17.2405, Calls: Pragmatics/Sweden; General Ling, Ling Theories/Czech Republic
Fri Aug 25 16:11:37 UTC 2006
LINGUIST List: Vol-17-2405. Fri Aug 25 2006. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 17.2405, Calls: Pragmatics/Sweden; General Ling, Ling Theories/Czech Republic
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Laura Welcher, Rosetta Project / Long Now Foundation
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Date: 25-Aug-2006
From: Wolfram Bublitz < Wolfram.Bublitz at phil.uni-augsburg.de >
Subject: 10th International Pragmatics Conference
Date: 24-Aug-2006
From: Joakim Nivre < nivre at msi.vxu.se >
Subject: Treebanks and Linguistic Theories 2006
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Fri, 25 Aug 2006 12:09:44
From: Wolfram Bublitz < Wolfram.Bublitz at phil.uni-augsburg.de >
Subject: 10th International Pragmatics Conference
Full Title: 10th International Pragmatics Conference
Date: 08-Jul-2007 - 13-Jul-2007
Location: Göteborg, Sweden
Contact Person: Ann Verhaert
Meeting Email: ann.verhaert at ipra.be
Web Site: http://ipra.ua.ac.be/main.aspx?c=*CONFERENCE2006&n=1295
Linguistic Field(s): Computational Linguistics; Pragmatics; Text/Corpus Linguistics
Call Deadline: 11-Sep-2006
Meeting Description:
10th International Pragmatics Conference
July 9-14, 2007
Göteborg, Sweden
Special theme: Language data, corpora, and computational pragmatics
[as always the conferences are open to all other relevant themes in
Chaired by: Karin Aijmer & Jens Allwood (Göteborg)
Other members of the local site committee:
- Elisabeth Ahlsén (Göteborg)
- Robin Cooper (Göteborg)
- Per Linell (Linköping)
- THorsein Fretheim (Trondheim)
- Anna-Brista Stenström (Bergen)
- Jan-Ola Östman (Helsinki)
We invite contributions to the following panel proposal for the 10th International Pragmatics Conference (IPrA), 8-13 July 2007, Göteborg, Sweden:
Panel organizers:
Prof. Dr. Wolfram Bublitz, University of Augsburg, Germany
Volker Eisenlauer, University of Augsburg, Germany
Christian Hoffmann, University of Augsburg, Germany
Contact @mail: Christian.Hoffmann at phil.uni-augsburg.de
E-Cohesion: Multimodality and Interactivity in CMC
Computer-mediated communication (CMC) has unquestionably grown into one of the most appealing innovative and challenging fields of research across the humanities. From a linguistic point of view, CMC research not only raises new questions about new topics but also offers a fresh look at established views on old topics held, inter alia, in discourse analysis and pragmatics. Prominent among them is cohesion, a key concept in any kind of text or discourse related analysis, which, however, defies easy explanation even in traditional types of communication, because it appears to rely strongly on the particular mode used: speech or writing or, indeed, CMC.
Regular users of the Web and, in particular, CMC recipients are familiar with the problems of scanning the screen for signs and signals that help to relate textual and audio-visual nodes to each other (and thus, with the cognitively demanding process of coherence creation). While we are accustomed to the linguistic, non-linguistic and cognitive ways of establishing cohesion in non-electronic spoken or written communication, newcomers to the Web have to learn what (other) means and strategies are used in CMC to relate current items or nodes to preceding or prospective other items or nodes. Thus, it seems safe to argue that cohesion in electronic, digital and computer mediated communication, i.e. electronic cohesion (e-cohesion), is (at least partly) different from cohesion in non-electronic, analogue, non-computer mediated spoken or written communication.
The key differences between e-cohesion and traditional concepts of cohesion are an immediate consequence of the constitutive features of CMC, viz. interactivity, multimodality, fragmentation, multilinearity and incompleteness. Central to e-cohesion are the two concepts of multimodality and interactivity, which delineate electronic (digital) 'text' composition. Both involve fragmentary text clustering and multilinear ways of reading, which often induces some kind of incompleteness.
Interactivity is a scalar feature, which appears in various degrees in different types of CMC. While it is reduced to a minimum in asynchronous e-documents, it is much more pronounced in synchronous CMC (e.g. in chatroom communication), where the user can obviously choose from a much wider range of options to participate in the production, alignment and negotiation of content. Between these two extremes, there are intermediary types of interactivity, among them purely physical acts (in which the user connects self-contained 'text' units by, e.g., simply clicking hyperlinks) and purely cognitive acts (in which the user relates textual and audio-visual 'text' units to each other across the screen). Such connections may be indicated by e-cohesive means across different modes, which points to the second key feature of e-cohesion, its multimodality.
Multimodality in CMC is likewise a scalar feature, reaching from mono-modality (e.g. in text-only CMC) to multi-modality, which may comprise textual, visual and audio modes. In our panel we aim to explore the cohesive effects caused by the interplay of various modes of presentation. For example, the reiteration of pictorial elements can support semantic connectivity proposed by the verbal structures in the text.
Both interactivity and multimodality are based on the fragmentary assemblage of different text clusters. In hypertexts, for example, textual units are interactively aligned across different nodes (internodal), while multimodality is mirrored in the fragmentary combination of text units within one and the same node (intranodal). Fragmentation in chats is of a somewhat different kind. Here, comments are broken down into smaller bits of incomplete information, which have to be linked up by users with the help of e-cohesive means (such as types of address, backchannels, turn-taking signals, cross-turn references). These CMC invoked features simultaneously enhance and restrict both the production and reception of CMC. They also account for its hybrid status as a new type of 'text' which exhibits various degrees of orality and literacy, thus bridging the gap between print and face-to-face communication (cf. Herring 1996, 2005, Storrer 2000). To capture the hybrid character and the diverse ways of presenting information (text, picture, video, sound etc), interdisciplinary approaches are called for to ensure a wide semiotic focus.
To conclude, with e-cohesion we refer to the specific item-connecting means that reflect the interactive, multimodal and fragmentation related properties of electronic media. While this panel will focus on cohesion, coherence in CMC (which, after all, is dependent on or, indeed, decisive for cohesion) shall not totally be neglected
Panel presenters are encouraged to discuss the various means of e-cohesion and the complex ways in which it depends on and reflects interactivity, multimodality, fragmentation and related phenomena. Explorations of different types of CMC, i.e. of e-cohesion in hypertexts, SMS and MMS, weblogs and vlogs, chats and forum communication, etc., are also conceivable.
Herring, S. C. (Ed.). (1996). Computer-Mediated Communication: Linguistic, Social and Cross-Cultural Perspectives. Pragmatics and Beyond series. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Herring, S. C. (1999). ''Interactional coherence in CMC''. In: Herring, S. (Ed.): Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 4 (4).
Storrer, A. (2000): ''Schriftverkehr auf der Datenautobahn. Besonderheiten der schriftlichen Kommunikation im Internet''. In: Voß, G.G., Holly, W., Boehnke, K. (Eds.): Neue Medien im Alltag: Begriffsbestimmungen eines interdisziplinä- ren Forschungsfeldes. Opladen: Leske + Budrich,153-177.
Panel organizers:
Prof. Dr. Wolfram Bublitz, English Linguistics (University of Augsburg)
@mail: Wolfram.Bublitz at phil.uni-augsburg.de
Volker Eisenlauer, English Linguistics (University of Augsburg)
@mail: Volker.Eisenlauer at phil.uni-augsburg.de
Christian Hoffmann, English Linguistics (University of Augsburg)
@mail: Christian.Hoffmann at phil.uni-augsburg.de (contact email)
Short abstracts are invited for 30 min. paper slots (20 min presentation
and 10 min discussion). Please send your submission electronically to the
contact email above by September 11th, 2006. Authors will be notified
individually about the further process.
Before sending us your abstract, please make sure you will be able to
attend the conference, thereby bearing in mind the IPrA conditions, which
include a full membership. More information on the IPrA homepage:
-------------------------Message 2 ----------------------------------
Date: Fri, 25 Aug 2006 12:09:49
From: Joakim Nivre < nivre at msi.vxu.se >
Subject: Treebanks and Linguistic Theories 2006
Full Title: Treebanks and Linguistic Theories 2006
Short Title: TLT-2006
Date: 01-Dec-2006 - 02-Dec-2006
Location: Prague, Czech Republic
Contact Person: Jan Hajic
Meeting Email: tlt06 at ufal.mff.cuni.cz
Web Site: http:///www.tlt2006.org
Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics; Linguistic Theories
Call Deadline: 08-Sep-2006
Meeting Description:
Treebanks are a language resource that provides annotations of natural languages at various levels of structure: at the word level, the phrase level, the sentence level, and sometimes also at the level of function-argument structure. Treebanks have become crucially important for the development of data-driven approaches to natural language processing, human language technologies, grammar extraction and linguistic research in general. This series of workshops
aims at being a forum for researchers and advanced students working
in these areas.
Treebanks and Linguistic Theories 2006
5th International Workshop
Prague, Czech Republic, December 1-2, 2006
3rd [Final] Call for Papers
This the final call for paper submission to the Treebanks and Linguistic Theories '06 conference. We remind you there is about two weeks remaining to polish and send off your submission!
The Guidelines for paper submission are available at http://www.tlt2006.org, link ''Instructions for Authors'' (or directly at http://ufal.mff.cuni.cz/tlt2006/auth.html). The deadline for submitting your papers is Sept. 8, 2006, as previously announced.
Workshop motivation and aims:
Treebanks are a language resource that provides annotations of natural
languages at various levels of structure: at the word level, the phrase level, the sentence level, and sometimes also at the level of function-argument structure. Treebanks have become crucially important for the development of data-driven approaches to natural language processing, human language technologies, grammar extraction and linguistic research in general. There are a number of on-going projects on compilation of representative treebanks for languages that still lack them (Bulgarian, Catalan, Danish, Portugese, Spanish, Turkish) and a number of on-going projects on compilation of treebanks for specific purposes for languages that already have them (English). In addition, there are projects that go beyond syntactic analysis to include different kinds of semantic and pragmatic annotation. We specifically encourage submissions that discuss the relations and links between, and possibly merging of, various aspects of morphological, syntactic, semantic, and contents/pragmatic annotation; also, submissions describing work on parallel treebanks and/or cross-language annotation schemas, theories and applications are more than encouraged as well.
The practices of building syntactically processed corpora have proved that aiming at more detailed description of the data becomes more and more theory-dependent (Prague Dependency Treebank and other dependency-based treebanks such as the Danish dependency treebank, the Italian treebank (TUT), and the Turkish treebank (METU); Verbmobil HPSG Treebanks, Polish HPSG Treebank, Bulgarian HPSG-based Treebank,etc.). Therefore the development of treebanks and formal linguistic theories need to be more tightly connected in order to ensure the necessary information flow between them.
This series of workshops aims at being a forum for researchers and advanced students working in these areas. The fifth workshop will be held in Prague, Czech Republic, 1-2 December 2006, with a number of co-located events surrounding it (for more information see www.tlt2006.org). (The first TLT workshop was held in Sozopol, Bulgaria in September 2002; see http://www.bultreebank.org/Proceedings.html), the second one in Vaxjo, Sweden in November 2003 (http://w3.msi.vxu.se/~rics/TLT2003/, the third one in Tuebingen, Germany in December 2004 (http://www.sfs.uni-tuebingen.de/tlt04/).
Topics of interest:
We invite submission of papers on topics relevant to treebanks and linguistic theories, including but not limited to:
- design principles and annotation schemes for treebanks;
- applications of treebanks in acquiring linguistic knowledge and in NLP;
- the role of linguistic theories in treebank development;
- treebanks as a basis for linguistic research;
- semantically annotated treebanks;
- evaluation and quality control of treebanks;
- tools for creation and management of treebanks;
- standards for treebanks.
Important dates:
(Always midnight, UTC, ignoring DST)
Deadline for paper submission: September 8, 2006
Notification of acceptance: October 8, 2006
Final version of paper for workshop proceedings: October 29, 2006
Workshop: December 1-2, 2006
Please note that this time, we require full papers (max. length: 12 pages A4) be submitted, describing existing research related to the topics of the workshop. Please see http://ufal.mff.cuni.cz/tlt2006/auth.html for complete information
where, when, and how to submit.
The presentation at the workshop will be 25 minutes long (20 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for questions and discussion). The final version of the accepted papers may not exceed 12 A4 pages (which will be printed on B5 without any reduction).
Invited speakers:
Martha Palmer, Professor at University of Colorado at Boulder
SemLink - Combining PropBank, VerbNet and FrameNet
Gosse Bouma, Professor at University of Groningen
(tentative: Creating and Exploring Large Treebanks)
Program committee:
Jan Hajic, Czech Republic (co-chair)
Joakim Nivre, Sweden (co-chair)
Members of the PC:
Emily Bender, USA
Thorsten Brants, USA
Koenraad de Smedt, Norway
Tomaz Erjavec, Slovenia
Joseph van Genabith, Ireland
Eva Hajicova, Czech Republic
Jiri Hana, USA
Erhard Hinrichs, Germany
Timo Jaervinen, Finalnd
Kimmo Koskenniemi, Finland
Tony Kroch, USA
Sandra Kuebler, Germany
Yuji Matsumoto, Japan
Detmar Meurers, USA
John Nerbonne, The Netherlands
Grace Ngai, Hong Kong
Karel Oliva, Czech Republic
Stephan Oepen, Norway/USA
Petya Osenova, Bulgaria
Ferran Pla, Spain
Horacio Rodriguez, Spain
Kiril Simov, Bulgaria
Otakar Smrz, Czech Republic
Barbora Vidova-Hladka, Czech Republic
Martin Volk, Sweden
Daniel Zeman, USA
Local Organizers:
Jan Hajic
Anna Kotesovcova
Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics, http://ufal.mff.cuni.cz
School of Computer Science, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Charles University, Prague
Czech Republic
email: info at tlt2006.org
School of Computer Science, MFF UK
Malostranske nam. 25
CZ-11800 Prague 1
Czech Republic
Sponsoring organisations:
Charles University, Prague
LINGUIST List: Vol-17-2405
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