16.3056, Calls: General Ling/Norway;General Ling/Germany
Mon Oct 24 17:05:35 UTC 2005
LINGUIST List: Vol-16-3056. Mon Oct 24 2005. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 16.3056, Calls: General Ling/Norway;General Ling/Germany
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Wayne State U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews (reviews at linguistlist.org)
Sheila Dooley, U of Arizona
Terry Langendoen, U of Arizona
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Editor for this issue: Kevin Burrows <kevin at linguistlist.org>
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Date: 17-Oct-2005
From: Maria Filiouchkina Krave < m.f.krave at ilos.uio.no >
Subject: Explicit and Implicit Information in Text. Information Structure Across Languages.
Date: 17-Oct-2005
From: Roswitha Fischer < roswitha.fischer at sprachlit.uni-regensburg.de >
Subject: Anglizismen in Europa/Anglicisms in Europe
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Mon, 24 Oct 2005 13:03:13
From: Maria Filiouchkina Krave < m.f.krave at ilos.uio.no >
Subject: Explicit and Implicit Information in Text. Information Structure Across Languages.
Full Title: Explicit and Implicit Information in Text. Information Structure
Across Languages.
Date: 08-Jun-2006 - 10-Jun-2006
Location: Oslo, Norway
Contact Person: Maria Filiouchkina Krave
Meeting Email: m.f.krave at ilos.uio.no
Web Site:
Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics
Call Deadline: 25-Nov-2005
Meeting Description:
Explicit and implicit information in text. Information structure across languages.
Conference to be arranged by the project SPRIK Språk i kontrast/Languages in
Contrast at the University of Oslo, Norway, June 8-10, 2006.
The goal of the conference is to present and discuss current research in text
interpretation, particularly textual cohesion and coherence across languages. We
aim to bring together researchers interested in systematizing and explaining the
variety of means exploited across languages to create cohesion and establish
dependencies and discourse hierarchies in text. Different languages exploit
similar means differently, partly due to competing structures available in the
individual languages, partly due to language-typological differences. We are
interested in empirically based cross-linguistic studies that contribute to a
better understanding of explicit and implicit information in 'real' discourse,
as well as in theoretical research modelling textual cohesion/coherence.
Conference Committee:
Prof. Cathrine Fabtricius-Hansen
Ass.Prof. Bergljot Behrens
Prof. Kjell Johan Så/bå¸
Prof. Stig Johansson
Papers dealing with the following topics are welcome:
-Triggers for textual updating across languages. What are the triggers and how
do they differ across languages?
-Comparable clause connectives, their distribution and interpretation in
different languages.
-Discourse subordinating and discourse coordinating devices across languages.
-Implicit and explicit means of structuring information in text - what
difference do they make?
-Presuppositional accounts of the implicit.
-The semantic/pragmatic distinction in text interpretation (cross-linguistic
research and translation).
-The interplay between information structure (at sentence level) and discourse
structure and information flow at text level. We welcome submissions from
different theoretical frameworks.
Key note speakers:
Robyn Carston (University College London, UK)
Regine Eckardt (Georg-August Universität Göttingen/ ZAS Berlin, Germany)
Kjell Johan Sæbø (University of Oslo, Norway)
Bonnie Webber (University of Edinburgh, UK)
Important dates:
Submission of abstract: November 25, 2005
Notification of acceptance/rejection: December 16, 2005
Conference schedule:
Conference dates: June 8 - 11, 2006
Start: June 8 lunch time
Conference dinner: June 10
Departure: June 11
Conference Committee:
Prof. Cathrine Fabtricius-Hansen
Ass.Prof. Bergljot Behrens
Prof. Kjell Johan Sæbø
Prof. Stig Johansson
Abstracts should be at most 2 pages in length (including title page and
bibliography), using a 12 pt. font with 2,5 cm margins on all sides; single
spacing. Abstracts should be in form of a pdf file for A4 paper size, and
submitted electronically, as an attachment, to m.f.krave at ilos.uio.no.
Abstracts must be anonymous. Please write ''Abstract'' followed by the name of
the author(s) in the subject line; please write the names of the author(s), the
affiliations, the title of the abstract and email addresses in the body of the
message, and only the title of the abstract followed by the abstract itself in
the attached document.
Think of 35 mins talks plus 10 mins discussion. Please notify Maria F. Krave if
you need special equipment. The standard presentation equipment (PC, beamer,
blackboard etc.) will, of course, be available.
If you need further information email to: m.f.krave at ilos.uio.no
-------------------------Message 2 ----------------------------------
Date: Mon, 24 Oct 2005 13:03:17
From: Roswitha Fischer < roswitha.fischer at sprachlit.uni-regensburg.de >
Subject: Anglizismen in Europa/Anglicisms in Europe
Full Title: Anglizismen in Europa/ Anglicisms in Europe
Short Title: AiE
Date: 26-Sep-2006 - 28-Sep-2006
Location: Regensburg, Bavaria, Germany
Contact Person: Roswitha Fischer
Meeting Email: AiE at sprachlit.uni-regensburg.de
Web Site: http://www-AiE2006.uni-regensburg.de
Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics
Call Deadline: 10-Feb-2006
Meeting Description:
This conference discusses functions of and attitudes towards anglicisms in
Europe. The focus of attention will be on language as a means of forming
identities and of distinguishing between oneself and others. Main topics are:
1.Attitudes towards the influx of anglicisms ('Language Policy'),
2.The use of anglicisms in certain fields of discourse ('Languages for Specific
Purposes'), and
3.Anglicisms in dictionaries ('Lexicography and Corpus Linguistics')
Abstracts are now invited for papers dealing with one of the following topics:
1.Attitudes towards the influx of anglicisms ('Language Policy')
2.The use of anglicisms in certain fields of discourse ('Languages for Specific
3.Anglicisms in dictionaries ('Lexicography and Corpus Linguistics')
Ad 1) This section is about attitudes towards anglicisms, for instance the
question whether any institutional or other attempts have been made to influence
the influx of anglicisms into a language. Connected to this are the attitudes
towards one's own national language and culture, and whether one considers these
endangered and worthy of protection.
Ad 2) The number and type of anglicisms borrowed also depend on the activities
of a given nation. It seems therefore useful to focus on particular practices
and domains and examine the progress of institutionalization of the processes
involved. Questions to be addressed are whether, and to what extent, the adopted
technical vocabulary has become part of the common vocabulary of the target
language, and whether attitudes towards English have been changed as a result.
Ad 3) One practical consequence of the increased number of anglicisms are
dictionaries of English loan words and bilingual dictionaries of technical
jargon. In many European languages considerable efforts have been made to
produce such wordbooks. Regarding lexicographic matters, the conference should
provide a platform for exchanging information, support and experiences, as well
as for establishing future networks.
Abstracts must be submitted by email - as files attached to a message - as per
the details listed below. They should be sent to
AiE2006 at sprachlit.uni-regensburg.de by 10 February 2006. We expect that talks
will last around 20-25 minutes, with 10-15 minutes for discussion.
Acceptance will be notified by mid-March 2006.
The abstracts should be submitted in English (or German).
You may submit more than one abstract (either joint or single-authored) but we
will only allow each person to present one paper, as this allows more people to
take part in the conference.
For further details, download call for papers/submission procedure from our
website www-AiE2006.uni-regensburg.de (mind the hyphen after www).
LINGUIST List: Vol-16-3056
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