16.2929, Confs: Phonology/Syntax/Tilburg, Netherlands
Tue Oct 11 02:04:12 UTC 2005
LINGUIST List: Vol-16-2929. Mon Oct 10 2005. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 16.2929, Confs: Phonology/Syntax/Tilburg, Netherlands
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Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
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Date: 07-Oct-2005
From: Veronika Hegedus < v.hegedus at uvt.nl >
Subject: Sounds of Silence: Empty Elements in Syntax and Phonology
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Mon, 10 Oct 2005 22:01:46
From: Veronika Hegedus < v.hegedus at uvt.nl >
Subject: Sounds of Silence: Empty Elements in Syntax and Phonology
Sounds of Silence: Empty Elements in Syntax and Phonology
Short Title: SOS
Date: 19-Oct-2005 - 22-Oct-2005
Location: Tilburg, Netherlands
Contact: Veronika Hegedus
Contact Email: sos at uvt.nl
Meeting URL: http://let.uvt.nl/sos
Linguistic Field(s): Linguistic Theories; Phonology; Syntax
Meeting Description:
Invited Speakers:
Jean Lowenstamm, University of Paris 7
Zeljko Boskovic, University of Connecticut
This workshop is about empty elements in syntax and phonology, which played an important role in theories predating the minimalist program and optimality theory. We want to investigate in how far the theories that accounted for the typology and distribution of these elements are still relevant for our present-day thinking, and to what extent our current insights shed new light on this issue.
Sounds of Silence Conference, Tilburg
We are happy to announce the updated program for our Workshop ''Sounds of Silence: Empty Elements in Syntax and Phonology'' taking place at Tilburg University, 19-22 October 2005. The workshop will consist of a seminar day (19 October) with lectures given by Zeljko Boskovic and Jean Lowenstamm and the workshop itself (20-22 October 2005).
Please check the Conference Website http://let.uvt.nl/sos
for program and abstracts.
Registration Fee (includes coffee, conference dinner and
lunch on Saturday):
EUR 50 for faculty;
EUR 25 for students
We kindly ask those who are planning to come to preregister by sending an email to sos at uvt.nl with ''Preregistration'' in the subject heading, name and affiliation in the main body. Please specify whether you are are planning to come for both the seminars (Wednesday, 19 0ctober 05) and/or the conference (20-22 October 05).
We encourage preregistration as it facilitates the organization of the conference, however, as the registration fee can only be paid on-site, registration will still be possible on the spot.
-Wednesday October 19, 2005: Seminars-
Location: Building S, Room 21
9:00 - 10:00
10:00 - 13:00
Jean Lowenstamm
Silent objects and Noun Formation
14:00 - 17:00
Seminar 2: ?eljko Bo?kovi?
On null elements in syntax
Location: Tilbury 1 (On Campus)
17:00 - 18:30
-Thursday 20. October 2005-
Location: Building S, Room 17
9:00 - 9:30
9:30 - 10:25
Anders Holmberg (University of Newcastle)
Null subjects
10:45 - 11:40
Gerardo Fernández-Salgueiro (University of Michigan)
Further-raising, Null Subjects, and the Null-subject parameter
11:40 - 12:35
Ian Roberts (University of Cambridge)
Some Consequences of a Deletion Analysis of Null Subjects
14:00 - 14:55
Balkiz Öztürk (Bogazici University, Bebek-Istanbul)
Null Arguments in Turkish
14:55 - 15:50 Neeleman, Ad/ Szendroi, Kriszta
(University College London/ Utrecht University)
Radical Pro Drop and the Morphology of Pronouns
16:15 - 17:10
Claudine Pagliano (University of Paris X and CNRS)
Does Syntax Create Empty Categories in Phonology?
17:10 - 18:05
Sabrina Bendjaballah & Martin Haiden (CNRS-Lille)
A Typology of Emptiness in Templates
-Friday 21. October 2005-
Location: Building S, Room 17
9:30 - 10:25
Invited Speaker: Jean Lowenstamm (University of Paris 7)
Aspects of Classical Arabic Verb Morphology
10:45 - 11:40
Marie-Hélène Côté (Université d'Ottawa)
Empty elements in French phonology: what for?
11:40 - 12:35
Tobias Scheer (CNRS 6039, Université de Nice)
When higher Modules talk to phonology, they talk to empty nuclei
14:00 - 14:55
Clàudia Pons (University of Barcelona)
Empty elements in the verbal morphology of Balearic Catalan
14:55 - 15:50
Ben Hermans and Marc van Oostendorp (Meertens Instituut/ KNAW)
Inflectional suffixes need to be empty
16:15 - 17:10
Dalina Kallulli (University of Vienna)
D-linking, Resumption and Null Objects
17:10 - 18:05
Takaomi Kato (Harvard University)
ATB distribution of in-situ wh-phrases: a case for the null
operator approach to wh-in-situ in Japanese
Location: Tilbury 3 (on Campus)
-Saturday 22. October 2005-
9:30 - 10:25
Idan Landau (Ben Gurion University)
10:45 - 11:40
Noureddine Elouazizi (Leiden University)
A-bar movement and copy features' mismatches in (anti-)
agreement contexts
11:40 - 12:35
Jeroen van Craenenbroeck (Catholic University of Brussels)
Adverbial modification under sluicing
LUNCH (provided)
14:00 - 14:55
Jeroen van Craenenbroeck/ Aniko Liptak
(Catholic University of Brussels, Leiden Unviersity)
Ellipsis in Hungarian and the typology of sluicing
14:55 - 15:50
Norbert Corver/ Marjo van Koppen (University of Utrecht)
Microvariation and Ellipsis in the wat voor-construction
16:15 - 17:10
Surányi Balázs (RIL, Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
Reprojection and the (Non)-Identity of Copies in Head Movement
17:10 - 18:05
Invited Speaker: ?eljko Bo?kovi? (University of Connecticut)
On successive cyclic movement and intermediate traces/copies
-Alternate Syntax:-
Gertjan Postma (Meertens Institute Amsterdam)
PRO and T-to-C movement in GB and Minimalism: Infinitival V2
in Middle Dutch
-Alternate Phonology:-
Twan Geerts (Radboud University Nijmegen)
The Status of Deleted Schwa in French
LINGUIST List: Vol-16-2929
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