17.1115, Calls: Discourse Analysis/Germany;Applied Ling/USA

Thu Apr 13 15:51:42 UTC 2006

LINGUIST List: Vol-17-1115. Thu Apr 13 2006. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.

Subject: 17.1115, Calls: Discourse Analysis/Germany;Applied Ling/USA

Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Wayne State U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
            Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews (reviews at linguistlist.org) 
        Sheila Dooley, U of Arizona  
        Terry Langendoen, U of Arizona  

Homepage: http://linguistlist.org/

The LINGUIST List is funded by Eastern Michigan University, Wayne
State University, and donations from subscribers and publishers.

Editor for this issue: Kevin Burrows <kevin at linguistlist.org>

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Date: 10-Apr-2006
From: Miriam Butt < miriam.butt at uni-konstanz.de >
Subject: Konferenz Verarbeitung Natuerlichsprachlicher Systeme 

Date: 10-Apr-2006
From: Lourdes Ortega < lortega at hawaii.edu >
Subject: 2nd International Conference on Task-Based Language Teaching 

-------------------------Message 1 ---------------------------------- 
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2006 11:46:08
From: Miriam Butt < miriam.butt at uni-konstanz.de >
Subject: Konferenz Verarbeitung Natuerlichsprachlicher Systeme 

Full Title: Konferenz Verarbeitung Natuerlichsprachlicher Systeme 
Short Title: Konvens 

Date: 04-Oct-2006 - 07-Oct-2006
Location: Konstanz, Germany 
Contact Person: Miriam Butt
Meeting Email: konvens06 at uni-konstanz.de
Web Site: http://ling.uni-konstanz.de/pages/conferences/konvens06/ 

Linguistic Field(s): Cognitive Science; Computational Linguistics; Discourse Analysis; Text/Corpus Linguistics 

Call Deadline: 30-Apr-2006 

Meeting Description:

Konvens is a conference on natural language processing that is held every two years in either Germany or Austria.  The conference is supported by 6 organizations (DEGA, DGfS, GI, GLDV, ITG, OEGAI), each of which takes turns in organizing the conference. 

Second Call for Papers

This year Konvens06 is organized by the DGfS-CL (the Computational Section of the German Linguistics Society) and will be held at the University of Konstanz,
October 4-7.

Konvens welcomes papers, posters or system demonstrations on any subject within speech and natural language processing. This year, in particular, the focus will be on discourse processing and a satellite workshop on rhetorical relations as developed in SDRT (Segmented Discourse Representation Theory) will take place around the time of the conference.

Talks can be held in German or English (written contributions can also be either in German or English).

Deadline for submission of papers/posters/demos: April 30, 2006.

Notification of Acceptance: May 31, 2006

Length: Paper submissions should not exceed more than 8 pages, poster and demo submissions should not exceed more than 4 pages.

Format: Please use 11pt and submit your paper/poster/demo proposal in either pdf or ps to konvens06uni-konstanz.de

More Information on Konvens and the supporting organizations can be found on the conference website (an English version will be uploaded shortly). 


Programm Committee:

Miriam Butt (Universitaet Konstanz, DGfS-CL)
Guenter Goerz (Universitaet Erlangen, GI)
Ruediger Hoffmann (TU Dresden, ITG)
Tibor Kiss (Universitaet Bochum)
Bernd Kroeger (Universitaetsklinikum Aachen. DEGA)
Henning Lobin (Universitaet Giessen, GLDV)
Manfred Stede (Univeritaet Potsdam)
Harald Trost (Universitaet Wien, OEGAI)
Heike Zinsmeister (Universitaet Tuebingen, DGfS-CL)

-------------------------Message 2 ---------------------------------- 
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2006 11:46:18
From: Lourdes Ortega < lortega at hawaii.edu >
Subject: 2nd International Conference on Task-Based Language Teaching 


Full Title: 2nd International Conference on Task-Based Language Teaching 
Short Title: TBLT 

Date: 20-Sep-2007 - 22-Sep-2007
Location: Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 
Contact Person: Lourdes Ortega
Meeting Email: lortega at hawaii.edu
Web Site: http://www.hawaii.edu/tblt2007/ 

Linguistic Field(s): Applied Linguistics 

Call Deadline: 31-Oct-2006 

Meeting Description:

Second International Conference on Task-Based Language Teaching 
TBLT: Putting Principles to Work

University of Hawaii
September 20-22, 2007 

Please visit our website at http://www.tblt2007.org

TBLT 2007, the second international conference on task-based language teaching, provides an ideal forum for the dissemination of original, unpublished, or in-press work on empirical, theoretical, and educational dimensions of TBLT in a range of thematic areas. The theme of the 2007 conference is "TBLT: Putting Principles to Work". We look forward to bringing together both researchers and educators from around the world to learn from one another's innovations in task-based language teaching. 

CALL FOR PROPOSALS: (deadline for submission: October 31, 2006)

TBLT 2007, the second international conference on task-based language teaching, provides an ideal forum for the dissemination of original, unpublished, or in-press work. We welcome presentations on empirical, theoretical, and educational dimensions of TBLT. Proposals are sought in a range of thematic areas, including: 

--TBLT Syllabus, Curriculum, and Program Development 
--Teacher Development in Task-Based Language Education 
--TBLT and Technology 
--Performance- and Task-Based Assessment 
--Evaluation of Task-Based Programs 
--Psycholinguistic and Acquisitional Underpinnings of Task-Based Language Learning 
--Philosophical and Educational Underpinnings of Task-Based Language Education 
--TBLT across Contexts and Cultures 
--Educational Policy and TBLT 

Proposals may be for any of the three following types of presentation (colloquia, papers, posters). To submit a proposal, send the information requested below as an email attachment in Microsoft Word (2000 or later) or Rich Text Format (rtf document) to submissions at tblt2007.org.

Colloquia: Scheduled for 2 and one-half (2:30) hour blocks. Colloquium organizers may divide their time as they choose, but time should be allocated for opening and closing remarks, presentations, discussion (if included), and audience response. Colloquium organizers serve as the liaison between presenters and the conference. Submit: 

-- Name, affiliation, and full contact information (including email) for the colloquium organizer
-- Names, affiliations, and full contact information (including email) for all presenters
-- Title and 250 word abstract for the entire colloquium 
-- Title and 250 word abstract for each paper within the colloquium
-- 50 word summary for the entire colloquium (to be included in the conference program)
-- 50 word summary for each paper (to be included in the conference program) 

Individual papers: 20 minutes with a 5-minute discussion period. Submit:

-- Name, affiliation, and full contact information (including email) for the presenter
-- Title and 250 word abstract for the paper 
-- 50 word summary for the paper (to be included in the conference program)

Poster presentations: Displayed for 1 full day; presenters must be on site during designated times. Submit: 

-- Name, affiliation, and full contact information (including email) for the presenter 
-- Title and 250 word abstract for the poster
-- 50 word summary for the poster (to be included in the conference program)

Proposal submission deadline: October 31, 2006 (late submissions will not be reviewed) 
Notification of proposal status: January 31, 2007

NOTE: All proposals will undergo blind review by an international panel of qualified reviewers.

For alternative submission formats, please send an inquiry to organizers at tblt2007.org.


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LINGUIST List: Vol-17-1115	


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