17.3753, Calls: Cognitive Science/Poland; Syntax/Germany
Tue Dec 19 20:03:17 UTC 2006
LINGUIST List: Vol-17-3753. Tue Dec 19 2006. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 17.3753, Calls: Cognitive Science/Poland; Syntax/Germany
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Laura Welcher, Rosetta Project / Long Now Foundation
<reviews at linguistlist.org>
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Editor for this issue: Dan Parker <dan at linguistlist.org>
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Date: 19-Dec-2006
From: Lucja Biel < fillb at univ.gda.pl >
Subject: Passive, Reflexive, Impersonal & Related Constructions
Date: 19-Dec-2006
From: Artemis Alexiadou < artemis at ifla.uni-stuttgart.de >
Subject: 22nd Comparative Germanic Syntax Workshop
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Tue, 19 Dec 2006 14:59:56
From: Lucja Biel < fillb at univ.gda.pl >
Subject: Passive, Reflexive, Impersonal & Related Constructions
Full Title: Passive, Reflexive, Impersonal & Related Constructions
Date: 12-Jul-2007 - 13-Jul-2007
Location: Sopot, Poland
Contact Person: Joanna Redzimska
Meeting Email: iclcug at univ.gda.pl
Web Site: http://www.iclc.ug.gda.pl
Linguistic Field(s): Cognitive Science
Call Deadline: 20-Mar-2007
Meeting Description:
Parasession on Passive, Reflexive, Impersonal and Related Constructions
(parasession to ICLC 10) organized by the Institute of English at the University
of Gdansk in collaboration with the Polish Cognitive Linguistics Association.
The parasession will take place directly before the ICLC 10 in Cracow, Poland.
Organizers: the Institute of English at the University of Gdansk in
collaboration with the Polish Cognitive Linguistics Association.
Topics: include, but are not limited to, passive, reflexive, impersonal and
related constructions.
Presentation formats: plenary meetings - an hour's talk (40 minutes presentation
+ 20 minutes for questions and discussion); sections - a 30 minute talk (20
minutes presentation +10 minutes for questions and discussion).
Keynote speakers: (to be announced in the 2nd circular)
Venue: University of Gdansk Conference Center [Centrum Dydaktyczno-Konferencyjne
UG], ul. Piaskowa 9, Sopot, Poland
Registration fee: 150 EUR (125 EUR before 1 June 2007)
The registration fee includes all conference sessions, conference programme,
writing kit, coffee breaks, conference dinner.
Important dates:
Deadline for abstract submission: 20 March 2007
Notification of acceptance for authors: 5 May 2007
Abstract submission:
Abstracts for all presentation formats will undergo blind peer review. Proposed
titles should not exceed 20 words, and the length of the abstract should be
limited to a maximum of 300 words. Abstracts accompanied by a separate cover
sheet indicating the proposed title, author's name, affiliation, and e-mail
address should be submitted via Internet to the Organizing Committee:
iclcug at univ.gda.pl.
In case of queries, please contact the Organizing Committee.
Conference Chair: Professor Roman Kalisz
Organizing Committee:
Igor Burkhanov, Eugene Casad, Wojciech Kubinski, Lucja Biel, Magdalena
Bielenia-Grajewska, Tadeusz Danilewicz, Joanna Redzimska, Mikolaj Rychlo-Kok,
Olga Sokolowska
Institute of English
University of Gdansk
ul. Wita Stwosza 55
80-952 Gdansk
Tel./Fax. (+48) 58 341 79 23
E-mail: iclcug at univ.gda.pl
-------------------------Message 2 ----------------------------------
Date: Tue, 19 Dec 2006 15:00:05
From: Artemis Alexiadou < artemis at ifla.uni-stuttgart.de >
Subject: 22nd Comparative Germanic Syntax Workshop
Full Title: 22nd Comparative Germanic Syntax Workshop
Short Title: CGSW 22
Date: 08-Jun-2007 - 09-Jun-2007
Location: Stuttgart, Germany
Contact Person: Artemis Alexiadou
Meeting Email: cgsw at ifla.uni-stuttgart.de
Web Site: http://ifla.uni-stuttgart.de/~cgsw/
Linguistic Field(s): Syntax
Language Family(ies): Germanic
Call Deadline: 01-Feb-2007
Meeting Description:
CGSW 22 will be held at the Institute of English Linguistics, University of
Stuttgart, June 8-9, 2007.
We are pleased to announce the following invited speakers:
Anna Cardinaletti, University of Venice
Gisbert Fanselow, University of Potsdam
We invite abstracts for thirty-minute talks (followed by ten minutes of
discussion) on any aspect of comparative Germanic syntax, including diachronic
syntax and the interface between syntax and other components of the grammar.
Abstracts should not exceed two pages (letter-size/A4) in total length
(including data and references), with one-inch (2.54cm) margins all around,
typed in at least 11-point font. Submissions are restricted to one individual
and one joint abstract per author.
Please note that unlike what was mentioned in the first call for
papers we can accept only email submissions.
Please send an email to:
cgsw at ifla.uni-stuttgart.de
The abstract itself should be attached as a PDF file and should be completely
anonymous. The email should use the subject header ''Abstract'' and should
contain the following information in the body:
Name(s) of author(s)
Affiliation of author(s)
Title of paper
Email address for correspondence
The deadline for submissions is February 1, 2007. We will send out notifications
around April 1, 2007.
If you have any questions, you can contact us at:
cgsw at ifla.uni-stuttgart.de
LINGUIST List: Vol-17-3753
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