17.504, Calls: Discourse Analysis/France;Semantics/Netherlands
Thu Feb 16 21:59:22 UTC 2006
LINGUIST List: Vol-17-504. Thu Feb 16 2006. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 17.504, Calls: Discourse Analysis/France;Semantics/Netherlands
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Wayne State U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews (reviews at linguistlist.org)
Sheila Dooley, U of Arizona
Terry Langendoen, U of Arizona
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Date: 13-Feb-2006
From: Marie-Paule Pery-Woodley < pery at univ-tlse2.fr >
Subject: International Symposium: Discourse and Document
Date: 13-Feb-2006
From: Lotte Hogeweg < L.Hogeweg at let.ru.nl >
Subject: TAM TAM: Cross-linguistic semantics of Tense, Aspect, and Modality
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Thu, 16 Feb 2006 16:57:33
From: Marie-Paule Pery-Woodley < pery at univ-tlse2.fr >
Subject: International Symposium: Discourse and Document
Full Title: International Symposium: Discourse and Document
Short Title: ISDD 06
Date: 15-Jun-2006 - 17-Jun-2006
Location: Caen, France
Contact Person: Marie-Paule Pery-Woodley
Meeting Email: discours2006 at info.unicaen.fr
Web Site: http://discours2006.info.unicaen.fr/
Linguistic Field(s): Computational Linguistics; Discourse Analysis; Semantics;
Text/Corpus Linguistics
Call Deadline: 22-Feb-2006
Meeting Description:
The "document level" in discourse linguistics, computational linguistics, and
document engineering.
Final Call for Papers
Extended submission deadline : February 22
In connection with the development of digital documents, discourse linguistics,
document engineering and NLP are increasingly converging: a) applying corpus
analysis methods to discourse calls for greater use of NLP techniques; b) new
modes of access to documents' contents place more emphasis on exploiting
discourse structure. This convergence is manifest in a number of joint studies,
and results in cross fertilisation between text and discourse linguistics on
the one hand, document engineering and NLP on the other.
The Discourse and Document Symposium will bring together researchers interested
in what can be termed the ''document level'' in discourse linguistics, in
computational linguistics, and in document engineering, according to the
following (preliminary) postulates:
The document is envisaged as a functional unit, situated in a specific setting,
and actualised in a medium (whatever its nature) which confers on it material
characteristics which are an integral part of the use and sense made of it;
The expression ''document level'' signals a marked interest in coarse grain
structures, or ''global'' structures (so-called ''logical'' structure,
organisation in sections?), or in the interaction between local and global
structures (reference chains, topical chains, inter- propositional relations,
etc.). It indicates a specific interest in ''top down'' approaches based on the
exploitation of surface cues or markers.
TOPICS (non-exhaustive list)
- Analysis of discourse structures; the setting-up of automatic procedures
for these analyses;
- Analysis of the structure of composite documents (text-images, text-
graphics); automatic procedures for these analyses;
- Impact of hypertextual or hyperdocument organisation on the way documents
are apprehended. Hypertext formatting, computational tools based on NLP procedures;
- Reading models, discourse organisation models;
- Computational experimentation as a means of testing hypotheses on corpora;
- Preliminary corpus studies: identification and annotation of discourse
- Computational devices for such experimental approaches (formalising
linguistic knowledge, ensuring re-usability of resources, articulating levels
of processing, visualising annotations);
- Articulating approaches using linguistic markers, domain knowledge,
statistical techniques;
- Applications: intra-document information retrieval, browsing aids,
document summarisation or synthesis, etc.
The Symposium will include:
- A plenary conference (submitted and invited papers).
- A ''young researchers' session
- An NLP demonstration workshop
Symposium languages: English and French
Plenary conference:
Declaration of intention to submit: 200-word abstract + key words indicating
the themes of the proposed paper. Full papers will not exceed 10 pages (in
accordance with the style sheets provided). Presentation of full papers will
conform to that for final versions.
Young researchers' session:
A two-page abstract and keywords.
NLP Demonstration workshop:
A two-page abstract and keywords. References to existing on-line demonstrations
will be welcome. Authors will be contacted by the organising committee on
practical questions of hardware and software installation on the Symposium's site.
The proceedeedings of the symposium will be published by Caen University Press
/ Presses Universitaires de Caen , both in electronic and printed form.
- As soon as possible : declaration of intention to submit (optional, 200 word
- February 22nd 2006: submission of papers
- April 15th 2006: notification of acceptance
- May 15th 2006: final versions
Full details for submission and registration on the Symposium website :
Email (information) : discours2006 at info.unicaen.fr
Symposium's chairpersons: Marie-Paule Péry Woodley (U. Toulouse), Patrice
Enjalbert (U. Caen) , Mauro Gaio (U,Pau et Pays de l'Adour)
Plenary conference:
J. Bateman (U. Bremen, Germany), D. Battistelli (U. Paris 4, France), Y.
Bestgen (U. C. Louvain, Belgium), B. Boguraev (IBM T.J. Watson Research
Center, USA), A. Borillo (U. Toulouse 2, France), N. Bouayad- Agha (U. Pompeu
Fabra, Barcelona, Spain), F. Cerbah (Dassault Aviation, France), M. Charolles
(U. Paris 3, France), D. Cristea (U. Iasi, Romania), L. Degand (U. C. Louvain,
Belgium), D. Dutoit (Memodata, France), P. Enjalbert (U. Caen, France), S.
Ferrari (U. Caen, France), O. Ferret (CEA, France), M. Gaio (U. Pau, France),
B. Grau (U. Paris-Sud, France), N. Hernandez (U. Caen, France), G. Lapalme (U.
Montréal, Québec, Canada), A. Le Draoulec (U. Toulouse 2, France), A. Lehmam
(Pertinence Mining.com, France), D. Legallois (U. Caen, France), N. Lucas (U.
Caen and CNRS, France), F. Maurel (U. Caen, France), A. Max (U. Paris-Sud,
France), J.-L. Minel (U. Paris 4, France), M. Mojahid (U. Toulouse 3, France),
M.-P. Péry Woodley (U. Toulouse 2, France), H. Saggion (U. Sheffield, England),
L. Sarda (CNRS, LATTICE, France), I. Saleh (U. Paris 8, France), S. Salmon Alt
(ATILF-CNRS, France), D. Scott (Open University, England).
Young researchers' session (in addition to the plenary conference committe)
Frédéric Bilhaut (U. Caen), Nicolas Hernandez (U. Caen), Mai Ho-Dac (U.
Toulouse 2), Marion Laignelet (U. Toulouse 2), Christophe Pimm (U. Toulouse 2),
Antoine Widlöcher (U. Caen)
NLP workshop :
Frédéric Bilhaut, Antoine Widlöcher (U. Caen)
Organising Committee
S. Ferrari (chair), F. Bilhaut, N. Hernandez, A. Widlöcher
-------------------------Message 2 ----------------------------------
Date: Thu, 16 Feb 2006 16:57:39
From: Lotte Hogeweg < L.Hogeweg at let.ru.nl >
Subject: TAM TAM: Cross-linguistic semantics of Tense, Aspect, and Modality
Full Title: TAM TAM: Cross-linguistic semantics of Tense, Aspect, and Modality
Short Title: TAM TAM
Date: 15-Nov-2006 - 16-Nov-2006
Location: Nijmegen, Netherlands
Contact Person: Lotte Hogeweg
Meeting Email: L.Hogeweg at let.ru.nl
Linguistic Field(s): Semantics; Typology
Call Deadline: 01-May-2006
Meeting Description:
In recent years, we have witnessed on the one hand an increased interest in
cross-linguistic data in formal semantic studies, and on the other hand an
increased concern for semantic issues in language typology. However, there are
still only few studies which combine semantic and typological research for a
particular semantic domain (such as the papers in Bach et al. (1995) on
quantification and Smith (1997) on aspect).
This workshop focuses specifically on the domain of Tense, Aspect, and
Mood/Modality and it aims to bring together formal semanticists with a
cross-linguistic perspective or working on lesser-known languages, and
typologists interested in semantic theory, to discuss semantic variation in this
Organizers: Lotte Hogeweg, Helen de Hoop, Andrej Malchukov, Joost Zwarts
Invited speakers:
Johan Van der Auwera
Balthasar Bickel (to be confirmed)
Kees Hengeveld
Lisa Matthewson, Hotze Rullmann, Henry Davis
Barbara Partee
Henriëtte de Swart
In recent years, we have witnessed on the one hand an increased interest in
cross-linguistic data in formal semantic studies, and on the other hand an
increased concern for semantic issues in language typology. However, there are
still only few studies which combine semantic and typological research for a
particular semantic domain (such as the papers in Bach et al. (1995) on
quantification and Smith (1997) on aspect).
This workshop focuses specifically on the domain of Tense, Aspect, and
Mood/Modality and it aims to bring together formal semanticists with a
cross-linguistic perspective or working on lesser-known languages, and
typologists interested in semantic theory, to discuss semantic variation in this
Particular issues that could be addressed in the talks include:
a) core meanings and extension of TAM categories across languages: dimensions of
b) compositionality of meaning of individual categories, and challenges for
(strict) compositionality;
c) recurrent polysemy patterns across languages and their motivation;
d) semantic interaction between categories in a particular domain (including
issues of ''coercion'');
e) dependencies between the meaning of particular categories and TAM systems
(including issues of markedness within individual T/A/M systems).
Especially welcome are talks which present cross-linguistic data in the TAM
domain that challenge or enrich current semantic analyses, and thus contribute
to the emergent field of semantic typology.
Abstract submissions
The deadline for abstract submissions is May 1, 2006. Abstracts should be sent
to the following e-mail address: L.Hogeweg at let.ru.nl
The email message or accompanying cover letter should specify all contact
information for the author(s), including their name, affiliation, university or
home address, and email address, as well as the exact title of the submission.
The abstract should be anonymous and will be subject to a blind review. It
should not exceed two pages, Times 12, examples and references included.
Accepted formats for electronic submissions are Word, PDF, or rich text format
(RTF). Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection of their proposal by
May 15, 2006. A maximum of one individual and one co-authored paper is
considered per author.
For authors of selected papers there may be partial reimbursement possibilities.
For more information contact: L.Hogeweg at let.ru.nl
LINGUIST List: Vol-17-504
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