17.3755, Calls: Lang Acquisition, Socioling/UK; Comp Ling/Morocco
Tue Dec 19 20:17:07 UTC 2006
LINGUIST List: Vol-17-3755. Tue Dec 19 2006. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 17.3755, Calls: Lang Acquisition, Socioling/UK; Comp Ling/Morocco
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Laura Welcher, Rosetta Project / Long Now Foundation
<reviews at linguistlist.org>
Homepage: http://linguistlist.org/
The LINGUIST List is funded by Eastern Michigan University, Wayne
State University, and donations from subscribers and publishers.
Editor for this issue: Dan Parker <dan at linguistlist.org>
As a matter of policy, LINGUIST discourages the use of abbreviations
or acronyms in conference announcements unless they are explained in
the text.
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Date: 19-Dec-2006
From: Charlotte Kemp < charlotte.kemp at stir.ac.uk >
Subject: 5th International Conference on Third Language Acquisition and Multilingualism
Date: 18-Dec-2006
From: Abderrezzak Tourabi < atourabi at hotmail.com >
Subject: International Colloquium on Arabic Language Processing
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Tue, 19 Dec 2006 15:14:06
From: Charlotte Kemp < charlotte.kemp at stir.ac.uk >
Subject: 5th International Conference on Third Language Acquisition and Multilingualism
Full Title: 5th International Conference on Third Language Acquisition and
Short Title: L3
Date: 03-Sep-2007 - 05-Sep-2007
Location: Stirling, Scotland, United Kingdom
Contact Person: Charlotte Kemp
Meeting Email: L3conference at stir.ac.uk
Web Site: http://www.ioe.stir.ac.uk/L3conference/
Linguistic Field(s): Language Acquisition; Sociolinguistics
Call Deadline: 15-Jan-2007
Meeting Description:
5th International Conference on Third Language Acquisition and Multilingualism
3-5 September 2007, University of Stirling, Scotland, UK
Confirmed Speakers:
Richard Johnstone (University of Stirling): Multilingualism in Scotland.
Claire Kramsch (University of California, Berkeley): Third Language.
Ajit Mohanty (Jawaharlal Nehru University): Multilingual socialization and
negotiation of identities in contact between multilingual adults and
communities: Socio-psychological processes.
Conference Organiser:
Charlotte Kemp, University of Stirling. Email: L3conference at stir.ac.uk
Multiple language acquisition is a relatively new research area which is now
gaining more attention. This conference, the 'Fifth International Conference on
Third Language Acquisition and Multilingualism', proposes to bring together
researchers who are interested in the area of multilingualism. Abstracts are
welcome in any area related to multilingualism (plurilingualism), ie,
acquisition, use, maintenance, and attrition of 3rd, 4th, 5th... languages, such
as: speech processing in multilinguals, psycholinguistics and multilingualism,
neurolinguistics and multilingual learners, multilingualism and affect,
multilingualism and language policies, sociolinguistics and multilingualism,
multilingual families, multilingual minorities/majorities, literacy in multiple
languages, and education in multiple languages.
The University of Stirling is set on a beautiful campus near the historic city
of Stirling, 50km northwest of Edinburgh. This is the first time the conference
is to be held in the UK. Previous conferences have been held in Innsbruck in
Austria (1999), Leeuwarden-Ljouwert in The Netherlands (2001), Tralee in the
Republic of Ireland (2003), and Fribourg/Freiburg and Biel/Bienne in Switzerland
Nearby events 2007
The Edinburgh Festival, 10 August - 2 September
EuroSLA 17, University of Newcastle, 11-14 September.
2nd Call for Papers
Deadline for receipt of abstracts: 15 January 2007
Please send your abstract to Charlotte Kemp: L3conference at stir.ac.uk
Abstracts are invited from interested participants for parallel session papers
and for symposia. We welcome original and previously unpublished papers on
research on acquisition or use of three or more languages. Contributions in any
language will be considered. Abstracts should be sent in the language of
presentation accompanied by an English translation, or in English.
Individual papers are for 25 minutes: 20 minutes for the presentation and 5
minutes for questions. Themed symposia are for 2 hours (4 papers): proposers
should include the chair's name, participants' names, titles and abstracts for
the papers in their symposium after obtaining their agreement to participate.
Topics include: Multilingualism (plurilingualism) in relation to:
- Acquisition of 3rd, 4th, 5th? languages
- Multiple language acquisition in multilingual contexts
- Multilingual families
- Mobility and migration of multilinguals
- Multilingual majorities/minorities
- Sociolinguistic studies of multilinguals in their communities
- Multilingual cultures
- Translation, interpreting, and mediation
- Literacy in multiple languages (pluriliteracy)
- Multilingualism in educational settings
- Standards, assessment and evaluation
- Teacher training in multilingual contexts
- Higher education
- Education and immersion in multiple languages
- Educational language policies
- Language policies
- Languages and globalisation
- Languages and economics
- Affect (attitudes, emotions)
- Speech processing in multilinguals
- Psycholinguistics
- Neurolinguistics.
Abstracts should indicate the topic of the paper, the issues the paper raises,
how it relates to other research in its area, an outline of the methodology if
relevant with the results and conclusions if available. The English abstract
should be a maximum of 3,000 characters (with spaces), giving enough detail for
the reviewers to assess its contribution to research into multilingualism.
Abstracts will be double-blind reviewed.
Abstract/s. Please indicate:
- whether your abstract is for a 20 minute parallel session paper or part of a
- title of the paper
- name of the presenter/s
- affiliation (name of university)
- equipment required, eg, computer and projector for Powerpoint, OHP
- text of abstract (maximum 3,000 characters with spaces - English version).
- single spaced, Times New Roman, justified (English version)
- the abstract/s for each language/s of presentation should each appear in a
separate attachment to the email, labelled with your family name followed
immediately by your given/first name and the name of the language (so you might
have 2 or 3 attachments).
- the abstract for each language should also be given in the main body of the
- in the subject of the email, put L3abstract (one word) followed by your family
name followed immediately by your first name.
For example, a participant called 'Lily WANG' wants to present in Mandarin with
a bilingual Mandarin and English powerpoint presentation. Dr Wang would send her
email with the subject L3abstract WangLily in the title. She would attach her
files L3abstract WangLily English and L3abstract WangLily Mandarin to her email.
She would also give her two abstracts in the body of her email.
Please send your abstract to Charlotte Kemp: L3conference at stir.ac.uk
-------------------------Message 2 ----------------------------------
Date: Tue, 19 Dec 2006 15:14:15
From: Abderrezzak Tourabi < atourabi at hotmail.com >
Subject: International Colloquium on Arabic Language Processing
Full Title: International Colloquium on Arabic Language Processing
Short Title: CITALA-07
Date: 18-Jun-2007 - 19-Jun-2007
Location: Iera, Rabat, Morocco
Contact Person: Abderrezzak Tourabi
Meeting Email: citala2007 at iera.ac.ma
Web Site: http://www.iera.ac.ma/iera/CITALA07/index.htm
Linguistic Field(s): Computational Linguistics
Subject Language(s): Arabic, Standard (arb)
Call Deadline: 30-Mar-2027
Meeting Description:
The Institute for Study and Research on Arabization (IERA, Rabat) is organizing
the second edition of the International Colloquium on Arabic Language Processing
(CITALA-07). The aim of this Colloquium is to gather studies, achievements and
experiences from scholars working on Arabic language processing, in order to
offer insight into the progresses within this field, to explore the
perspectives, and to tie connections with laboratories and Institutions working
on Arabic Language Processing.
After the success of the first edition of the colloquium (JETALA 06), the
Institute for Study and Research on Arabization (IERA) is organizing, in
collaboration with National School of Computer Science and System Analysis,
Computer Science, Applied Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory of
the Science Faculty and National school of Mineral Industry, the second edition
of the International Colloquium on Arabic Language Processing (CITALA-07).
The aim of this Colloquium is to gather studies, achievements and experiences
from scholars working on Arabic language processing, in order to offer insight
into the progresses within this field, to explore the perspectives, and to tie
connections with laboratories and Institutions working on Arabic Language
Communications (30 minutes with questions), could address the following Arabic
Language Processing topics (non limitative list):
-Lexicon: data bases including linguistic resources (phonological,
morphological, syntactic, and semantics)
-Automatic generation and parsing of Morphology, Syntax, Semantics, Pragmatics
and Discourse Analysis
-Automatic Tagging of Arabic Texts
-Synthesis from Texts
-Automatic Translation
-Documents Retrieval, information searching and retrieving
-Arabic Writing Recognition
-Speech Synthesis
-Automatic Speech Recognition
The official language of the colloquium is Arabic. However, English and French
contributions are also accepted.
Authors should send their submission using Word Format. The first page should
contain the title, authors' coordinates (name, affiliation, postal address,
electronic address, phone and fax numbers), an abstract (around 300 words) and a
list of keywords.
The submitted articles should not exceed 10 pages long (in Traditional Arabic 14
for Arabic articles and Times 12 for English and French), single spacing, around
3000 words, figures, examples and references included.
Texts accepted will be published in the proceeding of these days, and can
eventually be proposed to be published in the Linguistic Research Journal
published by IERA.
Articles should be submitted before March 30th, 2007 in electronic format to one
of the following addresses:
citala2007 at iera.ac.ma
karim.bouzoubaa at emi.ac.ma
In case the electronic submission is not possible, a paper submission could be
accepted. Two paper copies should be sent to the following postal address:
Hamdani Abdelfettah
Institut d'Etudes et de Recherches pour l'Arabisation
Avenue Allal Al Fassi, B.P: 6216 Rabat-instituts
Invited Speakers:
Tim Buckwalter, University of Pennsylvania, USA.
Important Dates:
-Submission of papers: 30/03/2007
-Notification to Authors: 11/05/2007
-Final Version Submission: 25/05/2007
-CITALA-07 Conference: 18-19/06/2007
Participation Fees:
Moroccan Scholars:100 DH
Others: 100 Euros
Moroccan Students:Free
Participation fees are to be paid the first day of the colloquium
LINGUIST List: Vol-17-3755
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