17.21, Calls: General Ling/Poland;Semantics/Russia

Tue Jan 10 21:47:46 UTC 2006

LINGUIST List: Vol-17-21. Tue Jan 10 2006. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.

Subject: 17.21, Calls: General Ling/Poland;Semantics/Russia

Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Wayne State U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
            Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews (reviews at linguistlist.org) 
        Sheila Dooley, U of Arizona  
        Terry Langendoen, U of Arizona  

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Editor for this issue: Kevin Burrows <kevin at linguistlist.org>

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Date: 30-Dec-2005
From: Jaroslaw Weckwerth < wjarek at ifa.amu.edu.pl >
Subject: 37th Poznan Linguistic Meeting 

Date: 28-Dec-2005
From: Igor Yanovich < ritchiebrukvar at mail.ru >
Subject: Formal Semantics in Moscow 2 

-------------------------Message 1 ---------------------------------- 
Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2006 16:45:59
From: Jaroslaw Weckwerth < wjarek at ifa.amu.edu.pl >
Subject: 37th Poznan Linguistic Meeting 

Full Title: 37th Poznan Linguistic Meeting 
Short Title: PLM2006 

Date: 20-Apr-2006 - 23-Apr-2006
Location: Poznan, Poland 
Contact Person: Zofia Malisz
Meeting Email: plm at ifa.amu.edu.pl
Web Site: http://elex.amu.edu.pl/ifa/plm/ 

Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics 

Call Deadline: 15-Jan-2006 

Meeting Description:

Poznan Linguistic Meeting is an annual general linguistics meeting organised by the School of English, Adam Mickiewicz Unviersity, Poznan, Poland. The leitmotif of this year's PLM will be 'Reaching Far: Distant Countries, Distant Disciplines'. 


37th Poznan Linguistic Meeting
20-23 April 2006
''Reaching far: Distant countries, distant disciplines''

Dear Colleagues,

The 37th Poznan Linguistic Meeting is approaching. It will take place in Poznan, Poland, between the 20th and 23rd of April, 2006 (Thursday-Sunday).

As usual, the Meeting will be organised by the School of English, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, in association with the Poznan College of Modern Languages. The leitmotif of this edition is: ''Reaching far: Distant countries, distant disciplines''.


There have been several noteworthy additions to our Programme.

We are delighted to announce that the opening session of the Meeting will feature Peter Ladefoged with a plenary talk on ''What's a possible speech sound? The cognitive and physiological limits of spoken language''.

Martin Haspelmath will give a demo of the computer version of the World Atlas of Language Structures as part of the Linguistic Typology session (see below).

On 19 April, between 12:00 and 18:00, there will also be a special session on the occasion of the 70th birthday of Jacek Fisiak.

In addition to the above, the following sessions are included on the programme:

-Southern Hemisphere Englishes;
-Language and medicine;
-In search of the logic of communication;
-History of English dialects;
-Linguistic typology;
-Text technology;
-National stereotypes, national identities in language and text;

All the latest information is available at:


We welcome submissions for the above sessions as well as suggestions for any additional sessions or workshops. Each submission must be accompanied by an abstract in English, with a length of about 500 words.

General abstract submission deadline: 15 January 2006. (Note: Submission deadlines for individual sessions may vary slightly.)

Notification of acceptance: 15 February 2006.

Detailed submission guidelines are available from:


Several registration options are available. We will appreciate early registration.
To register, please use our on-line registration form at:


Traditionally, a book exhibition and sale will be organised by the Omnibus bookshop. Conference participants will be offered attractive discounts.


All submissions will be reviewed by our International Advisory Board:

David Britain (University of Essex)
Wojciech Buszkowski (Adam Mickiewicz University)
Ronald Cole (University of Colorado)
Dafydd Gibbon (University of Bielefeld)
Veronika Koller (Lancaster University)
Gerhard Leitner (Freie Universität Berlin)
Hans Christian Luschützky (University of Vienna)
Jean Mulder (University of Melbourne)
Andreas Musolff (Durham University)
Jerzy Pogonowski (Adam Mickiewicz University)
Antoni Pruszewicz (Pozna? University of Medical Sciences)
Lorraine Ramig (University of Colorado)
Peter Trudgill (University of Fribourg)


PLM2006 webpage:

plm at ifa.amu.edu.pl

Our regular mailing address is:

School of English
Adam Mickiewicz University
Collegium Novum
Al. Niepodleglosci 4
61-874 Poznan

Tel: (+48 61) 829-35-06

Fax: (+48 61) 852-31-03

Looking forward to seeing you in Poznan,

PLM Organising Committee:
Katarzyna Dziubalska-Kolaczyk
Jaroslaw Weckwerth
Zofia Malisz

-------------------------Message 2 ---------------------------------- 
Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2006 16:46:04
From: Igor Yanovich < ritchiebrukvar at mail.ru >
Subject: Formal Semantics in Moscow 2 


Full Title: Formal Semantics in Moscow 2 
Short Title: FSIM 2 

Date: 15-Apr-2006 - 15-Apr-2006
Location: Moscow, Russia 
Contact Person: Igor Yanovich
Meeting Email: Igor_Y at abbyy.com

Linguistic Field(s): Semantics 

Call Deadline: 10-Feb-2006 

Meeting Description:

Formal Semantics in Moscow is a student-run annual workshop. The main aim of the workshop is to provide an opportunity for students and young researchers to present their work (possibly in progress) in the field of formal semantics and to get feedback from their colleagues. 

We invite submissions of abstracts for 20 minute presentations (plus 10 minute discussion) on any topic pertaining to formal semantics. The workshop is intended mainly for students and young researchers, and presentations of work in progress are welcome. Papers linking Western and East European semantic traditions are especially welcome. Languages of the workshop are English and Russian. 

If you are not a student or a young researcher, it does not mean that you cannot submit a paper, just bear in mind that most talks will be made by (under)graduate students and young researchers.

The workshop will be held on Saturday April 15, probably, at Moscow State University. 

Invited speaker: Elena Viktorovna PaduÕeva (VINITI RAN)

Abstracts should be anonymous and should not exceed 2 pages, including examples and references, with one-inch limits on each side and typed in at least 11-point font. Authors may be involved in at most two abstracts and may be the sole author of at most one submission. We accept only electronic submissions. The preferable format is pdf, but Word and txt abstracts will be accepted too. If you use Word, please save the abstract as an rtf file. Abstracts should be sent to fsim2.submissions at gmail.com. 

Please write your name and the word 'abstract' in the subject field of your e-mail, and include your name, affiliation, contact information, and the title of the submission in the body of the message. The deadline for the receipt of abstracts is February 10. Authors will be notified of the review results late February or early March. 

WARNING: Unfortunately, getting a Russian visa for a business trip is not easy. We will be able to send you an official invitation, but it takes several weeks to make it, and it is not very easy to get a visa with this kind of invitation from the university. If you would like to participate in the workshop, please consider getting a tourist visa - it is much easier to get. 

Limited crash space is available upon request.

Organizing committee: 

Igor Yanovich, Moscow State University 
Elizaveta Bylinina, Institute of Linguistics, Russian Academy of Sciences
Peter Arkadiev, Institute of Slavic studies, Russian Academy of Sciences

Barbara H. Partee, UMass Amherst (Honorary Mentor of the Committee)

LINGUIST List: Vol-17-21	


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