17.380, Confs: Socioling/Catalan/Romance Lang/Tuebingen, Germany

Fri Feb 3 18:52:38 UTC 2006

LINGUIST List: Vol-17-380. Fri Feb 03 2006. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.

Subject: 17.380, Confs: Socioling/Catalan/Romance Lang/Tuebingen, Germany

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Date: 31-Jan-2006
From: Claus Dieter Pusch < claus.pusch at romanistik.uni-freiburg.de >
Subject: Workshop 'Dialect Convergence and Standardization in Catalan and Other Languages' 

-------------------------Message 1 ---------------------------------- 
Date: Fri, 03 Feb 2006 13:51:00
From: Claus Dieter Pusch < claus.pusch at romanistik.uni-freiburg.de >
Subject: Workshop 'Dialect Convergence and Standardization in Catalan and Other Languages' 

Workshop 'Dialect Convergence and Standardization in Catalan and Other Languages' 

Date: 23-Feb-2006 - 25-Feb-2006 
Location: Eberhard-Karls University Tuebingen, Germany 
Contact: Johannes Kabatek 
Contact Email: kabatek at uni-tuebingen.de 
Meeting URL: http://www.katalanistik.de/colloqui.htm 

Linguistic Field(s): Sociolinguistics 

Subject Language(s): Catalan-Valencian-Balear (cat)

Language Family(ies): Romance 
Meeting Description: 

This workshop is held as part of the 20th German Conference on Catalan Studies / 20è Colloqui Germano-Català / 20. Deutscher Katalanistentag, organized by the Department of Romance Languages of Eberhard-Karls University of Tübingen in cooperation with the German Association for Catalan Studies / Deutscher Katalanistenverband e.V. and the Institut Ramon Llull Barcelona. 

Program of the workshop:

Thursday, February 23, 2006:

* Pre-workshop symposium ''Joan Coromines i l'etimologia romànica / Joan Coromines and the study of etymology in Romance''

10.30 h:
Joan Veny (University of Barcelona / Spain): Joan Coromines, etimòleg [Joan Coromines, etymologist]

Joan Solà Cortassa (University of Barcelona / Spain): Joan Coromines i la llengua catalana [Joan Coromines and the Catalan language]

12.15 h:
José Enrique Gargallo (University of Barcelona / Spain): Joan Coromines i els altres valencians [Joan Coromines and the other Valencians]

15.15 h:
Ignacio Pérez Pascual (University of A Coruña / Spain): La correspondencia entre Joan Coromines y Ramón Menéndez Pidal [The correspondence between Joan Coromines and Ramón Menéndez Pidal]

16.00 h:
Presentation of new and on-going research projects in Romance etymological studies

* Workshop ''Dialect convergence and standardization in Catalan and other languages''

Thursday, February 23, 2006:

18.00 h: Opening lecture:
Germà Colón Domènech (University of Basel / Switzerland): Català: universal - particular [Catalan: universal and particular]

Friday, February 24, 2006:

9.00 h: Keynote lecture:
Peter Auer (University of Freiburg / Germany): Dialect convergence and divergence - Some scenarios from Middle Europe

10.00-11.00 h: ''Dialect variation and language change: diachronic perspectives''

10.00 h:
Marc-Olivier Hinzelin (University of Konstanz / Germany): Neutrale Pronomina in unpersönlichen Konstruktionen: diachrone und dialektale Variation [Neuter pronouns in impersonal constructions: diachronic and dialectal variation]

10.30 h:
Montserrat Adam Aulinas (University of Barcelona / Spain): Les isoglosses i la quantificació de les dades en la descripció dialectal i del canvi lingüístic [Isoglosses and the quantification of data in the descriptions of dialects and of language change]

11.30-13.00 h: ''Variation and convergence in the phonetic-phonological and morphosyntactic domain''

11.30 h:
Conxita Lléo / Ariadna Benet / Susana Cortés (University of Hamburg / Germany): Límits de la normalització lingüística: els fenòmens fonoprosòdics marcats del català [The limits of linguistic normalization: marked phono-prosodic phenomena in Catalan]

12.00 h:
Ildikó Szijj (E.-Lorand-University Budapest / Hungary): L'estandardització de les variants dialectals de les formes verbals [The standardization of dialectal variants of verbal forms]

12.30 h:
Sarah Dessì Schmid (University of Tübingen / Germany): Das Katalanische in L'Alguer: extern- und intern-linguistische Überlegungen am Beispiel des Verbalsystems [The Catalan language in L'Alguer / Alghero: internal- and external-linguistic reflections with special focus on the verbal system]

14.30-18.00 h: ''Dialect variation and standardization in different regions of the Catalan-speaking area''

14.30 h:
Joan A. Argenter (Institut d'Estudis Catalans Barcelona / Spain): Per una norma en la diversitat o per una diversitat de normes? [Towards a norm of diversity or towards a diversity of norms?]

15.00 h:
Josefina Carrera-Sabaté (University of Barcelona / Spain): La variació en determinats trets dialectals tradicionals del lleidatà. Globalització o escriptura? [The variation of traditional dialectal features of Lleidatà Catalan: globalization or scriptural practice?]

15.30 h:
Maria Pilar Perea (University of Barcelona / Spain): Elements exolingües en el català del Rosselló [Exo-linguistic elements in the Catalan spoken in Roussillon / France]

16.30 h:
Carles Segura / Sandra Montserrat (University of Alacant / Spain): Estàndard i variació lingüística al País Valencià: investigació i aplicacions [Standard and linguistic variation in the Land of València: investigation and applications]

17.00 h:
Hans-Ingo Radatz (University of Eichstätt / Germany): Dialektabbau auf Mallorca - der mallorquinische Dialekt zwischen zwei Hochsprachen [Dialect reduction in Majorca - the Majorcan dialect between two standard languages]

17.30 h:
Christian Lagarde (University of Perpignan / France): De 'La Norma' a 'La Queta': l'evolució de la problemàtica de la normativització del català al Principat [From 'La Norma' to 'La Queta': the evolution of the question of normativizing the Catalan language in Catalonia]

Saturday, February 25, 2006:

9.00-11.00 h: ''Standardization and language planning in the context of regional languages: between globalization and localism''

9.00 h:
Anna I. Montesinos López (Polytechnical University of València / Spain): Terminologia informàtica local en un món globalitzat [Localized computer terminology in a globalized world]

9.30 h:
Llum Bracho Lapiedra (Polytechnical University of València / Spain): Globalització vs. localització: Els topònims catalans i els exotopònims en català [Globalization vs. localization: Catalan toponyms and exotoponyms in Catalan]

10.00 h:
Max Doppelbauer (University of Vienna / Austria): ?Dictamen'' und die Reform des Autonomiestatuts in der Comunitat Valenciana [The ?Dictamen'' and the reform of the statute of autonomy in the Valencian Community]

10.30 h:
Vicent Climent i Ferrando / Esther Gimeno Ugalde (University of Vienna / Austria): La unitat de la llengua catalana: pot el secessionisme passar a instàncies internacionals? [The unity of the Catalan language: may linguistic separatism act on an international level?]

11.15-13.15 h: ''The role of media in the process of standardization and dialect convergence''

11.15 h:
Daniel Casals (Autonomous University of Barcelona / Spain) / Oriol Camps (Catalunya Ràdio Barcelona / Spain): Límits per a la consecució d'un estàndard plural als media. El procés de producció de textos a la ràdio com a factor d'anivellament geolectal [Limits for the applicability of a pluralistic standard in the media. The process of text production in broadcasting as a factor of geolectal leveling]

11.45 h:
Clàudia Pons Moll (University of Barcelona / Spain): Estàndard i dialectes en els anuncis publicitaris de les Illes Balears [Standard Catalan and dialects in advertisements on the Balearic Islands]

12.15 h:
Katharina Wieland (Humboldt University of Berlin / Germany): Els mitjans de comunicació catalans i la seva representació de la varietat diafàsica juvenil - desenvolupaments, dependències recíproques i conflictes normatius [Catalan media and their representation of the diaphasic variety of young speakers - developments, reciprocal dependencies and normative conflicts]

12.45 h:
Daniel Casals i Martorell (Autonomous University of Barcelona / Spain): Mesures estandarditzadores de convergència i de divergència geolectal als mitjans de comunicació de massa en català [Measuring the impact of standardization on geolectal convergence and divergence in the Catalan mass media]

15.30-16.30 h: ''Dialect variation and standardization in other languages: contrastive and comparative analyses''

15.30 h:
Miren Lourdes Oñederra (University of the Basque Country at Vitoria-Gasteiz / Spain): Standard Basque: on stigmatized vs. privileged sound-choices

16.00 h:
Dave Sayers (University of Essex / Great Britain): Standardising diversity - Can the Cornish language be revived without inhibiting its diversity?

17.00-18.30 h: ''Dialect convergence and standardization in a neighboring language: the Occitan case''

17.00 h:
Claudi Balaguer (University of Perpignan / France): Convergències dialectals (i/o subdialectals) o desgavell de l'occità? [Dialectal or sub-dialectal convergence or mess and confusion in Occitan?]

17.30 h:
Aitor Carrera (University of Lleida / Spain): Fets d'anivellament dialectal en una zona de frontera. El cas de l'occità de la Vall d'Aran [Dialect leveling phenomena in a linguistic frontier zone. The case of the Occitan language spoken in the Aran Valley / Pyrenees]

18.00 h:
Daniela Müller (University of Toulouse / France) / Domergue Sumien (University of Montpellier / France): L'ensenyament de l'occità, entre estandardització i erosió fonològica [The teaching of Occitan, between standardization and phonologic erosion]

18.30 h:
Summary of the section work - Closing of the workshop.

The symposium, the workshop and all lectures take place at the Faculty of Philology of the University of Tübingen, building Wilhelmstrasse 50.

For information on registration, fees, social program, travel and accomodation, please refer to the web-site of the 20th German Conference on Catalan Studies at http://www.uni-tuebingen.de/kabatek/catala. We would be happy to meet you in Tübingen!

LINGUIST List: Vol-17-380	


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