16.3249, Confs: General Ling/Historical Ling/Leiden, Netherlands
Thu Nov 10 19:17:00 UTC 2005
LINGUIST List: Vol-16-3249. Thu Nov 10 2005. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 16.3249, Confs: General Ling/Historical Ling/Leiden, Netherlands
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Date: 10-Nov-2005
From: Wolfgang Behr < wolfgang.behr at rub.de >
Subject: 1st EACL Summerschool in Chinese Linguistics
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Thu, 10 Nov 2005 14:15:33
From: Wolfgang Behr < wolfgang.behr at rub.de >
Subject: 1st EACL Summerschool in Chinese Linguistics
1st EACL Summerschool in Chinese Linguistics
Date: 27-Mar-2006 - 31-Mar-2006
Location: Leiden, Netherlands
Contact: Rint P.E. Sybesma
Contact Email: r.p.e.sybesma at let.leidenuniv.nl
Meeting URL: http://dbs.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/EACLdat/temp/School.htm
Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics; Historical Linguistics; Linguistic Theories; Phonology; Syntax; Writing Systems
Subject Language(s): Chinese, Mandarin (cmn)
Language Family(ies): Sino-Tibetan
Meeting Description:
The first EACL Summerschool in Chinese Linguistics will be held in the Spring of 2006, from 27-31 March, in Leiden, The Netherlands.
First EACL Summerschool in Chinese Linguistics
Organized by
the European Association for Chinese Linguistics
Sponsored by
the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange, Taiwan and the International Institute for Asian Studies, The Netherlands
The first EACL Summerschool in Chinese Linguistics will be held in the Spring of 2006, from 27-31 March.
In Leiden, The Netherlands
We offer the following program:
-A course on modern comparative syntax, taught by Lisa Cheng and Rint Sybesma
(Leiden) (9:30-12:00)
-A course on writing, taught by Wolfgang Behr (Bochum) (13:00-15:30)
-A course on historical phonology, taught by Guillaume Jacques (Paris) (16:00-18:30)
All courses run from Monday to Friday.
The language of instruction is English.
The EACL Summerschool in Chinese Linguistics is primarily organized for PhD students in Chinese linguistics affiliated to European universities.
Other participants are also welcome. Among these (if selection will be necessary), priority will be given to MA students in Chinese linguistics, affilliated to a European University, but PhD/MA-students in Chinese linguistics affilliated to non-European Universities, and others, are also welcome to apply.
Faculty/senior scholars can also take part, up to 20% of the class.
We maximally admit (about) 20 participants.
Student participants are expected to attend all courses.
Participants are or will become EACL members.
What are the requirements? (i) Good command of spoken and written Chinese and English. (ii) Proven interest in Chinese linguistics.
Fees: The first Summerschool will be free of charge.
Subsidies: Student participants (and possibly some others as well) may be partially reimbursed for their travel and, possibly, some other costs. The organization will try to organize cheap accomodation (crash spaces/dorms).
Ph.D. students send in: 1. Name and contact information (incl. M/F for the crash spaces/dorms). 2. Affiliated university and name of the advisor. 3. What year you started the PhD studies. 4. Main field of interest. 5. Short motivation: why do you want to take part?
MA-students send in: 1. Name and contact information (incl. M/F for the crash spaces/dorms).
2. Affiliated university plus the name and contact information of one of the teachers who we may contact for reference.
3. List of courses attended (incl. ects-points) and marks.
4. Short motivation: why do you want to take part?
Others send in:
1. Name and contact information (incl. M/F for the crash spaces/dorms).
2. Affiliated university.
3. Background/field of specialization.
4. Short motivation: why do you want to take part?
Applications and questions should be sent to r.p.e.sybesma at let.leidenuniv.nl,
with as subject ''EACL Summerschool 2006'';
or: R. Sybesma, Universiteit Leiden/TCC, P.O. Box 9515, 2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands.
Applications must be sent before 15 February 2006. Prospective participants will be notified before 28 February. The board of the EACL functions as admission committee.
Also, keep visiting: http://dbs.rub.de/EACLdat/default.htm.
LINGUIST List: Vol-16-3249
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