16.3142, Calls: General Ling/USA;Applied Ling/South Korea
Tue Nov 1 02:46:15 UTC 2005
LINGUIST List: Vol-16-3142. Mon Oct 31 2005. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 16.3142, Calls: General Ling/USA;Applied Ling/South Korea
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Wayne State U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews (reviews at linguistlist.org)
Sheila Dooley, U of Arizona
Terry Langendoen, U of Arizona
Homepage: http://linguistlist.org/
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State University, and donations from subscribers and publishers.
Editor for this issue: Kevin Burrows <kevin at linguistlist.org>
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Date: 29-Oct-2005
From: Doris Payne < dlpayne at uoregon.edu >
Subject: 37th Annual Conference on African Linguistics
Date: 25-Oct-2005
From: Hikyoung Lee < hleeku at korea.ac.kr >
Subject: The Korea Association of Teachers of English 2006 International Conference
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Mon, 31 Oct 2005 21:43:33
From: Doris Payne < dlpayne at uoregon.edu >
Subject: 37th Annual Conference on African Linguistics
Full Title: 37th Annual Conference on African Linguistics
Short Title: ACAL
Date: 06-Apr-2006 - 09-Apr-2006
Location: Eugene, Oregon, USA
Contact Person: Doris Payne
Meeting Email: acal2006 at uoregon.edu
Web Site: http://www.uoregon.edu/~acal2006/
Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics; Genetic Classification; Historical Linguistics; Sociolinguistics
Call Deadline: 07-Dec-2005
Meeting Description:
Annual conference on all aspects of African linguistics. Some thematic sessions will be included.
The featured theme of the 37th Annual Conference on African Linguistics (ACAL 2006) is ''African Linguistic Areas'', held at the University of Oregon, April 6-9, 2006.
Featured speakers include Drs. Larry Hyman, Derek Nurse, and Anne Storch.
A conference web-page can be found at http://www.uoregon.edu/~acal2006.
In addition to the featured theme, the conference is of course open to all aspects of the linguistics of African languages.
In addition to regular abstracts, we invite proposals for focused sessionss or workshops. Such proposals should include a title for the session, abstracts from anticipated participants, name(s) and contact information for the session organizer.
-------------------------Message 2 ----------------------------------
Date: Mon, 31 Oct 2005 21:43:39
From: Hikyoung Lee < hleeku at korea.ac.kr >
Subject: The Korea Association of Teachers of English 2006 International Conference
Full Title: The Korea Association of Teachers of English 2006 International Conference
Short Title: KATE
Date: 23-Jun-2006 - 24-Jun-2006
Location: Seoul, Korea, South
Contact Person: Byung-Kyoo Ahn
Meeting Email: KATE2006 at jnu.ac.kr
Web Site: http://www.kate.or.kr/main/conference/2006/
Linguistic Field(s): Applied Linguistics
Subject Language(s): English (eng)
Call Deadline: 10-Jan-2006
Meeting Description:
KATE 2006 International Conference
Beyond the Horizon: Extending the Paradigm of TEFL
June 23-24, 2006
Seoul, Korea
The Korea Association of Teachers of English (KATE) will be holding the "KATE 2006 International Conference - Beyond the Horizon: Extending the Paradigm of TEFL" at Hanyang University in Seoul, Korea from Friday, June 23 to Saturday, June 24, 2006. Content areas include Acquisition, Curriculum/Materials, Evaluation/Testing, Methodology, Policy, and Teacher Training.
KATE 2006 International Conference
Beyond the Horizon: Extending the Paradigm of TEFL
June 23-24, 2006
Seoul, Korea
Call for Presentations
Deadline: January 10, 2006
The Korea Association of Teachers of English (KATE) is calling for presentations for its annual international conference to be held in Seoul, Korea from Friday, June 23 to Saturday, June 24, 2006. Content areas include Acquisition, Curriculum/Materials, Evaluation/Testing, Methodology, Policy, and Teacher Training. Other content areas concerning English language education will also be considered. Proposals for presentations will be accepted at the discretion of the conference committee.
There are four possible formats for presentations: talk (20 minutes + 10 minutes Q&A), workshop (45 minutes + 15 minutes Q&A), panel discussion (90 minutes), or poster (3 hours). The talk session is a presenter-centered presentation in which ideas or research results are presented followed by questions from the audience. The workshop session is a demonstration-based presentation where the presenter shares his or her ideas followed by questions from the audience. The panel discussion allows different people to present their views on a specific topic for about an hour, after which a half-an-hour discussion is opened up to the audience. The poster session offers an opportunity for one-to-one communication between the presenter and conference participants with the use of charts, graphs, illustrations and/or summaries based on research.
Proposals for presentations will be accepted online only. Please visit our website http://www.kate.or.kr/main/conference/2006/ for more information. Please direct inquires to: KATE2006 at jnu.ac.kr
-Guidelines for Submitting the Presentation Proposal Form-
Deadline for Proposal Submission: January 10, 2006
1. Submission Requirements
All submissions must include the following:
- A 200-word abstract of your presentation
- An 80-word biographical data
- A completed presentation proposal form
2. Number of Proposals
You may submit one proposal only for a talk, a workshop, or a panel discussion. Poster presentations may be proposed singly or with another presentation.
3. Format and Length of Presentation
Talk: A talk should describe ideas or research results in relation to theory and practice in English language teaching. A talk is a presenter-centred presentation and is allotted 20 minutes for presentation plus10 minutes for questions and answers.
Workshop: A workshop should include the presenter's practice-oriented demonstration and active audience participation. Each workshop is allowed 45 minutes for presentation plus 15 minutes for audience participation. Panel discussion: A panel discussion allows different people to present their views on a specific topic, after which discussion is opened up to the audience. A panel discussion is 90 minutes long. The number of speakers on a panel should be three to five, with at least 30 minutes available for audience participation.
Poster: A poster session offers an opportunity for one-to-one communication between the presenter and conference participants with the use of charts, graphs, illustrations, and/or summaries based on research. A poster session is 3 hours long.
4. Equipment
Cassette players, computers including data display devices, OHPs, VHS/DVD players, or other forms of equipment may be provided given sufficient notice. Please request any required equipment at the time of proposal submission. Presentation equipment will be provided free of charge.
5. Criteria for Selection
The selection of proposals is made by the conference committee using the following criteria: It should be clear from your summary that you plan to provide information on a new topic or new information on a topic previously addressed, your session is of practical use for conference participants, if your session is based on research, you will either report on a completed study or on a significant phase that has been completed, and your presentation deals with English language education.
6. Notification of Acceptance
You will receive an e-mail message confirming your entry once you have submitted your proposal. We will inform you whether your proposal has been accepted for inclusion in the program by January 31, 2006. Please understand that we reserve the right to withhold reasons for non-inclusion. Accepted presenters will be asked to submit a full paper for the conference proceedings by May 1, 2006.
Please visit our website and apply at: http://www.kate.or.kr/main/conference/2006/
The Korea Association of Teachers of English
LINGUIST List: Vol-16-3142
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