16.2672, Confs: General Ling/Lubbock, Texas, USA
linguist at linguistlist.org
Fri Sep 16 01:34:55 UTC 2005
LINGUIST List: Vol-16-2672. Thu Sep 15 2005. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 16.2672, Confs: General Ling/Lubbock, Texas, USA
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Wayne State U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews (reviews at linguistlist.org)
Sheila Dooley, U of Arizona
Terry Langendoen, U of Arizona
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Date: 12-Sep-2005
From: Colleen Fitzgerald < colleen.fitzgerald at ttu.edu >
Subject: 34th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Association of the Southwest
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2005 21:33:25
From: Colleen Fitzgerald < colleen.fitzgerald at ttu.edu >
Subject: 34th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Association of the Southwest
34th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Association of the Southwest
Short Title: LASSO 2005
Date: 07-Oct-2005 - 09-Oct-2005
Location: Lubbock, Texas, USA
Contact: Colleen Fitzgerald
Contact Email: lasso2005 at yahoo.com
Meeting URL: http://www.english.ttu.edu/linguistics/lasso/
Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics
Meeting Description:
Conference Theme: Interfaces
Plenary Address by Lyle Campbell
University of Utah
Presidential Address by Domnita Dumitrescu
California State University Los Angeles
Conference Program/Announcement
LASSO 34: Program
The Linguistic Association of the Southwest (LASSO 34) program, hosted by the Department of ENglish at Texas Tech University, is now posted at:
For all other LASSO-related info:
LASSO 34 Preliminary Program
-Executive Meeting, 6 pm, Cafe J's (right next door to hotel, 2605 19th Street): Officers and Board Members are expected; anyone else is welcome.
-Registration in the Hawthorn Inn Lobby from 6-9
Registration: 8:30 - 4:00, English Building, Room, 352, Texas Tech University
Parallel Sessions 1: 9 -10:30 am
1a Sociolinguistics, ENG Room 350
Session Chair: Martha Garza-Randeri, Texas Women's University
9:00 David Eddington, Brigham Young University: ''Decision Trees: An alternative to Varbrul for analyzing variation''
9:30 Debbie Cole, University of Texas, Pan Am: The interface between grammar and ideology - A structural comparison of language attitudes in Bahasa Indonesia and Mainstream United States English
10:00 Adeleke Fakoya, Lagos State University: ''Language and Social Roles: Challenging Berry's Hypotheses''
1b Morphology, ENG Room 351
Session Chair: Kati Pletsch de Garcia, Texas A&M-International
9:00 Agripino Silveira, University of New Mexico: ''Frequency effects in Brazilian Portuguese: The case of nós and a gente''
9:30 Caitlin McPhee, Western Washington University: ''The Inherent Case of Ergative Displacement in Basque: A study of ergative verbal agreement patterns''
10:00 Dirk Elzinga, Brigham Young University: ''An Analogical Approach to English Adjective Comparison''
1c Special Session on Expressing Location in Zapotec, ENG Room 300
Session Chair: Aaron Sonnenschein, California State University Northridge
(Note: no 9 am talk at this time)
9:30 Michael Galant, California State University Dominguez Hills: ''Positional Verbs and Body Part Locatives in San Juan Yaee Zapotec''
10:00 John Foreman, Utica College ''Possessors in Locative Possessive Constructions ''
1d Panel: Spanish Shift in the Southwest, English Building Room 305
Session Chair: Bates Hoffer, Trinity University
9:00 Daniel J. Villa, New Mexico State University: ''Looking to Einstein for inspiration: A panchronic approach to language change''
9:30 Devin Jenkins, University of Colorado at Denver: ''The cost of linguistic loyalty: Socioeconomic factors in the face of shifting demographic trends among Spanish speakers in the Southwest''
10:00 Susana V. Mills, Northern Arizona University: ''Acculturation and Language Shift in the Home: An Intergenerational Look at an Arizona Community''
10:30-10:45 MORNING BREAK
Parallel Sessions 2: 10:45 - 12:15 pm
2a Applied Linguistics, ENG Room 350
Session Chair: Greta Gorsuch, Texas Tech University
10:45 Amy Rell, San José State University: '' The Interface of English and Spanish During University Level Foreign Language Instruction: Some Observations on Input and Language Choice''
11:15 Catherine Smith, Troy University, ''Identity and Evaluation in Texts: An Analysis of Language Innovations in Advanced EFL Writing''
11:45 Dale T. Griffee, Texas Tech University: ''Reporting test score reliability: We still don't get it''
2b Spanish and the Syntax-Semantics Interface, ENG Room 351
Session Chair: Devin Jenkins, University of Colorado at Denver
10:45 Andrew Farley, Texas Tech University: ''Syntax and Semantics: Two Accounts of Delayed L2 Acquisition of the Spanish Subjunctive''
11:15 Jiyoung Yoon, University of North Texas: ''Subjects in Spanish: The Semantics of Subjects, Word Order, and Verb Transitivity''
11:45 Michael Hughes, California State University San Marcos: ''Spanish Discord and the Syntax-Morphology Interface''
2c Special Session on Expressing Location in Zapotec, ENG Room 300
Session Chair: Brook Lillehaugen, UCLA
10:45 Natalie Operstein, UCLA: Zapotec spatial relations in a comparative perspective
11:15 Kristine Jensen de López, University of Aalborg: ''The Syntactic and Semantic Status of Body Part Locatives in San Marcus Tlapazola (Valley) Zapotec''
11:45 Christopher C. Adam, UCLA: ''Agreement on Body-Part Locatives''
2d Invited Panel: Linguists in the Role of Administrator, ENG Room 305
Session Chair: Peter Gingiss, University of Houston
Randall Gess, University of Utah: ''Transitioning into the role of department chair''
Michael Hammond, University of Arizona: ''The viewpoint after a few years as a department head''
Mary Jane Hurst, Texas Tech University: ''Moving on to the dean's office''
12:15-1:30 LUNCH BREAK
Parallel Sessions 3: 1:30 - 3:00 pm
3a Discourse, ENG Room 350
Session Chair: Patricia MacGregor-Mendoza, New Mexico State University
1:30 Roman Taraban, Amy Pietan and Russell Myers, Texas Tech University: ''Discourse Analysis of Undergraduate Research Papers in the Life Sciences''
2:00 Stuart Stewart, Southeastern Louisiana University: Grenade launchers to jet packs: A critical discourse analysis of Mail Call''
2:30 Mahmud H. Wardat and Hussein Abdul-Fattah, Yarmouk University: ''A Sociopragmatic Analysis of Oaths in Jordanian Arabic and American English''
3b Endangered Languages, ENG Room 351
Session Chair: Joke Mondada, University of New Orleans
1:30 Deborah House, Texas Tech University: ''Has Navajo Language ''Tipped'' Too Far to ''Tip Back''? A Characterization of the State of the Navajo Language Today''
2:00 Joe S. Hays, Texas Tech University: ''Digital Hymns and Cultural Films: Technology and Orality among the Oklahoma Comanche''
2:30 George-Ann Gregory, Ho Anumpoli! :Thirty Years After: From K*hanga Reo to W*nanaga''
3c Special Session on Expressing Location in Zapotec, ENG Room 300
Session Chair: John Foreman, Utica College
1:30 Aaron Huey Sonnenschein, California State University Northridge: ''The use of -le as a directional clitic in San Bartolomé Zoogocho Zapotec''
2:00 Pamela Munro, UCLA: ''Expressing Location Without Prepositions in Valley Zapotec''
2:30 Brook Danielle Lillehaugen, UCLA: ''Multifaceted Lohoh: The Meanings of Lohoh 'Face' in Colonial Valley Zapotec''
3d Spanish, English and Bilingualism, ENG Room 305
Session Chair: Regina Morin, The College of New Jersey
1:30 Rudolph C. Troike, University of Arizona: ''Restaurant o Restaurante? Results of a Roadside Linguistic Survey in Mexico''
2:00 Ana Sánchez-Muñoz, University of Southern California: ''Lexical variation across registers in the Spanish of college bilinguals''
2:30 María Irene Moyna, San Diego State University: ''Early Literary Portrayals of Spanish-English Bilingualism: María Amparo Ruiz de Burton's The Squatter and the Don''
Parallel Sessions 4: 3:15 - 4:45 pm
4a Invited Panel: Training Graduate Students to Work on Indigenous Languages, ENG Room 350
Session Chair:
Deborah House, Texas Tech University
Megan Crowhurst, University of Texas, Austin
Pamela Munro, UCLA
Lyle Campbell, University of Utah
4b Phonetics/Phonology in Romance Languages, ENG Room 351
Session Chair: Michelle F. Ramos-Pellicia, George Mason University
3:15 Erik W. Willis, New Mexico State University: ''An Acoustic Study of Trill Variation in the Dominican Republic''
3:45 Michael Taylor & David Eddington, Brigham Young University: Negative prestige and sound change: a sociolinguistic study of the assibilation of /r/ in Brazilian Portuguese
4:15 Kelly Bilinski, University of New Mexico and Stephanie Severs, University of New Mexico: ''The conditioning of Spanish /ch/ weakening in a northern Mexican variety''
4c Applied Linguistics, ENG Room 300
Session Chair: Mary Ruth Wise, Summer Institute of Linguistics
3:15 Olga Marchenko-Vienna, Grossmont and Mesa Community Colleges: ''The description of interlanguage phases based on the analysis of sources of errors in written production by Spanish and Russian ESL learners''
3:45 Greta Gorsuch, Texas Tech University: ''Discipline-Specific Practica for International Teaching Assistants''
4:15 Holly Wilson, Alliant International University: ''What Can We Still Believe About Krashen's Monitor Theory?''
5-6 Presidential Address, ENG 001 (Basement): Domnita Dumitrescu, California State University Los Angeles: ''Noroc!'';''Merc''''; ''Qué lindo!''; ''Sorry'': Some Polite Speech Acts Across Cultures
6:15 - 8:45 Presidential Reception/Dinner, Merket Alumni Center, Texas Tech University
Registration: 8:30 - 11:30, ENG Room 305
Parallel Sessions 5: 9 -10:30 am
5a Phonetics/Phonology, ENG Room 350
Session Chair: Katsura Aoyama, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center
9:00 Randall Gess, University of Utah: ''Lenition and the Perception/Production Interface''
9:30 Jeff Mielke, University of Arizona: ''A simulation of the role of phonetics in the emergence of phonological natural classes''
10:00 Peter B. Sundkvist, Yale University: ''Pre-/r/ Vowel Systems: A Comparative Study between Shetland and American English''
5b Spanish Sociolinguistics, ENG Room 351
Session Chair: Stuart Stewart, Southeastern Louisiana University
9:00 Holly R. Cashman, Arizona State University: ''Requests in Mexican-American English & Spanish''
9:30 Dustin De Felice, Northeastern Illinois University: The Intersection of Age, Gender, and Relationship in Formality Address Systems in Cuernavaca, Mexico''
10:00 Jorge E. Porras, Sonoma State University: ''Fundamentos sociolingüísticos para un programa bidialectal de español para estudiantes de heredad en los Estados Unidos''
5c Syntax-Semantics Interface, ENG Room 300
Session Chair: Elly Van Gelderen, Arizona State University
9:00 Keiko Yoshimura, University of Chicago: ''ONLY: Presuppose, Entail or Assert?''
9:30 Chia-Hui Huang, University of Pittsburgh: A Restructuring of Case Theory -- Evidence from Syntax and Semantics Interfaces
10:00 Larry Gorbet, University of New Mexico: Partitive Proclitic Constructions in English
5d Invited Workshop: Ensuring that digital data last: Archiving and linguistic resources, ENG Room 352
Session Chair: George-Ann Gregory, Ho Anumpoli!
9:00 Heidi Johnson, University of Texas/AILLA
9:30 Gary Simons, SIL International
10: 00 Steve Moran, Linguist List/Eastern Michigan University
10:30-10:45 MORNING BREAK
Parallel Sessions 6: 10:45 - 12:15 pm
6a Interfaces, ENG Room 350
Session Chair: Roman Taraban, Texas Tech University
10:45 Sumayya Racy, University of Arizona: ''A Distributed Morphology Account of Singular and Plural Formation in Classical Nahuatl''
11:15 Min-Joo Kim, Texas Tech University: Rethinking the Relevancy Condition on Internally-Headed Relatives in Korean
11:45 K. Larry Rogers, The University of Texas at Arlington: ''Role Shift in American Sign Language: The Linguistic Marking of Narrative Theme''
6b Spanish Sociolinguistics, ENG Room 351
Session Chair: Domnita Dumitrescu, California State University Los Angeles
10:45 Amy Rell, San José State University and Jason Rothman, University of Iowa: '' The Interface of Spanish and English: Spanglish in the Southwestern United States''
11:15 Michelle F. Ramos-Pellicia, George Mason University: ''Lorain Puerto Rican Spanish: a more neutral version of Island Puerto Rican Spanish?''
11:45 Pamela L. Anderson-Mejías, University of Texas-Pan American: ''Crossing the ''t's'' in Attitude''
6c Native American Languages: O'odham linguistics, ENG Room 300
Session Chair: Pamela Munro, UCLA
10:45 Marcus Smith, UCLA: ''Two Classes of Causative/Unaccusative Alternation''
11:15 Mizuki Miyashita, University of Montana: ''Diphthong Classification in Tohono O'odham''
(note: no 11:45 talk at this time)
6d Digital Archiving, ENG Room 352
Open ''office hours'' held by Johnson, Simons and Aristar-Dry for questions coming from the workshop on digital archiving.
12:15-1:30 LUNCH BREAK
Parallel Sessions 7: 1:30 - 3:00 pm
7a Implications of Language Endangerment, ENG Room 350
Session Chair: Jon Jonz, Texas A&M-Commerce
1:30 Comfort Pratt, Texas Tech University: ''Spanish in Louisiana: Obsolescence and Death''
2:00 Naomi Fox, University of Utah: ''Documenting Variation: Change in the person reference system on Walpole Island''
2:30 Laura Buszard-Welcher, Rosetta Project: ''From Virtual Convention to Virtual Speech Community: Metaphors of Interaction and Community-Building on the Web''
7b Spanish and Language Contact, ENG Room 351
Session Chair: Hugo Mejias, University of Texas, Pan Am
1:30 Encarna Bermejo, University of Houston: ''El determinante definido y construcciones inalienables en la adquisición del inglés como L1''
2:00 Ángela Pinilla-Herrera, Arizona State University: ''''Lo mejor que tenemos para defender nuestra cultura: el propio idioma''Actitudes lingüísticas de la comunidad colombiana de Arizona hacia la variante mexicana y mexicano-americana ''
2:30 Devin Jenkins, University of Colorado at Denver and Daniel J. Villa, New Mexico State University: ''The Hispanic population in the Southwest: An update on demographic changes''
7c Prosody, ENG Room 300
Session Chair: Colleen Fitzgerald, Texas Tech University
1:30 Alena Horn, University of Texas, Austin: ''Twang Thang: An Explanatory Model and Optimality Theoretic Account of Poetically Motivated Variation in Country Music Lyrics''
2:00 Scott R. Jackson, University of Arizona: ''The prosody-scope interface in sentence processing''
2:30 Yongeun Lee, Northwestern University: ''On the Structure of the Syllable in Korean: Evidence from Short-Term Memory Errors''
7d Poster Session), ENG Room 305 (posters may be put up anytime before 1:30 and must remain in the room until 4:45)
Aracely Esparza, Texas Tech University '' Native Speakers in the Spanish Classroom''
Keith Johnson and Natalya Samokhina, University of Arizona ''Acoustic and aerodynamic characteristics of Russian and Spanish /r/''
Tasha Lewis, University of California, Davis ''Interfaces in Language Pedagogy: Gender and Nonverbal Communication in the Foreign Language Classroom''
Parallel Sessions 8: 3:15 - 4:45 pm
8a Discourse in Endangered Languages, ENG Room 350
Session Chair: Bill Pulte, SMU
3:15 Amber A. Neely, University of Oklahoma: ''The Art of Putting the 'Story' in Storytelling: Functions of Grammatical Incorporation in Kiowa Séndé Narrative''
3:45 Todd McDaniels, University at Buffalo, SUNY: ''Analyzing the validity of linguistic elements as cues for represented perception''
4:15 Jay Williams, University of New Mexico: ''A Cognitive Approach to Subject-Object Inversion and the Yi-/Bi- Alternation in Navajo''
8b Spanish Morphology, ENG Room 351
Session Chair: Brian Imhoff, Texas A&M University
3:15 Jens H. Clegg, Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne: Morphological adaptation of borrowings in New Mexico Spanish
3:45 Regina Morin, The College of New Jersey: ''Playing fast and loose with the definition of phonemic vs.morphemic rules: The case of phonological shape and the assignment of
grammatical gender in Spanish''
4:15 Richard A. Winters, University of Louisiana at Lafayette: ''The Acceptability of Dative Possessors in Spanish: The Role of Gender''
8c SWJL Editors, ENG Room 305
Office hours for consultation with the Editors of the Southwest Journal of Linguistics
Note: posters will remain in this room for viewing until 4:45
8d Ultrasound Research in Linguistics, ENG Room 352
Session Chair: Comfort Pratt, Texas Tech University
Diana Archangeli, University of Arizona
Jeff Mielke, University of Arizona
5-6 Plenary Address: Lyle Campbell, University of Utah: Endangered Language Documentation and Revitalization: a Good-News Story
6:30-8:45 Conference Banquet, La Fiesta Restaurant, 1519 34th Street
New!! 10 pm - 1 am Rockabilly Dance with Live Band, Godbold Center (tentative)
9a Applied Linguistics, ENG Room 350
Session Chair: Erin Collopy, Texas Tech University
9:00 Karen Cody, Angelo State University : ''Can winning a trophy in high school 'translate' to university language study?''
9:30 Yesim Kesli, Texas Tech University: ''L1 Attrition of Turkish Native Speakers in English L2 Environment in Lubbock''
10:00 Bryan Meadows, Gwanhi Yun, Diana Archangeli, Jeff Mielke, Elizabeth Lukes, all University of Arizona: ''Pedagogical Implications of Ultrasound Technology in the Second Language Acquisition of English by Native Korean Speakers''
9b Spanish in Use, ENG Room 351
Session Chair: Reyes Fidalgo, CSU Fullerton
9:00 Flavia Belpoliti, University of Houston: Entonces en encadenamientos consecutivos: aporte para el estudio de los conectores en el español de US''
9:30 Patricia Gubitosi, University of Houston: ''La expresión de la pasividad en hablantes de español en Houston, Texas''
10:00 Sonia Balasch, University of New Mexico and Ana Zazueta, University of New Mexico: ''''¡Ajá!, bueno, pues, mire, mira... no sé'': Marcadores discursivos en el español de Mérida (Venezuela)''
9c The Lexicon, ENG Room 300
Session Chair: Nelson Rushton, Texas Tech University
9:00 Gregory Richter, Truman University: ''The Tocharian Lexicon and Centum Language Cognates: A Numerical Analysis''
9:30 Daniel Siddiqi, University of Arizona: ''Subcategorization without the Lexicon: Thematic Licensing in Distributed Morphology''
10:00 Thomas Stroik, University of Missouri-Kansas City and Michael Putnam, University of Kansas: The Lexicon at the Interfaces
9d Syntax, ENG Room 305
Session Chair: Min-Joo Kim, Texas Tech University
9:00 Seunghun Julio Lee, Rutgers University: ''Covert Movement and Subject-object Asymmetry''
9:30 Jeongrae Lee, University of Arizona: ''The Korean Resultative Verb Construction and Telicity''
10:00 Ananda Lima, UCLA: ''Predicate Inversion, Person Asymmetries and Agreement in Brazilian Portuguese''
10:30-10:45 MORNING BREAK
10a Semantics, ENG Room 350
Session Chair: Seunghun Julio Lee, Rutgers University
(note no 10:45 talk at this time)
11:15 Seongha Rhee, Hankuk Univ. of Foreign Studies: ''A Comparative Analysis of Spatial Concepts in English and Korean''
11:45 Vineeta Chand, University of California, Davis: ''Variation in Metaphors: A Cross-linguistic Account of Anger in Hindi, English and Mandarin Chinese''
10b Panel: ''A Philological Approach to the Spanish Expedition Diaries of Texas'', ENG Room 351
Session Chair and Panel Organizer: Brian Imhoff, Texas A&M University
10:45 Debbie S. Cunningham, Texas A&M University: ''The Ramón and Espinosa Expedition of 1716: A Philological Study of Two Original Diaries''
11:15 Jana McLain, Texas A&M University: ''Governor De León's 1690 Expedition: A Comparative Study of Original and Revised Diaries''
11:45 Sheila Jordan, University of Texas at Austin: ''The 1689 De León/Massanet Expedition: A Philological Study of Manuscript Variation''
10c Discourse and Narrative, ENG Room 300
Session Chair: Jorge E. Porras, Sonoma State University
10:45 Joke Mondada, University of New Orleans: '' The role of the narrator-focalizer in Spider stories from Brazil and Nigeria
11:15 Asha Tickoo, Southern Illinois University: ''On story structure and the narrative art of Somerset Maugham''
11:45 David Herman, Ohio State University: ''At the Interface of Story, Sentence, and SpeechAct: Role-Theoretic Frameworks for Narrative Analysis''
12:15 - 1:15 LASSO Business Meeting with refreshments, all members are encouraged to attend, ENG Room 351
12:30 Shuttle trip from English Building, to Hawthorn Hotel, to airport
1:45 Shuttle trip from English Building, to Hawthorn Hotel, to airport
LINGUIST List: Vol-16-2672
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