16.3202, Calls: Anthropological Ling/USA;General Ling/Spain
Tue Nov 8 00:01:41 UTC 2005
LINGUIST List: Vol-16-3202. Mon Nov 07 2005. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 16.3202, Calls: Anthropological Ling/USA;General Ling/Spain
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Wayne State U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
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Sheila Dooley, U of Arizona
Terry Langendoen, U of Arizona
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Date: 07-Nov-2005
From: Zeb Pischnotte < z.pischnotte at utah.edu >
Subject: Conference on Endangered Languages and Cultures of Native America
Date: 11-Oct-2005
From: Elena Benedicto < ebenedi at purdue.edu >
Subject: The Languages of Central America Caribbean Coast
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Mon, 07 Nov 2005 18:58:01
From: Zeb Pischnotte < z.pischnotte at utah.edu >
Subject: Conference on Endangered Languages and Cultures of Native America
Full Title: Conference on Endangered Languages and Cultures of Native America
Short Title: CELCNA
Date: 31-Mar-2006 - 02-Apr-2006
Location: Salt Lake City, USA
Contact Person: Zeb Pischnotte
Meeting Email: z.pischnotte at utah.edu
Web Site: http://www.cail.utah.edu
Linguistic Field(s): Anthropological Linguistics; Applied Linguistics; General
Linguistics; Language Description
Call Deadline: 16-Jan-2006
Meeting Description:
Call for Papers
Dates: The Conference on Endangered Languages and Cultures of Native America
(2nd annual CELCNA conference) will be held March 31-April 2, 2006, on the
University of Utah campus in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Keynote speaker: Victor Golla.
Call for papers: We invite papers dealing with any aspect of endangered Native
American languages, in particular on documentation or revitalization. Native
American participants are especially invited. Papers are 20 minutes each in
length, with an additional 10 minutes for discussion.
Deadline: ABSTRACTS MUST BE RECEIVED by Jan. 16, 2006. The program committee
will attempt to provide notification of acceptance by Jan. 30 (by e-mail).
Features to note:
Session in Spanish (ponencias en español): One session will be set aside on
Sunday morning, April 2, for papers in Spanish. Abstracts in Spanish (or
English) can be submitted for consideration for this session. (Due to popular
Posters: Abstracts are also invited for the poster session. This can include
also demonstration of tools and toys for language documentation.
Forum discussions: The program will include open discussion sessions dedicated
to: (1) Discussion of training for documentation of endangered languages, and
employment considerations for students dedicated to work with endangered
languages. (2) Databasing and aids for language documentation. (3) Open forum
to address matters that arise during the conference.
Abstract submission guidelines:
- The abstract should be no more than 500 words in length. It should include
the title of the paper and the name (or names) of the author/authors, together
with the author's/authors' affiliation. (If the paper is accepted, this
abstract will be reproduced in conference materials to be distributed to other
- Abstracts should be submitted by e-mail. Submissions should be in Microsoft
Word document, Rich Text Format (RTF), or Portable Document Format (PDF). If
possible, avoid special fonts (or arrange with the organizers so they can be
- Please include with your abstract appropriate contact details, which include:
contact author's name, e-mail address for the period of time from January to
April 2006, and a telephone contact number.
- Only one abstract per person may be submitted. (The only exception may be in
instances where at least one of the papers has multiple authors.)
- Address: Please send abstracts to: cail.utah at gmail.com (by Jan. 16, 2006).
Accommodations: University Guest House, the official conference hotel - 100
yards from the meeting venue (Officers' Club) and CAIL (Center for American
Indian Languages). To book accommodations, please contact the Guest House
directly (mention CELCNA for the conference booking):
University Guest House
University of Utah
110 South Fort Douglas Blvd.
Salt Lake City, Utah 84113-5036
Toll free: 1-888-416-4075 (or 801-587-1000), Fax 801-587-1001
Website http://www.guesthouse.utah.edu
(Please make reservations early, since rooms will be held for the conference
only until early March.)
Sponsors: The sponsors of this conference are:
(1) Center for American Indian Languages (CAIL), University of Utah,
(2) Smithsonian Institution Department of Anthropology of the National Museum
of Natural History,
(3) Department of Linguistics, U of Utah, and
(4) College of Humanities, University of Utah.
Registration fee: $35.
Additional information: for further information contact: Zeb Pischnotte
z.pischnotte at utah.edu, or for particular questions, write to Lyle Campbell at
lyle.campbell at linguistics.utah.edu. If you need information not easily arranged
via e-mail, please call: Tel. 801-587-0720 or 801-581-3441 during business hours
(Mountain Standard Time), or Fax 801-585-7351.
-------------------------Message 2 ----------------------------------
Date: Mon, 07 Nov 2005 18:58:05
From: Elena Benedicto < ebenedi at purdue.edu >
Subject: The Languages of Central America Caribbean Coast
Full Title: The Languages of Central America Caribbean Coast
Date: 17-Jul-2006 - 21-Jul-2006
Location: Sevilla, Spain, Spain
Contact Person: Elena Benedicto
Meeting Email: icacarib at purdue.edu
Web Site: http://www.personal.us.es/tutatis/52ICA
Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics
Language Family(ies): Arawakan; Chibchan; Creole; Mayan; Misumalpan; Sign Language
Call Deadline: 30-Nov-2005
Meeting Description:
This Symposium wants to be a meeting point for studies, from different
perspectives and approaches, on the indigenous and local languages of the
Caribbean Coast (including Sign Languages). With that in mind, the Symposium
will (non-exhaustively) articulate around three areas:
1. Basic linguistic descriptions which can advance the level of understanding of
the structure of the languages of the region, and thus contribute to both
typological and formal theoretical studies.
2. Socio-linguistic issues, including language policies and ways of articulating
3. Issues of 'good practices' in research methodologies, including the notion of
empowerment and approaches of participatory research, how to integrate the input
of the language community, the active participation and training of members of
the language community in research projects, and ways in which linguistic
projects can optimally be organized in the context of the Coast.
The Languages of Central America Caribbean Coast:
Articulating Society, Culture in the Present, Past and Future.
icacarib at purdue.edu
A Symposium of the 52nd International Congress of Americanists.
Sevilla (Spain), July 17-21, 2006
Elena Benedicto, Purdue University ebenedi at purdue.edu
Vicky Camacho, Universidad de Sevilla tutatis at us.es
Webpage: http://www.personal.us.es/tutatis/52ICA
About the Symposium
The Central American Caribbean region is a highly multilingual and multicultural
area, with a complex system of linguistic hierarchies and interactions. This
linguistic and cultural complexity not only derives from the multiplicity of
levels of linguistic interaction, but is compounded by the lack and dispersion
of in-depth studies on the structure of the languages in particular as well as
on the socio-linguistics of the situation and on aspects of 'good-practices' in
Abstracts can be sent for 30-minute talks, on either of the topics described above.
Abstracts should not be longer than one page, with 1-inch (2.5 cm) margins on
each side and font no smaller than 12pt.
Title of the abstract should appear in the first line of the page, followed by
the name of the author(s) in the second line.
No more than one single-authored paper and one co-authored paper can be
accepted. ICA 52 will allow no more than two papers by the same author in any of
the symposia.
Where to send abstracts: electronically at icacarib at purdue.edu
Deadline for abstracts: November 30, 2005
Notification of acceptance: December 5, 2005
Other Info
Please note that the organizers of ICA 52 require that every participant
presenting a paper register and pay by December 31st, 2005. You can check their
The organizers of ICA 52 have also set a (limited) program of grants to cover
lodging expenses for participating speakers. Deadline for applications is also
December 31st, and notification will be given by the end of January. For more
The organizers of the Symposium will seek to supplement those grants for travel
expenses for presenters who are members of an indigenous or local language
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