16.3368, Calls: General Ling/Germany;Syntax/Netherlands
Wed Nov 23 21:09:35 UTC 2005
LINGUIST List: Vol-16-3368. Wed Nov 23 2005. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 16.3368, Calls: General Ling/Germany;Syntax/Netherlands
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Wayne State U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews (reviews at linguistlist.org)
Sheila Dooley, U of Arizona
Terry Langendoen, U of Arizona
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Editor for this issue: Kevin Burrows <kevin at linguistlist.org>
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Date: 22-Nov-2005
From: Sonja Kettler < skettler at uni-bremen.de >
Subject: 39th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea
Date: 22-Nov-2005
From: Roland Pfau < r.pfau at uva.nl >
Subject: Universality and Particularity in Parts-of-Speech Systems
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Wed, 23 Nov 2005 16:02:40
From: Sonja Kettler < skettler at uni-bremen.de >
Subject: 39th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea
Full Title: 39th annual meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea
Short Title: SLE
Date: 30-Aug-2006 - 02-Sep-2006
Location: Bremen, Germany
Contact Person: Sonja Kettler
Meeting Email: skettler at uni-bremen.de
Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics; Historical Linguistics; Typology
Call Deadline: 01-Apr-2006
Meeting Description:
39th annual meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE), to be held at the university of Bremen/Germany
Suggested topics are recommended, but not limited to the following areas:
- Historical linguistics
- All areas of grammar (phonology, morphology, syntax, lexicon)
- Typology and universals research
- Cognitive linguistics
- Psycholinguistics
- Sociolinguistics
- Language contact/Areal linguistics
- History of linguistics
- Other areas relevant to the general topic of the conference.
CALL FOR WORKSHOPS (deadline for full workshop descriptions 1 April 2006)
The organisers welcome suggestions for workshops. The number of workshops is limited to a maximum of six. There will be a slot for pre-conference workshops on 29 August 2006. Those who are interested in organising a workshop on occasion of the 39th SLE meeting are kindly asked to get in touch with the local organisers in Bremen.
-------------------------Message 2 ----------------------------------
Date: Wed, 23 Nov 2005 16:02:46
From: Roland Pfau < r.pfau at uva.nl >
Subject: Universality and Particularity in Parts-of-Speech Systems
Full Title: Universality and Particularity in Parts-of-Speech Systems
Short Title: PoS2006
Date: 08-Jun-2006 - 10-Jun-2006
Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands
Contact Person: Roland Pfau
Meeting Email: pos-fgw at uva.nl
Web Site: http://home.hum.uva.nl/pos
Linguistic Field(s): Linguistic Theories; Morphology; Syntax; Typology
Call Deadline: 05-Dec-2005
Meeting Description:
PoS 2006: Universality and Particularity in Parts-of-Speech Systems
Full Title: Universality and Particularity in Parts-of-Speech Systems
Short Title: PoS2006
Date: 08-Jun-2006 - 10-Jun-2006
Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands
Contact Person: Roland Pfau
Meeting Email: pos-fgw at uva.nl
Web Site: http://home.hum.uva.nl/pos
Linguistic Field(s): Linguistic Theories; Morphology; Syntax; Typology
Call Deadline: 05-Dec-2005
PoS 2006: Universality and Particularity in Parts-of-Speech Systems
Second Call for Papers
PoS 2006: Universality and Particularity in Parts-of-Speech Systems
Amsterdam Center for Language and Communication
University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
June 8-10, 2006
The problem of the classification of classes of words and the systems in which they occur is a central one in linguistics. Word class distinctions often constitute the point of departure for much theoretical as well as descriptive work without, at times, being understood sufficiently in terms of their universal validity. In terms of the language system, word class distinctions have been claimed to correlate with distinct phonological patterns, morphological operations, syntactic distribution, semantic classes, and communicative functions. Given these many ramifications within the language system, it is not surprising that natural languages differ from each other typologically with respect to how word class distinctions manifest themselves in their lexicon and syntax. Moreover, word class distinctions may be expected to play a central role in acquisition and loss, in diachronic change, and in language contact. And finally, they may be expected to be an important cue in language processing.
In view of the above, the conference programme covers the widest possible range of perspectives on parts of speech and parts of speech systems, including:
- Parts of speech in language typology, including sign language typology
- Parts of speech from various theoretical perspectives
- Parts of speech in acquisition and loss
- Parts of speech in language processing
- Parts of speech in processes of grammaticalization
- Parts of speech in language contact
The aim of the conference is to bring together specialists from all these various areas in order to enhance the exchange of research results across the traditional boundaries between the linguistic subdisciplines.
The programme will mainly consist of plenary lectures, in order to meet the aim of enhancing the exchange of research results. A rigorous and anonymous selection procedure will be applied. A long poster session organized thematically will compensate for the small number of slots available for lectures.
Invited Speakers
Mark Baker, McGill University
Nicholas Evans, University of Melbourne
Christian Lehmann, University of Erfurt
Programme Committee
Umberto Ansaldo, Jan Don, Kees Hengeveld (chair), Michiel van Lambalgen, and
Roland Pfau
Venue, dates
The conference starts Thursday, June 8, 2006 at 14.00 in the afternoon, and ends with a conference dinner Saturday night, June 10, 2006. The conference venue is the 'PC Hoofthuis', Spuistraat 134, NL-1012 VB Amsterdam. This is a university building located in the very center of Amsterdam.
The conference hotel is Hotel Résidence Le Coin, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 5, 1012 CP Amsterdam, tel. 020-5246800, website: <www.lecoin.nl>. We have blocked a number of rooms at this hotel at the following prices:
Single room 85 euro
Double room 95 euro
Deluxe double room 110 euro
Prices do not include breakfast. If you are interested in this option please contact the hotel directly at <lecoin at holding.uva.nl>, using the reference 'parts-of-speech conference'. You should make your reservation before March 15, 2006.
A second option for accomodation that may be cheaper is to get a package deal including flight and hotel from your local touroperator.
Other hotel options and availability of rooms may be checked at <www.bookings.nl>.
Submission Guidelines
Abstracts are invited for 30-minute talks (plus 10 for discussion) as well as
for poster presentations.
Given the role the quality of the abstract plays in the selection procedure, it should contain at least the following items: a clearly defined and well-motivated research question, the crucial examples illustrating the relevance of the research question, and the main conclusions the paper arrives at. Abstracts should be anonymous and should have a maximum length of 1000 words including data and references. References to the literature cited should be given. References containing the name of the author may also be given but will be suppressed before the abstract is sent to the programme committee. Please indicate in the acompanying message whether you want to present a paper or a poster.
Submissions are limited to one singly authored and one jointly authored abstract per author or two jointly authored abstracts.
Abstracts should be sent electronically to the secretary of the programme
committee, Gerdien Kerssies, at pos-fgw at uva.nl; Subject: ''pos-abstract''.
Please submit abstracts as an attachment to an e-mail message (do not include abstracts in the body of a message). The body of the message should include the information listed in 1-4 below. PDF or Word versions are strongly preferred. If a non-PDF format is used, we discourage the use of nonstandard fonts, since we may not be able to decipher them.
1. Name(s) of presenter(s)
2. Affiliation(s) of presenter(s)
3. Postal address, telephone number, and e-mail address
4. Title of the paper
Non-electronic submissions, with a separate sheet for the information in 1-4
above, should be mailed to the following address:
PoS Abstract Committee
c/o Gerdien Kerssies
Department of Linguistics
University of Amsterdam
Spuistraat 210
1012 VT AMsterdam
The Netherlands
Abstracts must be received by December 5, 2005. Notifications of acceptance or non-acceptance will be sent by February 1, 2006, at the latest.
Please send requests for more information to pos-fgw at uva.nl.
Conference Fee
The regular conference fee is 80 euro . Students and unemployed colleagues pay 40. The fee covers participation in the conference, conference materials, and a conference dinner on Saturday. Payment of the conference fee may be done on the spot. We do, however, ask you to preregister for the conference.
Preregistration is possible through the conference website as of January 1, 2006.
Conference website
The conference website is regularly updated. The website address is:
LINGUIST List: Vol-16-3368
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