16.3183, Calls: Computational Ling/Italy;General Ling/Spain
Thu Nov 3 21:08:52 UTC 2005
LINGUIST List: Vol-16-3183. Thu Nov 03 2005. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 16.3183, Calls: Computational Ling/Italy;General Ling/Spain
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Wayne State U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews (reviews at linguistlist.org)
Sheila Dooley, U of Arizona
Terry Langendoen, U of Arizona
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Date: 02-Nov-2005
From: Diana Inkpen < diana at site.uottawa.ca >
Subject: EACL 2006 Workshop on Cross-Language Knowledge Induction
Date: 01-Nov-2005
From: Janneke Huitink < j.huitink at phil.ru.nl >
Subject: ESSLLI 2006 Student Session
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Thu, 03 Nov 2005 16:07:04
From: Diana Inkpen < diana at site.uottawa.ca >
Subject: EACL 2006 Workshop on Cross-Language Knowledge Induction
Date: 03-Apr-2006 - 03-Apr-2007
Location: Trento, Italy
Contact Person: Eneko Agirre
Meeting Email: e.agirre at ehu.es
Web Site: http://www.site.uottawa.ca/~diana/eacl2006-clki-workshop.html
Linguistic Field(s): Computational Linguistics
Call Deadline: 06-Jan-2006
Meeting Description:
Knowledge of the behavior of words and text in other languages has recently been used to help solving tasks in a first language. Knowledge transfer across languages has also taken advantage of resources already built for resource-rich languages like English.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: applications that exploit parallel corpora, the induction of knowledge for resource-poor languages based on resource-rich languages, the use of other languages to solve taks in a first language, the use of MT techniques for knowledge induction, identifying and using cognate words between languages, building and enriching wordnets by knowledge transfer, exploiting multi-language wordnets for NLP applications, etc. Demos of systems are encouraged.
EACL 2006 Workshop on
April 3, Trento, Italy
The EACL 2006 Workshop on CROSS-LANGUAGE KNOWLEDGE INDUCTION will be hosted in conjunction with the 11th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics that will take place April 3-7, 2006, in Trento, Italy.
Knowledge of the behavior of words and text in other languages has recently been used to help solving tasks in a first language. Knowledge transfer across languages has also taken advantage of resources already built for resource-rich languages like English.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: applications that exploit parallel corpora, the induction of knowledge for resource-poor languages based on resource-rich languages, the use of other languages to solve taks in a first language, the use of MT techniques for knowledge induction, identifying and using cognate words between languages, building and enriching wordnets by knowledge transfer, exploiting multi-language wordnets for NLP applications, etc. Demos of systems are encouraged.
Please, refer to the following url for further details on the topics of the workshop:
Authors are invited to submit full papers on original, unpublished work in the topic area of this workshop. Submissions should be formatted using the EACL 2006 stylefiles with overt author and affiliation information and not exceeding 8 pages. The EACL 2006 stylefiles are available at the following url:
Please send your PDF file no later than January 6, 2006, to
e.agirre at ehu.es
Each submission will be reviewed at least by two members of the programme committee. Accepted papers will be published in the workshop proceedings.
Dual submissions to the main EACL 2006 conference and this workshop are allowed; if you submit to the main session, indicate this when you submit to the workshop. If your paper is accepted for the main session, you should withdraw your paper from the workshop upon notification by the main session.
Information on registration and registration fees will be provided at the conference web page.
January 6, 2006 - Deadline for workshop papers
January 27, 2006 - Notification of acceptance
February 10, 2006 - Camera-ready papers due
April 3, 2006 - Workshop date
As the schedule is extremely tight, deadline extensions are NOT possible.
Co-chairs and organizers:
Diana Inkpen (University of Ottawa, Canada)
Carlo Strapparava (ITC-IRST, Povo-Trento, Italy)
Eneko Agirre (University of the Basque Country, Donostia, Spain)
Committee members:
Paul Buitelaar (DFKI, Saarbrucken, Germany)
Silviu Cucerzan (Microsoft Research, US)
Mona Diab (Columbia University, US)
Greg Kondrak (University of Alberta, Canada)
Lluis Marquez (Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain)
Joel Martin (National Research Council of Canada)
Rada Mihalcea (University of North Texas, US)
Viviana Nastase (University of Ottawa, Canada)
Ted Pedersen (University of Minnesota, Duluth, US)
Emanuele Pianta (ITC-IRST, Povo-Trento, Italy)
Philip Resnik (University of Maryland, US)
German Rigau (University of the Basque Country, Donostia, Spain)
Laurent Romary (LORIA, Nancy, France)
Michel Simard (National Research Council of Canada)
Suzanne Stevenson (University of Toronto, Canada)
Doina Tatar (Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania)
Amalia Todirascu (Universite Marc Bloch, Strasbourg, France)
Dan Tufis (Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania)
Nikolai Vazov (University of Sofia, Bulgaria)
Workshop web page:
Conference web page: http://eacl06.itc.it/
EACL 2006 Workshops site
-------------------------Message 2 ----------------------------------
Date: Thu, 03 Nov 2005 16:07:11
From: Janneke Huitink < j.huitink at phil.ru.nl >
Subject: ESSLLI 2006 Student Session
Full Title: ESSLLI 2006 Student Session
Date: 31-Jul-2006 - 11-Aug-2006
Location: Malaga, Spain
Contact Person: Sophia Katrenko
Meeting Email: katrenko at science.uva.nl
Web Site: http://www.science.uva.nl/~katrenko/stus06
Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics
Call Deadline: 01-Feb-2006
Meeting Description:
July 31 - August 11, Malaga, Spain
1st Call for Papers
July 31 - August 11, Malaga, Spain
We are pleased to announce the Student Session of the 18th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI), which will be held July 31 - August 11, in Malaga, Spain. We invite papers for oral and poster presentation from the areas of Logic, Language and Computation.
The aim of the Student Session is to provide students with the opportunity to present their work in progress and get feedback from senior researchers and fellow-students.
The ESSLLI Student Session invites students at any level, undergraduates as well as graduates, to submit a full paper, no longer than 7 pages (including references). Papers should be submitted with clear indication of the selected modality of presentation, i.e. oral or poster. Accepted papers will be published in the Student Session Proceedings.
Papers should describe original, unpublished work, complete or in progress, that demonstrates insight, creativity and promise. Previously published papers should not be submitted.
The preferred format for submission is PDF. All submissions must be accompanied by a plain text identification page, and sent to katrenko at science.uva.nl. Deadline for submission: February 1st, 2006.
For more information about the Student Session, and for the technical details concerning submission, please visit our website at http://www.science.uva.nl/~katrenko/stus06. You may also contact one of the chairs:
Janneke Huitink Sophia Katrenko
j.huitink at phil.ru.nl katrenko at science.uva.nl
Important dates:
Deadline for Submission: February 1st, 2006
Notification of Authors: April 1st, 2006
Proceedings Deadline: May 1st, 2006
ESSLLI: July 31 - August 11, 2006
LINGUIST List: Vol-16-3183
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