16.2568, Confs: Ling Theories/Delhi, India
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LINGUIST List: Vol-16-2568. Tue Sep 06 2005. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 16.2568, Confs: Ling Theories/Delhi, India
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Date: 05-Sep-2005
From: Tanmoy Bhattacharya < tanmoy at linguistics.du.ac.in >
Subject: The 5th Generative Linguistics in the Old World in Asia
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Tue, 06 Sep 2005 22:36:48
From: Tanmoy Bhattacharya < tanmoy at linguistics.du.ac.in >
Subject: The 5th Generative Linguistics in the Old World in Asia
The 5th Generative Linguistics in the Old World in Asia
Short Title: GLOW in Asia
Date: 05-Oct-2005 - 08-Oct-2005
Location: Delhi, India
Contact: Tanmoy Bhattacharya
Contact Email: tanmoy at linguistics.du.ac.in, tanmoy1 at gmail.com, rahul at isid.isid.ac.in
Meeting URL: http://www.homepages.ucl.ac.uk/~uclyara/glow05_index.htm
Linguistic Field(s): Linguistic Theories
Meeting Description:
We are pleased to announce that THE 5th GLOW in ASIA 2005, an international conference on generative linguistics, will be held at the University of Delhi and Jawaharlal Nehru University (Delhi), on October 5-7, 2005. Two additional workshops will be held on October 8, 2005.
Abstract Deadline: 31 MAY 2005
Abstract: Please send by email at most two A4 size pages (12 font size) including data as an anonymous word document/ PDF plus an additional file (Word/ PDF) with contact details along with the title.
1. Non-Complement Structures
As Alexiadou, Law, Meinunger and Wilder (2000) noted in their joint introduction to the book The Syntax of Relative Clauses, most advances in syntactic theorisation leading to the development of the Minimalist Program have been made in the realm of complex structures arising out of canonical complementation whereas much less progress have been made in noncanonical complementation. This workshop is devoted to find out more about the status of various noncomplement structures, especially, with respect to their status vis-à-vis development in syntactic/ semantic/ intonational theories in general and in Minimalism in particular. The investigation of their status naturally leads to the determination of the level and the site of attachment and specifically to the investigation of their role at the interfaces. Further details to be found in the meeting web page.
2. Formal Approaches to Lesser-Studied Endangered & Minority Languages
In the five decades of the generative enterprise, it has often been the case that some of the most interesting empirical problems for the theory have come from languages that had until then lain outside the purview of the enterprise itself. Be they questions about configurationality, incorporation, verb-movement, scrambling, transitive-expletive constructions and binding, it is significant that the generative enterprise has consistently treated these questions to signal much more than an immediate empirical problem, and taken them to be an impetus for developments in the theory of FL/ UG itself. These refinements of our understanding of the nature of FL/UG, have in turn, fed directly into more complex and increasingly unified analyses of linguistic phenomena.
The organizers think it necessary that the importance and relevance of linguistic fieldwork to the theory of FL/ UG must be particularly highlighted in a GLOW that is to be held in India, home to, conservatively, more than 325 officially acknowledged languages, besides the 20 Scheduled (national) languages. This workshop is intended to bring together contributions demonstrating the relevance that work on lesser-studied, minority and/or endangered languages of the world have to current theoretical formulations.
This is NOT the final programme and the names of the papers and authors appear in no particular order
Main Session
5TH October 2005 - 6TH October 2005
Keynote Speaker
1. Remnant Movement and Word Order
KA Jayaseelan, CIEFL, Hyderabad
Invited Speakers
2. Expletive Verbs: A Note of Comparison with Expletive Arguments
Mamoru Saito, Nanzan University, Japan
3. Diachronic Aspects of Stratal OT
Paul Kiparsky, Stanford University, USA
4. Checking Clausal Complements in Head-Final Languages
Josef Bayer, University of Konstanz, Germany
5. Is a 'History and Geography of Human Syntax' meaningful?
Guiseppe Longobardi, Universita' di Trieste, Italy (with Chiara Gianollo & Cristina Guardiano)
Selected Papers
6. Splitting not spreading: a new perspective on the C/T connection
Theresa Biberauer, University of Cambridge, UK
7. Finiteness of Clauses and Extraction of Arguments in Chinese
T.-H. Jonah Lin, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
8. Criterial Freezing and the Null Subject Parameter: some theoretical and empirical consequences
Marco Nicolis, Universita di Siena, Italy
9. Phases, Idioms, and Banyan Trees
Peter Svenonius, University of Tromsø, Norway
10. What causes a causative split
Gabriela Alboiu and Michael Barrie, York University & University of Toronto, Canada
11. On the lack of CP in non-finite complements
Franc Maru?i?, Stony Brook University, USA
12. Internal Pair-Merge: The missing mode of movement
Marc Richards, University of Cambridge, UK
13. Copula-less nominal sentences and matrix-C0 clauses: A planar view of clause structure
Tanmoy Bhattacharya, University of Delhi, India
14. A syntax-based analysis of predication
Claire Beyssade and Carmen Dobrovie-Sorin, CNRS Paris, France
15. Radical Pro Drop and Morphology of Pronouns
Ad Neelaman and Krista Szendroi, UCL, UK and University of Utrecht, NL
16. The perfect to perfective shift in Indo-Aryan: A semantic approach to grammaticalization path
Ashwini Deo, University of Stanford, USA
17. Sluicing and Multiple Wh-fronting
Lydia Grebenyova, University of Maryland, USA
18. Subject Extraction
Luigi Rizzi and Ur Shlonsky, University of Siena, Italy & University of Geneva, SWZ
19. Subjects, Tense and verb-movement in Germanic and Romance
Theresa Biberauer & Ian Roberts, University of Cambrige, UK
20. Tense-Dependency and A- movement reconstruction
Pritha Chandra, University of Maryland, USA
21. Argument Projection and Chinese Unaccusative
Wei-wen Roger Liao, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
1. Verb Gapping and German Accent
Ellen Thompson, Florida International University, USA
2. On the Significance of Defective Agree
Dong-Whee Yang, MIT, USA
3. V-to-C, Tense domains and conditions on Merge and Move
Manuela Ambar, University de Lisboa, Portugal
4. On V(P) fronting in Bulgarian: Implications for head movement
Mariana Lambova, University of Connecticut, USA
5. Two Event Arguments in the Syntax
Tomio Hirose, Kanagawa University, Japan
6. Reconstruction and Condition C in Spanish: A Non-structural Account
Karlos Arregi, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Workshop 1
Non-Complement Structures
7th October, 2005
Invited Speakers
1. Backward Gapping in Hindi
Anoop Mahajan, UCLA, USA
2. Cross-linguistic Variation in Semantics and Pleonastic Definite Determiners
Veneeta Dayal, Rutgers University, USA
3. Syntactic adjunction: consequences for correlatives in Sanskrit and Hindi/Urdu
Alice Davison, University of Iowa, USA
4. The grammaticalization of nominalizers and relativization in colloquial and literary Burmese
Andrew Simpson, SOAS, UK
Selected Papers
1. Correlative Topicalization
Anikó Lipták, University of Leiden, NL
2. Focus and the licensing of non-modal infinitival subject relatives
Petra Sleeman, University of Amsterdam, NL
3. Left Periphery and How-Why Alternations
Wei-Tien Dylan Tsai, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
4. Argument Projection and the Uniqueness Condition
Naoko Tomioka, McGill University, Canada
5. Directional/Locative =/= Complement/Adjunct
Lucie Medova and Tarald Taraldsen, University of Tromsø, Norway
6. Parenthetical Syntax
Timothy Stowell, UCLA, USA
7. On Japanese Comparatives
J.-R. Hayashishita, University of Otago, New Zealand
8. The Syntax of English Comitative PPs
Niina Ning Zhang, National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan
1. Not all adjuncts can be merged non-cyclically
Youngjun Jang, Chung-Ang University, Korea
2. The Subject Identity Condition on VP-ellipsis as a Felicity Condition
Hyon Sook Choe, Yeungnam University, Korea
Parallel Session On Phonology
(with WORKSHOP 1, 7th October 2005, pre-lunch)
Invited Speaker
1. On the phonological organisation in the mental lexicon
Aditi Lahiri, University of Konstanz, Germany
Selected Papers
2. On the Peripatetic Behavior of Aspiration in Sanskrit Roots
Andrea Calabrese & Samuel J. Keyser, University of Connecticut and MIT, USA
3. Epenthesis and the Problem of Directionality
Deepti Ramadoss & K.G.Vijayakrishnan, CIEFL, India
4. Defective Intervention in Harmony: When Search terminates in failure
Andrew Nevins, University of Harvard, USA
5. An Autosegmental Approach to Tone Polarity in Kanuri
Jochen Trommer, Univerisity of Leipzig, Germany
6. Pitch Characteristics in Chungli Declaratives and Interrogatives
T. Temsunungsang, CIEFl, India
1. Morpheme Realization and Direction of Vowel Harmony
Shakuntala Mahanta, Utrecht University, NL
Workshop 2
Formal Approaches To Lesser-Studied Endangered & Minority Languages
8th October 2005
Invited Papers
1. Agreement and successive-cyclic movement in Tagalog and English
Norvin Richards, MIT, USA
2. On Triggers of Movement
Hilda Koopman, UCLA
3. From Italian and Albanian dialects to the theory of Case
Rita Manzini, University of Florence, Italy
Selected Papers
1. Wh-movement asymmetries and anti-connectivity effects
Noureddine Elouazizi, Leiden University, NL
2. The derivation of correlative constructions: merge or move? Evidence from Northern Basque
Georges Rebuschi & Anikó Lipták, University of Paris3, France & Leiden University, NL
3. Feature Structure on Functional Heads: The Kashmiri Clause Edge
Emily Manetta, UC Santa Cruz, USA
4. Verb selection and the nominal character of the Kannada IP
R. Amritavalli, CIEFL, India
5. Remnant movement and the Marshallese question particle
Heather Willson, UCLA, USA
6. Clause structure and configurationality in Tagalog
Paul Law, ZAS Berlin, Germany
7. The finest structure of the left periphery: Complementisers and Interrogation in Hindi, Malayalam, Sinhala and Meiteilon
Ayesha Kidwai & Rosmin Mathew, Jawaharlal Nehru University, India
1. Interpretation and scope of Mani puri adverbs
Thangjam Hindustani Devi, University of Delhi, India
2. Thai Clause Structure: A View of the Linker Thîi
Pornsiri Singhapreecha, Thammasat University, Thailand
3. Inverse systems, ergativity, and agreement in Zoque
Jan Terje Faarlund, University of Oslo, Norway
Parallel Session on Sign Language and Acquisition
(with WORKSHOP 2, 8th October 2005, pre-lunch)
Selected Papers
1. When a wh-word is not a wh-word: The case of Indian Sign Language
Enoch Aboh, Roland Pfau, and Ulrike Zeshan, University of Amsterdam & Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, NL
2. The Ontology of Functional Category in Babbling: Evidence from Japanese Acquisition
Keiko Murasugi and Tomomi Nakatani, Nanzan Univerity, Japan
3. Differential acquisition of lexicon and grammar
Marina Nespor, Jacques Mehler, Judit Gervain, and Mohinish Shukla, Università di Ferrara, Italy
4. A snippet for the typology of relativization strategies: Relatives in Italian Sign Language
Chiara Branchini and Caterina Donati, Università di Urbino, Italy
5. Children's knowledge of relative clauses and the locality constraint on quantification
Thomas Hun-tak Lee, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
1. Agree in Indian Sign Language
Rosmin Mathew & Samar Sinha, Jawaharlal University, India
LINGUIST List: Vol-16-2568
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