16.2922, Calls: Ling & Literature/Cameroon;General Ling/Germany
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Sun Oct 9 23:58:48 UTC 2005
LINGUIST List: Vol-16-2922. Sun Oct 09 2005. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 16.2922, Calls: Ling & Literature/Cameroon;General Ling/Germany
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Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
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Date: 05-Oct-2005
From: Kizitus Mpoche < kizitus at yahoo.com >
Subject: International Conference on Language, Literature and Education
Date: 28-Sep-2005
From: Magnus Huber < magnus.huber at anglistik.uni-giessen.de >
Subject: Sixth Creolistics Workshop
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Date: Sun, 09 Oct 2005 19:52:34
From: Kizitus Mpoche < kizitus at yahoo.com >
Subject: International Conference on Language, Literature and Education
Full Title: International Conference on Language, Literature and Education
Short Title: LALED
Date: 11-May-2006 - 13-May-2006
Location: Yaounde, Cameroon
Contact Person: Kizitus Mpoche
Meeting Email: english_uniyao at yahoo.com
Web Site: http://http://www.freetocharities.org.uk/yaounde
Linguistic Field(s): Ling & Literature
Subject Language(s): English (eng)
French (fra)
Call Deadline: 31-Dec-2005
Meeting Description:
Language, Literature and Education
Given the evolving contexts of language and literature in Postcolonial Africa, and the manner in which these have impacted the process of education, this conference will address issues that are related to how the trio of Language, Literature, and Education pose a challenge in prospecting an enduring pedagogical trajectory for the Continent in the 21st century. By considering questions about language and education policies, the 'what' and 'how' of literature texts to be taught, and whether language (indigenous or colonial) can be analysed as a medium or an end in itself, presenters are invited to underscore the overall or specific context in which language, literature, and education can enhance Africa's integration into a globalised world. Has the 'variegated' nature of the African language enhanced or hindered such a possibility? How has language, whether of literature or of education, evolved or failed to do so in Africa, into the confluence of globalisation? What are the prospects for a more cohabiting relationship between language and literature in Africa? How influential have indigenous languages been, in configuring an African literature that is inclusive enough to accommodate cultural 'difference'? Has the incidence of indigenous languages in African literature been a mere 'translatable' exercise, or one that organically articulates a cultural bias? Has the African classroom, when it comes to the teaching of language and literature, been simply a replica of Western methodological practices at the expense of an African 'theory'? How (in)consistent have African writers been, in Africanising the African language in literature? What is/has been the role of policy makers in promoting a healthy debate on the relationship between language, literature, and education?
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Date: Sun, 09 Oct 2005 19:52:39
From: Magnus Huber < magnus.huber at anglistik.uni-giessen.de >
Subject: Sixth Creolistics Workshop
Full Title: Sixth Creolistics Workshop
Date: 06-Apr-2006 - 08-Apr-2006
Location: Giessen, Germany
Contact Person: Magnus Huber
Meeting Email: magnus.huber at anglistik.uni-giessen.de
Web Site: http://www.uni-giessen.de/anglistik/LING/Staff/huber/cwindex.html
Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics
Language Family(ies): Creole
Call Deadline: 31-Dec-2005
Meeting Description:
The Sixth Creolistics Workshop (Giessen, Germany, 6-8 April 2005) will address the question of simplicity vs. complexity in pidgins and creoles from an empirical synchronic or diachronic perspective. Areas to be discussed are features which distinguish pidgins from creoles, and creoles from 'natural languages', as well as linguistic and non-linguistic factors responsible for the emergence of complexity. Contributions dealing with phonology, morphology, and syntax are particularly welcome.
Sixth Creolistics Workshop (University of Giessen, Germany)
6 to 8 April 2006
Simplicity and complexity in pidgins and creoles
Call for Papers
At the last Westminster Creolistics Workshop (London, April 2004), organizer Philip Baker expressed the hope that the tradition of holding such workshops every year or two would continue, perhaps at places other than London in future. A new venue has now been found for the next workshop at the University of Giessen, Germany. Giessen is easily accessed, being located just over one hour by train from Frankfurt/Main, Europe's busiest airport.
The theme of the Sixth Creolistics Workshop will be ''Simplicity and complexity in pidgins and creoles''. A basic assumption, shared by virtually all creolists, is that pidgins are structurally simple, while creoles are more complex languages. In generalizing statements such as this, simplicity and complexity are of course ill-defined notions, but most of us would accept the basic truth of the above. For example, while a few TMA markers are found in pidgins, combinations of two preverbal markers seem to be unattested in any pidgin prior to it acquiring native speakers. Also, pidgins tend to lack progressive/nonpunctual markers. Both observations appear to confirm the status of pidgins as simple languages in comparison to creoles. Creoles, in turn, are arguably less complex than so-called natural languages, although there are certainly fewer scholars supporting this claim. One aim of the workshop will be to investigate in how far empirical data drawn from a range of restructured languages confirm or disconfirm the pidgins-are-simple-and-creoles-are-complex-but-less-complex-than-natural-languages equation.
Papers are invited dealing with the question of simplicity vs. complexity from a synchronic or diachronic perspective. Apart from features which distinguish (or have been thought to distinguish) pidgins from creoles, and creoles from ''natural languages'', participants might also want to address factors responsible for the emergence of complexity (linguistic and non-linguistic, such as the acquisition of native speakers or standardization). Contributions in the area of phonology, morphology, and syntax are particularly welcome, as long as they are firmly grounded on empirical data. Time allotted to papers is 20 minutes plus 10 minutes discussion time.
An additional aim of the workshop is to bring together standardized information on the phonology, morphology, and syntax of a wide variety of pidgin and creole languages. A questionnaire will be sent out to participants in due course. The ultimate goal is to publish the compiled data in atlas format, allowing typological and comparative studies of these varieties. We expect there to be a few workshop participants who, while not necessarily wanting to present papers, could be very important for the discussions about the projected atlas.
As in previous workshops, we intend to publish papers in one or more volumes of the Battlebridge Creolistics Series. Book-planning sessions will be held at the end of the workshop.
First deadline: 15 November 2005
If you are interested in attending the workshop, please send an email to <magnus.huber at anglistik.uni-giessen.de> by 15 November 2005, indicating whether
1. your participation is (a) very likely (b) likely (c) less likely.
2. you intend to present a paper (a) yes (b) maybe (c) no.
Note that after 15 November circulars (travel arrangements, accommodation, conference program, etc.) will only be sent out to those that have expressed an interest in attending the workshop.
Deadline for abstracts: 31 December 2005
If you intend to present a paper, send in an abstract (max. 500 words including title and references) by 31 December 2005. Notification of acceptance will be sent out by 15 January 2006.
For further information please contact
Magnus Huber
English linguistics and history of English
FB 05 Sprache, Literatur, Kultur
Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen
Otto-Behaghel-Str. 10 B
D-35394 Giessen
Tel. +49 (0)641 9930060
Fax +49 (0)641 9930069
LINGUIST List: Vol-16-2922
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