic Field(s): Computational Linguistics

-------------------------Message 2 ----------------------------------
Date: Tue, 10 May 2005 09:26:43
From: Livia Demjanova < demjanli at unipo.sk >
Subject: Hungarian-English Bilingualism Research


I am a PhD student and my research focuses on influence of sociolinguistic
factors on the productivity of word-formation types. The research itself is
done through questionnaires that are aimed at two groups of bilingual
speakers - Hungarian-English and Hungarian-Slovak. Since I live in Slovakia
where a large Hungarian minority lives this group of respondents is not
difficult to reach. On the other hand, the Hungarian-English bilinguals are
unreachable for me. Therefore I would like to ask those who are
Hungarian-English bilinguals to fill in my questionnaire. It is available
at :


It is not possible to fill it in online that's why please go through it and
write the answers in an e-mail addressed to me. Alternatively, I can send
the questionnaire to you by surface mail in a printed version.

In case you know any Hungarian-English bilinguals, please put my request

I will be grateful for any responses and contacts.
Livia Demjanova, Presov University, Slovakia, demjanli at unipo.sk

Linguistic Field(s): Cognitive Science

Subject Language(s): English (ENG)
                     Hungarian (HNG)

LINGUIST List: Vol-16-1480	


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