16.3199, Calls: Socioling/Finland;General Ling/Czech Republic
Mon Nov 7 23:32:18 UTC 2005
LINGUIST List: Vol-16-3199. Mon Nov 07 2005. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 16.3199, Calls: Socioling/Finland;General Ling/Czech Republic
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Wayne State U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews (reviews at linguistlist.org)
Sheila Dooley, U of Arizona
Terry Langendoen, U of Arizona
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Editor for this issue: Kevin Burrows <kevin at linguistlist.org>
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Date: 06-Nov-2005
From: Juhani Klemola < juhani.klemola at uta.fi >
Subject: World Englishes: Vernacular Universals vs. Contact-Induced Change: An International Symposium
Date: 05-Nov-2005
From: Viktor El?ík < 7icrl at email.cz >
Subject: 7th International Conference on Romani Linguistics
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Mon, 07 Nov 2005 18:28:50
From: Juhani Klemola < juhani.klemola at uta.fi >
Subject: World Englishes: Vernacular Universals vs. Contact-Induced Change: An International Symposium
Full Title: World Englishes: Vernacular Universals vs. Contact-Induced Change:
An International Symposium
Date: 01-Sep-2006 - 03-Sep-2006
Location: Mekrijärvi, Finland
Contact Person: Markku Filppula
Meeting Email: markku.filppula at joensuu.fi
Linguistic Field(s): History of Linguistics; Sociolinguistics
Subject Language(s): English (eng)
Call Deadline: 15-Dec-2005
Meeting Description:
The aim of this Symposium is to bring together scholars interested in the role
of two major factors which have shaped the grammars of different varieties of
English and English-based creoles all over the world, viz. so-called 'vernacular
universals' and contact-induced change. By 'vernacular universals' we mean
significant phonological and/or morphosyntactic parallels between different
non-standard varieties of English. These will be set against the other major
explanatory factor: contact-induced change, which refers to the possibility of
dialect or language contacts.
World Englishes: Vernacular Universals vs. Contact-Induced Change
An International Symposium
University of Joensuu Research Station, Mekrijärvi
1-3 September, 2006
Call for papers
Call deadline: 15 December 2005
We are happy to announce that an International Symposium on World Englishes:
Vernacular Universals vs. Contact-Induced Change will take place at the
University of Joensuu Research Station, Mekrijärvi, 1-3 September, 2006.
The Symposium programme will consist of 11 papers by invited speakers (see
below) and a strictly limited number of additional papers (5-6 at most).
Abstracts are invited for 20-minute talks (plus 10 minutes for discussion) on
the topic of vernacular universals vs. contact-induced change in varieties of
English. The maximum number of participants (including the invited speakers)
will be 40.
Jack Chambers (Toronto)
Karen P. Corrigan (Newcastle)
Salikoko S. Mufwene (Chicago)
Terttu Nevalainen (Helsinki)
Terence Odlin (Ohio)
Daniel Schreier (Bern)
Peter Siemund (Hamburg)
Sali Tagliamonte (Toronto)
Sarah G. Thomason (Michigan)
Peter Trudgill (Fribourg)
Don Winford (Ohio)
The deadline for abstracts is 15 December, 2005. They should be no less and no
more than 500 words long and include the title of the paper, but no author
name(s). Title of the paper, name of the author(s), affiliation(s), e-mail
address(es), and postal address should be included in the body of the e-mail
message. The abstracts should be submitted as e-mail attachments (in rtf or pdf
format), and sent to:
heli.paulasto at joensuu.fi
Speakers will be notified of the acceptance of their paper proposals by 31
January, 2006.
Accommodation in Mekrijärvi will be in single or double rooms, and it includes
full board (price range 220-250 euro, including transportation from Joensuu to
Mekrijärvi and back). Further information about these will be provided in due
course on our website: http://www.joensuu.fi/fld/unicont
Markku Filppula (University of Joensuu)
Juhani Klemola (University of Tampere)
Heli Paulasto (University of Joensuu)
-------------------------Message 2 ----------------------------------
Date: Mon, 07 Nov 2005 18:28:54
From: Viktor El?ík < 7icrl at email.cz >
Subject: 7th International Conference on Romani Linguistics
Full Title: 7th International Conference on Romani Linguistics
Short Title: 7ICRL
Date: 14-Sep-2006 - 16-Sep-2006
Location: Prague, Czech Republic
Contact Person: Viktor El?ík
Meeting Email: 7icrl at email.cz
Web Site: http://ulug.ff.cuni.cz/7icrl/index.php
Linguistic Field(s): Anthropological Linguistics
Subject Language(s): Romani, Carpathian (rmc)
Romani, Kalo Finnish (rmf)
Romani, Baltic (rml)
Romani, Balkan (rmn)
Romani, Sinte (rmo)
Romani, Welsh (rmw)
Romani, Vlax (rmy)
Call Deadline: 20-May-2006
Meeting Description:
Title: 7th International Conference on Romani Linguistics (7ICRL)
Subtitle: Anthropological Perspectives on the Romani Language
Prague, September 14-16, 2006
The 7th International Conference on Romani Linguistics is scheduled for
Thursday, September 14 through Saturday, September 16, 2006 at the Charles
University, Prague. Presentations in all fields of Romani linguistics are
invited. In accord with the subtitle of the conference, contributions
investigating cultural aspects of the Romani language and linguistic aspects of
the Romani culture(s) are most welcome.
The deadline for abstract submission is May 20, 2006. The abstract - written in
English, not exceeding 400 words, and identifiable solely by the title of the
presentation - should be sent as an email attachement. The author's name,
affiliation, and postal and email addresses should be indicated in the body of
the email message. All abstracts will be reviewed by the conference's
international Academic Committee. Authors will be notified of the reviewers'
decisions by June 20, 2006.
7ICRL Academic Committee:
Doc. PhDr. Zden?k Starý, CSc. (Charles University, Prague)
Prof. Victor A. Friedman, Ph.D. (University of Chicago)
PhDr. Elena Maru?iaková (Studii Romani, Sofia)
LINGUIST List: Vol-16-3199
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