16.1608, Confs: General Ling/Amsterdam, Netherlands
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Fri May 20 00:05:30 UTC 2005
LINGUIST List: Vol-16-1608. Thu May 19 2005. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 16.1608, Confs: General Ling/Amsterdam, Netherlands
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Wayne State U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews (reviews at linguistlist.org)
Sheila Dooley, U of Arizona
Terry Langendoen, U of Arizona
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Date: 17-May-2005
From: Marc van Oostendorp < Marc.van.Oostendorp at Meertens.knaw.nl >
Subject: 3rd International Conference on Language Variation in Europe
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Thu, 19 May 2005 19:38:06
From: Marc van Oostendorp < Marc.van.Oostendorp at Meertens.knaw.nl >
Subject: 3rd International Conference on Language Variation in Europe
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3rd International Conference on Language Variation in Europe
Short Title: ICLaVE 3
Date: 23-Jun-2005 - 25-Jun-2005
Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands
Contact: Frans Hinskens
Contact Email: frans.hinskens at meertens.knaw.nl
Meeting URL: http://www.iclave.org/
Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics
Meeting Description:
The International Conference on Language Variation in Europe (ICLaVE) is a
biannual meeting addressing any aspect of linguistic variation observed in
languages spoken in present-day Europe. The conference is intended to provide a
platform for every scholar interested in issues related to this topic, be it as
a historical linguist, a sociolinguist, a specialist in grammatical theory, a
dialectologist, a psycholinguist or from any other point of view.
15.00 - 19.00 registration
20.30 - ? informal get-together
9.30 - 9.45
opening remarks
9.45 - 10.30
* Johan Taeldeman (Gent; invited speaker; t.b.a.)
10.45 - 11.15
coffee / tea
11.15 - 11.45
* Bjorn Wiemer
Unembellished Belarussian as a litmus test for structural variation and
convergence in the Circum Baltic Area
* Uri Horesh and Hans Van de Velde
Soft and hard /?/ in Dutch
* Øystein Vangsnes
Scandinavian Dialect Syntax
* Miklos Nemeth
Long-lasting Linguistic Variation without Language Change
* Marc van Oostendorp
National identity and International Language. France, Belgium and the Netherlands
11.50 - 12.20
* Anna Ghimenton
Language acquisition in a multilingual society
*Laia Querol
The expansion of velar segments
* Elisaveta Sivas
Syntactic variation in the urban linguistic community in Cyprus
* Ellen Bijvoet and Kari Fraurud
Language attitudes and sociolinguistic awareness in multilingual
* Ulrich Ammon
The status and function of English in Germany
12.20 - 13.45
lunch break
13.45 - 14.15
* Anna Verschik
Jewish Russian and the field of ethnolect study
* Chantal Lyche
French liaison and data
* Bob de Jonge
Al Hablar, Se Alterna Hablando
* Roeland van Hout and Hans Van de Velde
Distinguishing regional varieties of Standard Dutch
* Joy Burrough
English as an L2 in Europe? The view from the coalface
14.20 - 14.50
* Michelle C. Straw and Peter L. Patrick
Ethnic variation in East Anglian /ai/ and /oi/ diphthongs
* Anthi Revithiadou and Marina Tzakosta
A grammar inclusion account of child language variation
* Andreas Dufter and Elisabeth Stark
Variable 'ne' omission in French Negation
* Unn Royneland
The use of correspondence analysis in a sociolinguistic study of dialect leveling
* Marinel Gerritsen and Catherine Nickerson
The status of English in Europe: Planning or problem? Discussion.
14.55 - 15.25
* Gunnstein Akselberg
Why the slow urban impact on dialects in Western Norway?
* Lucy Ellis and Michael Ireland
A comparative study of post-vocalic /r/ in young people in two Cornish communities
* Mathilde Jansen
Dialect change among Ameland dialect speakers and the 'island mentality'
* Koen Plevoets, Dirk Geeraerts and Dirk Speelman
A corpus-based study of Colloquial Flemish
* Sally Boyd and Kari Fraurud
Who is a native speaker? The diversity of language profiles of young people in
multilingual urban contexts in Sweden
15.30 - 16.00
* Ryan Furness
Social networks and language use in Spain's Occitan-speaking Aran valley
* Dominic Watt
Rhoticity and competing national identities in Berwick upon Tweed
* Roland Kehrein
How dialectally do German police answer emergency calls?
* Mari Imamura
Teachers' language attitudes and their role in language maintenance in the
North-East of Scotland
* Thierry Pagnier
Les 'parlers' des jeunes: un phénomène tardif
16.00 - 16.20
coffee / tea
16.20 - 16.50
* Loulou Edelman
Multilingualism and language contact in the Dutch street image
* Christina Abreu Gomes
Effect of input frequency in the acquisition of variable onset clusters in
Brazilian Portuguese
* Henk Wolf and Eric Hoekstra
The Principle of Distinctivity
* Anne Fabricius
The 'vivid sociolinguistic profiling' or Received Pronunciation
* Wouter Kusters and Esther van Krieken
Dutch on the move; emerging varieties under influence of migration
16.55 - 17.25
* Anna Gunnarsdotter Gronberg
Dialect imperialism in West Sweden
* Aurelie Nardy
Intercourse between judgment and production in childhood: the case of French
* Leonie Cornips
About the Predictability of Syntactic Variants as a Sociolinguistic Marker
* Bente Rebecca Hannisdal
Why do newsreaders speak RP?
* Friederieke Kern and Margret Selting
Prosodic features of ethnolects
17.30 - 18.00
* Folkert de Vriend and Jos Swanenberg
Digital Dutch regional dictionaries
* Kathy Rys
The role of linguistic factors in the process of secondary acquisition
of a dialect
* Alexandra Lenz
The grammaticalization of geben 'to give' in German
* Lena Bergstrøm
Methodological issues in studying a sound change
* Michael Clyne
Comments on the papers presented
FRIDAY JUNE 24, 2005
9.00 - 10.00
* Miklós Kontra (Szeged and Budapest; invited speaker; t.b.a)
10.05 - 10.35
* Bettina Kluge
The interplay of quantitative and qualitative methods in migration linguistics
* Panayiotis Pappas
Stereotypes and /n/ variation in Patras, Greece
* Sofie van Gijsel, Dirk Geeraerts and Dirk Speelman
A variationist, corpus linguistic analysis of lexical richness
* Diana Ranson
Subject expression in Andalusian Spanish
* Paola Benincá and Cecilia Poletto
What dialects can tell us about variation and universals
10.35 - 11.05
coffee / tea
11.10 - 11.40
* Annamaria Bene
Why Hungarians in Serbia like Object pro-drop forms more than Hungarians in
Slovakia and Ukraine
* Will Allen, Warren Maquire and Hermann Moisl
Phonetic variation in Tyneside
* Peter Wagener
Language dynamics in a panel study of German dialects
* Raphael Berthele
Towards a Sociolinguistic Typology of Spatial Reference
* Ans van Kemenade
Subjects and OV/VO patterns in Old and Middle English
11.45 - 12.15
* Marian Sloboda
They say 'it will', we say 'it wile'
* Caroline Juillard and Anita Berit Hansen
A real time study with a social focus - the embedding of recent vowel changes in
Parisian French
* Eva Sundgren
Sociolects in a central Swedish town
* Isabelle Buchstabler
The tension between the global and the local: Quotative 'like' and 'go'
* Mirjam Meyerhoff
Variable subject and object realisation
12.15 - 13.45
lunch break
13.45 - 14.15
* Karl Pajusalu and Mari Mets
Phonological constraints on code switching
* Renée van Bezooijen
Social awareness of Dutch approximant r amongst children
* Sarah Verdoia
The variation of a Southern Swedish dialect: Linguistic forms and social
* Pia Quist
Styling 'toughness'
* Laura Rupp
Integrating perspectives on syntactic variation
14.20 - 14.50
* Pavlos Pavlou
Written code-switching in the Greek-Cypriot speech community
* Karen Keune and Mirjam Ernestus
Corpus-based analysis of reduction processes in -lijk words
* Beat Siebenhaar
Analyzing varieties in Swiss German IRC Rooms
* Patricia Poussa
Recent Loss of Genitive Case-Marking in WH-Relatives in the Dialects of Norfolk
and Faroese
* Tonjes Veenstra
Variable positions of prepositions in A-bar dependencies
14.55 - 15.25
* Peter Jurgec, Karmen Kenda-Jez and Andrejka Zejn
Code-switching at the meeting point of the Slavic and Roman and German worlds
* Matilde Vida Castro
Resyllabification of Word-medial /s/ in southern Spanish
* Benedikt Szmrecsanyi
Persistence in Spoken English
* Elena Boudovskaia
DLIpl in Nominal Declension in Several West Ukrainian (Transcarpathian) Dialects
* Chiara Gianollo, Cristina Guardiano and Giuseppe Longobardi
Is a 'History and Geography of Human Syntax' meaningful?
15.30 - 16.00
* Stavroula Tsiplakou
Code-mixing as a criterion for bidialectism
* Yuni Kim
A dialect-geographical study of intonation in Finland Swedish
* Alexandra Zepter
Negative Conflicts
* Charley Rowe
Divn't Di that!
* Gertjan Postma and Michel Verhagen
The rise of the reflexive pronoun 'zich' in a Netherlands' border dialect in the
15th century
16.00 - 16.20
coffee / tea
16.20 - 16.50
* Hilde Sollid
Language creation and stabilization in Northern Norway
* Frank Kögler
Phonetics and phonology of intonational variation
* Kris Heylen
A Corpus Study of Word Order Variation in the National Varieties of German
* Reidunn Hernes
Morpho-lexical change - Grammatical or social motivation
* Sjef Barbiers and Ton Goeman
Morphosyntactic microvariation in gender
16.55 - 17.25
* Daniel Schreier
Phonotactic divergence in World English
* Peter Jurgec
Formant frequencies of the pitch- and stress-accented varieties of Standard
* Nicola Munaro
Wh-Exclamatives, Focus and Criterial Freezing
* Wouter Kusters
The future of variation in Dutch verb inflection
* Marco René Spruit and John Nerbonne
Aggregating Syntactic Variation: The Forest behind the Trees
17.30 - 18.00
* Paul Kerswill and Eivind Torgersen
Ethnicity as a source of changes in the London vowel system
* Pia Bergmann
The dialect of Cologne: Form and functions of nuclear rising-falling intonation
* David Britain and Laura Rupp
Subject-Verb Agreement in English Dialects
* Elisenda Campmany
Internal and external factors for clitic-shape variation in north-eastern Catalan
* Jonathan Marshall
'Es bairns dinae spik 'e Doric ony mair' How current changes in rural Scots can
help us understand some of the sociolinguistic influences on the diffusion of
language change.
20.00 - ?
conference dinner
9.00 - 10.00
* Shana Poplack (Ottawa; invited speaker; t.b.a)
10.05 - 10.35
* Heinz-Leo Kretzenbacher and Michael Clyne
Variation and the dilemmas of German address
* Mikhail Kissine, Hans Van de Velde and Roeland van Hout
Are /v/ and /f/ merging in Dutch?
* Joan Beal and Karen Corrigan
'No, Nay, Never': Negation in Tyneside English
* Lieselotte Anderwaldt
Past Tense 'Drunk, Sung, Rung and Swum'
* Arto Anttila
Variation and opacity
10.35 - 11.05
* Catrin Norrby
Variations in Swedish address practices
* Adrienn Gulyas
Sixteenth Century French Phonological Variation as Reflected by Present-day
Martiniquian Creole
* Gert de Sutter, Dirk Geeraerts and Dirk Speelman
Detecting and Balancing Determinants of Word Order Variation in Dutch Clause
Final Verbal Clusters
* Peter Rebrus and Miklos Torkenczy
Paradigmatic Contrast Effects and Morphological Variation in Hungarian
* Patrik Bye
Morpholexical rules and Optimality Theory
11.05 - 11.35
coffee / tea
11.35 - 12.05
* Maria Weissenbock
Address in Ukrainian language
* Randi Solheim
The new dialect of Hoyanger
* Laura Rupp
A grammatical investigation of definite article reduction
* Jenny Audring
Gender Loss and Resemanticization
* Paul Boersma
Phonology without markedness constraints
12.10 - 12.40
* Heidi Nyblom
The use of address forms among Finnish and Finland Swedish students in Vaasa
* Anna Gunnarsdotter Gronberg
Lifestyle and linguistics
* Gertjan Postma
Anthropological Taboo, Grammatical Mismatches and Variational Linguistics
* Stefan Rabanus
Case syncretism in the personal pronoun of German dialects
* Martin Krämer
How crazy is English r-insertion?
12.45 - 13.15
* Heinz-Leo Kretzenbacher
'Hier im grossen Internetz, wo sich alle Dududuzen'
* Evie Tops and Hans Van de Velde
The expansion of uvular /r/ in Flanders
* Gunther De Vogelaer
On the Importance of System-Internal Factors for Syntactic Change
* Annick De Houwer and An Kuppens
The specificity of teen talk: myth or fact?
* Eulalia Bonet, Maria Rosa Lloret, Joan Mascaró
How unnatural and exceptional can languages become?
13.15 - 15.30
lunch break
15.00 - 19.30
excursion / leisure
The most recent version of this programme can be found at
LINGUIST List: Vol-16-1608
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