16.2990, Calls: Syntax/Cyprus;General Ling/Cyprus
Sun Oct 16 22:31:06 UTC 2005
LINGUIST List: Vol-16-2990. Sun Oct 16 2005. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 16.2990, Calls: Syntax/Cyprus;General Ling/Cyprus
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Date: 13-Oct-2005
From: Phoevos Panagiotidis < panagiotidis at cycollege.ac.cy >
Subject: Edges in Syntax
Date: 13-Oct-2005
From: Kleanthes K. Grohmann < kleanthi at ucy.ac.cy >
Subject: InterPhases
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Sun, 16 Oct 2005 18:30:04
From: Phoevos Panagiotidis < panagiotidis at cycollege.ac.cy >
Subject: Edges in Syntax
Full Title: Edges in Syntax
Date: 15-May-2006 - 17-May-2006
Location: Nicosia, Cyprus
Contact Person: Phoevos Panagiotidis
Meeting Email: edges2006 at cycollege.ac.cy
Web Site: http://sting.cycollege.ac.cy/~edges2006
Linguistic Field(s): Syntax
Call Deadline: 10-Jan-2006
Meeting Description:
The conference theme is peripheries and edges of constituents, phases and clauses as well as what can be found on them: foci, topics, argument DPs, and so on. The following is a list of the areas of concentration:
- edges of phases (Chomsky 2000, 2001),
- Complementiser Phrases,
- Determiner Phrases (as 'on the edge') and their own, internal edge,
- the various 'internal' edges and peripheries proposed by the cartographic approach (Cinque 2002, Rizzi 2004, Belletti 2004).
Invited Speakers:
Luigi Rizzi (University of Siena)
Richard Larson (SUNY, Stony Brook)
Adriana Belletti (University of Siena)
Ellen-Petra Kester (University of Amsterdam)
Petra Sleeman (University of Amsterdam
Abstracts are invited for slots of 40 minutes each (30 minutes presentation followed by 10 minutes discussion). Abstracts should be
a. in pdf format
b. a maximum of two pages long,
c. in a font not smaller than 11 pt,
d. with 2.5 cm (1 inch) margins on all sides.
Please send your abstract to edges2006 at cycollege.ac.cy.
Online registration will soon be provided.
-------------------------Message 2 ----------------------------------
Date: Sun, 16 Oct 2005 18:30:13
From: Kleanthes K. Grohmann < kleanthi at ucy.ac.cy >
Subject: InterPhases
Full Title: InterPhases
Date: 18-May-2006 - 20-May-2006
Location: Nicosia, Cyprus
Contact Person: Kleanthes K. Grohmann
Meeting Email: kleanthi at ucy.ac.cy
Web Site: http://www.punksinscience.org/kleanthes/InterPhases
Linguistic Field(s): Cognitive Science; Linguistic Theories; Philosophy of Language; Phonology; Semantics; Syntax
Call Deadline: 10-Jan-2006
Meeting Description:
InterPhases, a conference on interfaces in current syntactic theory, will
be held 18-20 May 2006 at Casteliotissa Hall in Nicosia (Old Town),
organized by Kleanthes K. Grohmann (University of Cyprus, Department of
English Studies).
The conference will consist of:
- a keynote address by Noam Chomsky,
- invited presentations by Norbert Hornstein, Howard Lasnik, and Gereon Müller,
- as well as 15 solicited presentations.
Throughout the conferences, posters will be displayed and a special Poster
Session will be offered for selected abstracts. It will be held from 18-20
May 2006.
Note that the day before, Noam Chomsky will give the public Leventis
Lecture at the University of Cyprus (May 17), and that there will be
another conference on ''Edges in Syntax'' in Nicosia (May 15-17).
The obvious interpretation of the conference theme is the connection
between interfaces and phases. More generally, I envision that this
conference will explore interfaces in a dynamic model. The phase-based
system of Chomsky (2000, 2001, 2004, 2005, to appear) is just one possible
dynamic model. Others include the derivational system proposed in Epstein
et al. (1998, plus related work of Sam Epstein), Multiple Spell-Out
(Uriagereka 1999), or Prolific Domains (Grohmann 2003), to name but a few.
Under interfaces we usually understand Phonetic Form (PF) and Logical Form
(LF), feeding the sensorimotor system and the conceptual-intentional
system, respectively. In this conference, we will be concerned with the
impact of dynamic models to the interfaces (pro or con), how many
interfaces a theory of language needs, how they might be structured, etc.
Noam Chomsky, MIT
Norbert Hornstein, University of Maryland
Howard Lasnik, University of Maryland
Gereon Müller, University of Leipzig
Selected abstracts which do not make it into oral presentations will be
invited for a poster session. In addition, these posters will be displayed
at the venue throughout the conference.
I am inviting abstracts for 15 slots of 40 minutes each (30 minutes
presentation followed by 10 minutes discussion). There will also be a
dedicated poster session, and all posters will be on display throughout the
below). Specify if you would not like to be considered for a poster. Please
send your abstract to <kleanthi at ucy.ac.cy> by 10 January 2006.
Notifications of acceptance will be mailed on 1 February 2006.
Online registration will soon be provided.
Students CYP 20 (ca. EUR 34/USD 40)
Non-students CYP 40 (ca. EUR 68/USD 80)
The fee for on-site registration or registrations received after 28
February 2006 is:
Students CYP 25 (ca. EUR 42.50/USD 50)
Non-students CYP 50 (ca. EUR 85/USD 100)
- The proceedings will appear with a major publisher. For this purpose,
every participant must commit to writing up his or her presentation and
submit it by the deadline of September 2006. Also, this means that I need
something more than a simple abstract, hence my invitation to submit any
length. (If you send a regular or even shorter abstract, I will ask you to
supply me with a more detailed description closer to the conference date if
it gets accepted.)
- The conference will take place in a beautiful old building (the
conference website will feature a link to some pictures soon).
- Travel arrangements should be made early to get a good airfare. The
closest airport is Larnaca (ca. 30 minutes drive from Nicosia). I will look
into the provision of shuttle services to and from the airport. The website
will also contain information on accommodation once I have more details. It
is important that you email me if you plan on attending without presenting,
so I can plan accordingly (or simply register online once the service is up
and running).
- Please check the preliminary website at
http://www.punksinscience.org/kleanthes/InterPhases for updates. The
conference schedule will be posted in February. Questions may be directed
by e-mail to kleanthi at ucy.ac.cy.
LINGUIST List: Vol-16-2990
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