16.3246, Calls: Lexicography/Italy;General Ling/USA
Thu Nov 10 18:58:30 UTC 2005
LINGUIST List: Vol-16-3246. Thu Nov 10 2005. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 16.3246, Calls: Lexicography/Italy;General Ling/USA
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Wayne State U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews (reviews at linguistlist.org)
Sheila Dooley, U of Arizona
Terry Langendoen, U of Arizona
Homepage: http://linguistlist.org/
The LINGUIST List is funded by Eastern Michigan University, Wayne
State University, and donations from subscribers and publishers.
Editor for this issue: Kevin Burrows <kevin at linguistlist.org>
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Date: 10-Nov-2005
From: Sylvie De Cock < decock at lige.ucl.ac.be >
Subject: 12th EURALEX International Congress
Date: 10-Nov-2005
From: Laia Mayol < laia at sas.upenn.edu >
Subject: Penn Linguistics Colloquium 30
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Thu, 10 Nov 2005 13:56:15
From: Sylvie De Cock < decock at lige.ucl.ac.be >
Subject: 12th EURALEX International Congress
Full Title: 12th EURALEX International Congress
Short Title: EURALEX 2006
Date: 06-Sep-2006 - 09-Sep-2006
Location: Torino, Italy
Contact Person: Carla Marello
Web Site: http://www.euralex2006.unito.it
Linguistic Field(s): Lexicography
Call Deadline: 30-Nov-2005
30 November 2005
NEW Style sheet for paper proposals
How to pay registration
Hotel booking
INFO available at the congress website:
The 12th EURALEX International Congress will be held in Torino Italy, from the
6th to the 9th of September 2006. The Congress organizers are the Faculty of
Modern Language and Literature and the Department of Scienze letterarie e
filologiche of the University of Torino together with the Accademia della Crusca
EURALEX 2006, as previous European Association for Lexicography congresses,
brings together professional lexicographers, publishers, researchers, scholars,
and others interested in dictionaries of all types. The programme will include
plenary lectures, parallel sessions on the topics listed below, software
demonstrations, pre-congress tutorials and specialized workshops, a book and
software exhibition, and social events for participants and their guests.
30 November 2005
NEW Style sheet for paper proposals
How to pay registration
Hotel booking
INFO available at the congress website:
The deadline for receipt of proposals for presentation at the 2006 EURALEX
Congress has been extended to November 30, 2005. Please e-mail your proposal to:
euralex2006 at unito.it).
Papers, posters, and software demonstrations are invited on all topics of
lexicography including, but not limited to, the following fields, which are the
main focus of the congress:
1. Historical and Scholarly Lexicography and Etymology
2. Computational Lexicography and Lexicology
3. The Dictionary-Making Process
4. Reports on Lexicographical and Lexicological Projects
5. Bilingual Lexicography
6. Dialect dictionaries and linguistic atlases
7. Lexicography for Specialised Languages - Terminology and Terminography
8. Dictionary Use
9. Phraseology and Collocation
10. Lexicological Issues of Lexicographical Relevance
11. Other topics
The main topics are not meant to exclude any lexicographic topic. Papers,
posters, and demonstrations that are relevant to the congress, but which do not
fit into any of the categories 1-10, will be reviewed nonetheless and considered
for presentation.
Contact Address
Congress Organizers EURALEX 2006
Prof. Carla Marello
Dipartimento di Scienze letterarie e filologiche Università di Torino Via
Sant'Ottavio 20 (10124) Torino Italia
e-mail: euralex2006 at unito.it euralex2006 at unito.it
Internet address:
The information at this location will be kept up to date.
Individual presentations should be timed for 20 minutes, and will be followed by
a 10-minute discussion period.
Short papers and project notes
There will be opportunities for short papers and project notes. These will be
allowed 20 minutes including discussion period. It is up to the speaker to
devote time to discussion or to exploit entirely the 20 minutes for the
presentation of his/her paper.
There are no restrictions on language of presentations, but unfortunately it is
not possible to offer interpretation.
Software demonstrations
We are particularly interested in well-prepared software demonstrations,
presentations of electronic dictionaries, corpora, tools, etc. These
demonstrations will be allowed a 20-minute time slot at the congress (they may
possibly be presented twice). Technical facilities will be available.
A poster session is planned. Appropriate facilities will be provided on the
Congress site.
Submissions may be one of the following types: Contributed papers, Software
demonstrations, Posters.
All submissions will be reviewed by two or three members of the referees panel.
The programme will be selected by the programme committee.
Authors should email submission (to euralex2006 at unito.it) before the 30th of
November 2005 . Authors should send three hard copies in addition to the
Congress Organiser (see address above)
Submissions proposing software demonstrations should include a description of
the functions, underlying approach and implementation of the software, possibly
an indication of a URL, and hardware/software requirements.
Please follow the instructions available at the Euralex website and at congress
In the front page please write only the following items:
- Title of the paper/software demonstration/poster;
- Name(s), affiliation(s) and address(es) of the author(s);
- Abstract (10-15 lines);
- In the top right corner: indication of the topic category. If your paper does
not fit into any of the main categories, please use 11.
At the beginning of the text (first page after the front page) repeat only the
title of the paper/software demonstration/poster and the topic category..
Authors whose submissions are accepted have to pay their registration fee (340,
285 or 150 euros, see below) before April 2006 the 1st. Contributed papers will
be allowed up to 10 pages: short papers, project notes, papers relating to
Software Demonstrations and posters will be allowed up to 5 pages, in a separate
section of the Proceedings.
Important Dates
30 November 2005:
Deadline for receipt of preliminary versions of papers by congress organisers.
6 March 2006:
Despatch of notifications of acceptance/rejection.
1 April 2006:
Deadline for receipt of camera-ready papers for inclusion in the Proceedings
(and for authors registration fee payment).
Programme Committee: Carla Marello (I), Rosamund Moon (GB), Janet de Cesaris
(E), Geoffrey Williams (F), membri del Comitato Esecutivo Euralex, Manuel
Barbera (I) and Nicoletta Maraschio (I), Vice-President of the Accademia della
Crusca. Reviewers will include the above, the members of the EURALEX Executive
Board, and additional experts.
Pre-EURALEX tutorials: Pre-EURALEX tutorials will be organised. Topics will be
announced later
Exhibitions: A book and software exhibition will be organised in the coffee
break area of the Congress site. Walk-up-and-use software demonstrations
(without presentation, not included in the Proceedings) may be given there;
however, participants should bring their own transportable PCs or laptops as
there will be no technical support.
Registration: An early subscription bonus, as well as a discount for EURALEX
members, will be offered.
FEES (in euros)
Full- (410.00 426.00) if paying by credit card
Reduced fee- for payment before 1st May 2006 (340.00 353.00) if paying by credit
EURALEX member- (350.00 364.00) if paying by credit card
Reduced fee-for payment before 1st May 2006 (285.00 296.00) if paying by credit
EURALEX IFF member- (185.00 192.00) if paying by credit card
Reduced fee- for payment before 1st May 2006 (150.00 156.00) if paying by credit
Student- (150.00 156.00) if paying by credit card
No reduced fee for advanced payment
Visitor- (120.00 125.00) if paying by credit card
No reduced fee for advanced payment
- Standard registration fees include coffee pauses, lunches, 6th September 2006
welcome drink, and one copy of the Congress Proceedings..
- Visitor registration fees include access to the Congress programme, coffee
breaks, lunches, and 6th September 2006 welcome drink.
One person accompanying foreign (or coming from far away Italian regions)
participants or visitors will be our guest for coffee pauses and lunches.
The programme of social events for participants and their guests will be
announced later.
How to pay the registration fee.
The registration fee should be paid to Edizioni dell'Orso S.r.l. Via U.
Rattazzi, 47 - 15100 ALESSANDRIA ITALIA
Please do not send cash
Make a bank transfer to Edizioni dell'Orso S.r.l. bank account no. 15892 Banca
San Paolo-IMI, Filiale di Alessandria, Piazza Garibaldi 58 I-15100 Alessandria
CIN V ABI 01025 CAB 10400
IBAN IT74 V010 2510 4001 0000 0015 892; BIC IBSPITTM
Please indicate the following information:
- conference participant
- Euralex member
- Euralex IFF member
- student
- visitor
If you want to pay by credit card, please remember to add 4% to the total
Send the following registration form to:
Alle Edizioni dell'Orso S.r.l. Via U. Rattazzi, 47 - I 15100 ALESSANDRIA
or fax it to: 39.0131.257567
Remember to sign the registration form.
2006 EURALEX Congress Registration Form
I hereby authorize you to charge my credit card:
- Master Card
- Carta Sì
NAME (as it appears on card) _________________________________________
DATE OF BIRTH _______________________________________________
Number _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Expiration date _ _ _ _
Payment in euros ____________
for registration at the 2006 EURALEX Congress (please check one)
o Congress participant
o Euralex member
o Euralex IFF member
o student
o visitor
Date and Signature
PLEASE e-mail the congress organizers (euralex2006 at unito.it) when you have made
payment and indicate the fee you have paid. The congress organizers will need
this information in order to process any possible claims for refunds.
Congress Venue
The EURALEX Congress will be held near the city centre, in the Palazzina Einaudi
of the Università di Torino, street address: LUNGO DORA SIENA 68.
Hotel booking
Hotels and other tourist services can be booked through the following travel agency:
Address: Via Sacchi 63,
Tel. +39115805099
Fax +39115131693
The travel agency is open Monday-Friday 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. - 6 p.m.
e-mail: lamoletour at dlf.it.
Accommodation Block reservations will be made in the centre of Torino, where the
Congress venue is situated.
Minimum-maximum prices per room/night (in euros) in June 2005 (source: Tourist
4 stars single 165-400 double 200-340
3 stars single 70-150 double 90-200
2 stars single 50-100 double 70-125
1 star single 35-60 double 60-80
-Prices might increase in 2006.
-Early reservation allows a larger and better hotel choice.
Please complete and return this form as soon as possible to the following address.
Congress Organizers EURALEX 2006
Prof. Carla Marello
Dipartimento di Scienze letterarie e filologiche
Università di Torino, Via Sant'Ottavio 20 (10124) Torino Italia
e-mail: euralex2006 at unito.it
[ ] I wish to present a paper at the Congress.
[ ] I wish to present a software demonstration at the Congress.
[ ] I wish to present a poster at the Congress.
[ ] 4 star [ ] 3 star [ ] 2 star [ ] 1 star
[ ] Youth hostel
-------------------------Message 2 ----------------------------------
Date: Thu, 10 Nov 2005 13:56:20
From: Laia Mayol < laia at sas.upenn.edu >
Subject: Penn Linguistics Colloquium 30
Full Title: Penn Linguistics Colloquium 30
Short Title: PLC30
Date: 24-Feb-2006 - 26-Feb-2006
Location: Philadelphia, PA, USA
Contact Person: Lukasz Abramowicz
Meeting Email: plc30 at babel.ling.upenn.edu
Web Site: http://www.ling.upenn.edu/Events/PLC/
Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics
Call Deadline: 15-Nov-2005
Meeting Description:
We are very happy to announce that the 30th Penn Linguistics Colloquium will
take place in Philadelphia between the 24th and 26th of February 2006
The 30th Penn Linguistics Colloquium:
Last Call for Papers
The 30th Annual Penn Linguistics Colloquium will take place February 24-26, 2006
at the University of Pennsylvania campus in Philadelphia.
Keynote address:
Pauline Jacobson (Brown University): Direct Compositionality and Variable Free
Semantics: Taking the Surprise out of ''Complex Variables''
Special session:
David Embick & Rolf Noyer (Penn): Distributed Morphology
Papers on any topic in linguistics and associated fields are welcome. We
particularly encourage submissions of work done in the Distributed Morphology
framework. The session on DM - scheduled for Friday afternoon - will feature an
extended introductory lecture, followed by paper presentations and discussion.
If you wish to be considered for this session, please include DM in the
'keywords' field on the submission form.
Speakers will have 20 minutes for their presentations and 5 minutes for
discussion and questions.
Deadline: Abstracts are due Tuesday, November 15, 2005. Notification of
acceptance/rejection will be given by Monday, January 16, 2006.
Length: Please limit abstracts to one page, single- or double-spaced. An
additional page may be used for references, tables, and examples. Do not include
your name or affiliation within the abstract.
Format: To facilitate the review process, please submit your abstract as a .pdf
file. If you cannot create .pdf files, you may submit a .doc, .rtf, or .txt
file, and we will convert it for you. However, since phonetic fonts are not
likely to output correctly, we ask that you set up a legend using standard ASCII
Submission: An online abstract submission form is available at the PLC website:
Proceedings: Conference proceedings will be published as a volume of the Penn
Working Papers in Linguistics. Speakers will be invited to provide camera-ready
copies of their papers after the Colloquium.
Email plc30 at ling.upenn.edu
Visit http://www.ling.upenn.edu/Events/PLC/plc30/
Penn Linguistics Colloquium
Department of Linguistics
619 Williams Hall
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6305
This event is supported by funding from GSAC, the Graduate Student Association
Council of University of Pennsylvania
LINGUIST List: Vol-16-3246
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