16.3290, Sum: Language Interference
Tue Nov 15 20:48:27 UTC 2005
LINGUIST List: Vol-16-3290. Tue Nov 15 2005. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 16.3290, Sum: Language Interference
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Date: 15-Nov-2005
From: Elena Gerdowa < lena_ger at web.de >
Subject: Language Interference
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Tue, 15 Nov 2005 15:46:20
From: Elena Gerdowa < lena_ger at web.de >
Subject: Language Interference
Regarding query: http://www.linguistlist.org/issues/16/16-3216.html#2
A week ago I asked for help in looking for research papers on language
interference (Russian-English, Russian-German). I am very grateful to
everybody who answered me.
If anybody is also interested in this aspect, here is a summary of the
answers that I got (some of them I left unchanged, some of them are
translated from German into English, the rest is a little bit modified).
From: ''Laura Callahan'' <lcallahan at ccny.cuny.edu>
This book might be of interest:
Gregor, Esma
Russian-English Code-switching in New York City
Series: Berliner Slawistische Arbeiten Vol. 21
Year of Publication: 2003
Frankfurt/M., Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Wien, 2003.
ISBN 3-631-50751-8 / US-ISBN 0-8204-6424-4 pb.
From: Olya Gurevich <olya.gurevich at gmail.com>
Asya Pereltsvaig has done extensive work on the aspectual system of
American Russian. Her publications are at
Another person who works on immigrant Russian is Maria Polinsky at UC San
From: Yourie Pankratz <ypankratz at usa.net>
There are lots of publication on the topic of Russian-German Interference
in Russia, especially Kazachstan ( Alma-Ata Inst of Foreign languages).
There is a great doct. theses on interference by A.E. Karlinsky, cand.
theses by Khaskina (her articles).
From: Inessa Hellwig-Fabian <inessa.hellwig at arcor.de>
There are a lot of titles cited on Heinrich Pfandl's home page (Uni Graz).
These are his own works, works written by David Andrews und Maria Polinsky.
Title of the survey of Russian-German interference: H. Pfandl
''Erstsprachenverwendung und kulturelle Einstellungen von
russischsprachigen Emigrierten mit frühem Ausreisealter in
deutschsprachiger Umgebung'', Graz 2000.
From: Bernd Spillner <spillner at uni-duisburg.de>
There is a bibliography by Bernd Spiller with more than 5000 titles about
language interference:
?Error analysis: a comprehensive bibliography." Amsterdam 1991.
From: Galina Bolden <gbolden at rci.rutgers.edu>
With regards to the inquiry on Russian/English inferences, the following
references might be of interest:
Andrews, D. R. (1995). Standard versus nonstandard: The intersection of
sociolinguistics and language teaching. Georgetown University
Roundtable on Languages and Linguistics, 25-32.
Andrews, D. R. (1993). American intonational interference in emigré
Russian: A comparative analysis of elicited speech samples. Slavic and
East European Journal, 37(2), 162-177.
Zemskaia, E. A., Glovinskaia, M. I., & Bobrik, M. A. (2001). Jazyk russkogo
zarubezhja: Obshie processy i rechevye portrety [The language of the
Russian Emigration: General processes and linguistic portraits].
Moscow/Vienna: Wiener slawistischer Almanach.
From: ''Keith Goeringer'' <kegoeringer at hotmail.com>
K. Goeringer suggested to contact Prof. David
Andrews at Georgetown University <andrews at georgetown.edu>. Prof. Andrews
has studied interference of English on Russian (heritage and émigré)
speakers in the U.S. .
From: Aneta Swatek'' <anetaswatek at wp.pl>
"The first thing that has crossed my mind is Volga Germans -
what you probably now yourself very well... There is a lot of
publications about them.
Then - I do not know if the Russian speaking people coming back
to their ancestors land (Germany) from for example Kazakhstan or
Ukraine were examined by someone - if so, there should be some
sociological works about it.
Then you may thing about language islands, Germanic in Slavonic
surrounding and vice versa.
On the field of glottodidactics a lot of work has been done on
the example of bilinguial children as well as people LEARNING
Russian/German as a foreign language (usually the titles may
content words like: ''the most common mistakes'' or something)."
From: Marina Sherkina-Lieber <marina.cherkina at utoronto.ca>
Marina Sherkina-Lieber. 2004. The cognate facilitation effect in bilingual
speech production: The case of Russian-English bilingualism. Proceedings of
the 12th Workshop on Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics, Cahiers
d'Ottawa, 32, 108-121.
This article is about an experiment in which L1-Russians with
L2-English rated the frequency of use of English words, and it turned out
wordsthat have cognates in Russian got higher ratings than in the control
group of English monolinguals.
From: ''Lelija Socanac'' <lelija at hazu.hr>
"If you are interested in English loanwords in Russian and their adaptation
on the main linguistic levels (orthographic, phonological, morphological
and semantic), I'd like to draw your attention to the book by R. Filipovic
and A. Menac, Engleski element u hrvatskome i ruskom jeziku'' (The English
element in Croatian and Russian), Zagreb: Skolska knjiga, 2005."
Linguistic Field(s): Discourse Analysis
LINGUIST List: Vol-16-3290
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