17.233, Confs: Applied Ling/Chiay, Taiwan

Tue Jan 24 22:26:44 UTC 2006

LINGUIST List: Vol-17-233. Tue Jan 24 2006. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.

Subject: 17.233, Confs: Applied Ling/Chiay, Taiwan

Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Wayne State U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
            Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews (reviews at linguistlist.org) 
        Sheila Dooley, U of Arizona  
        Terry Langendoen, U of Arizona  

Homepage: http://linguistlist.org/

The LINGUIST List is funded by Eastern Michigan University, Wayne
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Editor for this issue: Kevin Burrows <kevin at linguistlist.org>

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Date: 21-Jan-2006
From: Jiun-Shiung Wu < wujs at mail.ncyu.edu.tw >
Subject: 1st International Conference on Applied Linguistics 

-------------------------Message 1 ---------------------------------- 
Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 17:25:15
From: Jiun-Shiung Wu < wujs at mail.ncyu.edu.tw >
Subject: 1st International Conference on Applied Linguistics 

1st International Conference on Applied Linguistics 
Short Title: ICAL 1 

Date: 01-Apr-2006 - 02-Apr-2006 
Location: Chiay, Taiwan 
Contact: Laura Liao 
Contact Email: dfl_con2004 at mail.ncyu.edu.tw 
Meeting URL: http://adm.ncyu.edu.tw/~dfl/e_index.htm 

Linguistic Field(s): Applied Linguistics 

Meeting Description: 

Call for participation 

The First International Conference on Applied Linguistics  

Date: April 1-2, 2006 

Location: Minhsiung, Chiayi County, Taiwan 

Meeting Email: dfl_con2004 at mail.ncyu.edu.tw.

Web Site: http://adm.ncyu.edu.tw/~dfl/e_index.htm 


Janet Holmes (Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand): Managing English in the workplace: some socio-pragmatic considerations


Allyson Jule (University of Glamorgan, Wales, UK) Belonging through language: A look at one language classroom 

John Liontas (SUNY-Fredonia, USA) Idiomaticity and applied linguistics: Making the connection

Nancy Hornberger (University of Pennsylvania, USA) Voice and biliteracy in indigenous language revitalization: Contentious educational practices in Quechua, Guarani, and Maori contexts

Lut Lams (Catholic University of Brussels, Belgium) A pragmatic study into ideological investments of the ROC English-language newspapers from a diachronic perspective  

Jeannette K. Gundel (University of Minnesota, USA) Information structure and surface syntax, some cross-linguistic differences

Kaori Okano (La Trobe University, Australia) The global-national-local interface affecting minority languages in education: the cases of Japan and Australia






Li-mei Chen, Chi Yao,  Ying-Ting Chuang, &  Jiunn-liang Wu (National Cheng Kung University) Tone and consonant production in Mandarin-speaking children with cochlear implants

Akram Paktinat        (Iran Isfahan Najafabad Azad Univ)  Language learning strategies among preuniversity students and the relationship between their teachers' advice and students' proficiency level   

Andrew Yau-hau TSE      (The Open University of Hong Kong)       Language learning strategies of grades 7-8 students in Hong Kong 

Chia-Yen Lin    (Lancaster University)       The multiple functions of pragmatic force modifiers in academic lectures: A systemic functional approach     

Chiung-chih Huang   (National Chengchi University)  A functional analysis of children's other-repetition       

Chuck Brown   (National Chiayi University)      Use of amateur radio Language and tasks in a technical English EFL course 

Daria Soon-Young Suk     (Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea)  Interaction as a means to lexical learning in an EFL setting: Nonnative speaker-nonnative speaker dyads     

Dorien Van De Mieroop   (Lessius Hogeschool, Antwerp, Belgium) The usability of cluster analysis for the study of identity construction in speeches    

Abha Chatterjee (Indian Institute of Management, Indore, India) & Dorien Van De Mieroop (Lessius Hogeschool, Antwerp, Belgium)   The reflection of Indian society in advertisements for fairness products       

Elena Kolodkina       (Southern Taiwan University of Technology)      The Parametric approach to meaning of a word

Hsiu-huei Lin Domizio       (National Taiwan Normal University) L2 Learners' pragmatic strategies and cross-cultural schema in light of the ACTFL oral proficiency interview  

Hua-Li Jian and Jui-Ying Wu (National Cheng Kung University)        The correlation between language anxiety and English speaking proficiency for elementary school 3rd and 6th-graders 

Hua-Li Jian, Cheng-Hung Hou (National Cheng Kung University)      The effect of EFL teachers' instructional language use on elementary students' target language learning 

James H. Yang  (Kun Shan University)       Impact of sound differences on intelligibility: A phonostatistic approach       

Janet Holmes    (Victoria University of Wellington)     Humour, gender and leadership in the workplace       

Horng Kai Jinn (Far East College),   Yi-Chun Ting  (Southern Taiwan University of Technology) A comparison of advantages and disadvantages of computer-based tests in language testing 

Jong-Bok Kim  (Kyung Hee University, Seoul)  English cleft constructions: A corpus-based, contrastive analysis 

Juckrawooth Attanawanich       (Chulalongkorn University,Bangkok,THAILAND)    The effects of social strategies instruction on English communication abilities of primary students in international Baccalaureate schools      

Jun-min Kuo & Ching-huang Wang (Indiana University, Bloomington,USA)     A case study investigating a mime-based dialogue activity from a critical literacy perspective     

G. R. Kiani, S. A. Mirhassani, & S. Jalali   (Tarbiat Modarres University, Iran)   The effects of modality of listening passages and the presence of visual advance organizers on Iranian advanced EFL learners' performance in listening comprehension tests

Li-chin Chen     (Lancaster University)       An investigation of the nature of virtual classroom interaction in higher education - what are the question functions and forms employed by participants in virtual classroom interaction?   

Louis Wei-lun Lu & Kathleen Ahrens  (National Taiwan University) What corpora reveals about synonyms: A cognitive and pedagogical viewpoint on BOTHER and WORRY

Lucia Santorum and Gregory Grefenstette (University of Paris 4 - Sorbonne)    Rules for the optimization of the automatic inflexion of Italian 'co' and 'go' nouns and adjectives 

May-hong Wu  (National Cheng Kung University) Encounter/deconstruction: The dialogue between Jacques Derrida and Amy Tan  

Mei-Hui Liu      (University of Queensland, Australia) EFL teachers in a Taiwanese school context: Why they teach what they teach

Ming-Tzu Liao  (National Kaohsiung Normal University)   Assessment of students' needs and problems with academic writing in Taiwan       

N. Banumathy & R.Manjula      (All India Institute of Speech and Hearing) 'Feature retention errors' and 'Speech sound errors' as diagnostic markers in developmental apraxia of speech       

Nan Jiang (Georgia State University) Semantic development in second language learning: evidence from a word choice task        

Neil Millar        (Kanda University, Japan) The development of a learner corpus of written production at Kanda University of International Studies  

Noriko Yoshimura, Chika Ikeda & Yasushi Terao (University of Shizuoka, Japan) The effects of presentation training on the development of academic communicative competence among Japanese college EFL students.

Paradee Praphruetkij        (Chulalongkorn University,Bangkok,THAILAND)    A development of an English reading comprehension instructional framework using four-blocks literacy framework with repeated reading for university students    

Miao-chi Wu (Fortune Institute of Technology) Figurative Utterance to The Translation of News English 

Patraporn Thaweewong    (Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, THAILAND)  Genre analysis of English business e-mail correspondence in internal communication between Thais and Germans in profit and non-profit organizations      

Pi-hua Ni  (National University of Kaohsiung)    Dialogized discourses in Virginia Woolf's Orlando     

Rajni K Chand (University of Otago, New Zealand)  Listening needs of distance learners: are we listening? 

Shu-chen Ou    (University of Edinburgh)        The role of L1 transfer and universals in L2 stress acquisition: Evidence from Chinese-English interlanguage    

Thana Sukvaree        (Kasetsart University, Thailand) Thai text coherence structuring with coordinating and subordinating relations for text summarization

Ting-yu Hsu (Providence University) Teaching and learning styles in SLA classroom: Based on multiple intelligences theory 

Tomoko Watanabe & Manabu Watanabe (Toyama Prefectural University, Japan)      ''A ''''pseudo'''' immersion approach for children starting to learn English as a Foreign Language''     

Tripti Karekatti (Shivaji University, India)  Rate of acquisition and strategic behaviour of child and adolescent Marathi learners of English     

Yu-Da Lai        (Mingdao University)        Cognitive linguistics and English teaching: A case study on teaching participle phrases in EFL composition      

Yung-nan Chiang      (The Uinversity of Texas at Austin)    A study of the language learning strategies of language-gifted senior high school students in Taiwan

Ben Pin-Yun Wang   (National Taiwan University)     English mixing in the lyrics of Mandarin pop songs in Taiwan: A functional approach   

Yu-Fang Wang & Ya-Ting Yang (National Kaohsiung Normal University)   The discourse-pragmatic functions of qishi and shishishang in Taiwan Mandarin conversation   

Yin-tong Wang (National Chi Nan University)   On Event-delimiting in Chinese  

Ying-hao Wang (National Taiwan Normal University)        Laughter in Mandarin Chinese conversation: A sociolinguistic approach  

Pi-yu Chiang     (McGill University, Canada)''     English-French bilingual children's vocabulary skills and phonological awareness       

D. Victoria Rau  (Providence University) From indigenization to internationalization: Digital transmission of language and culture      

Yu-feng Li & Ming-chung Cheng       (National Kaohsiung Normal University)   Discourse intonation changes and speakers' dominance/control: A case study of a conversation in the phone service encounter in Taiwan 

Indra Listyo (Atmajaya University, Jakarta???) Convoluted Legal English and Plain Legal English and their Implications on Translation

Jen-i Li     (National Taiwan Normal University) Taiwan college students' producing English progressive and perfective aspect      

Elizabeth Yin-Ling Lin       (University of Dublin)        Addressing the challenges in Taiwan's third-level English language education: insights from the Common European Framework

Li-chuan Lin     (National Chiayi University)      Study on the factors to influence the university students' needs in learning Japanese

Chia-wei Hsu   (National Taiwan Normal University) The anaphoric choice in the narratives of Mandarin Chinese kindergarten children: A case study from a discourse perspective

Chu-ching Hsu & Hsiao-ting Lu        (Taiwan Hospitality and Tourism College)  A study of politeness translation with special reference to forms of address on Jane Austen's Novels

Miki Shibata     (University of the Ryukyus)       Japanese pre-service teacher trainees' awareness of English as an international language

Yuhfang Chang (National Chung Hsing University)     Studying EFL learners' refusal responses: A comparison of written DCT, oral DCT and role play    

Fang-chi Chang      (National Chiayi University)      English drama scripts for language learning--The viewpoints of elementary school and junior high school teachers

Shu-I Chang  & Shih-jieh An  (National Chiayi University)      Vocabulary Learning Strategies: Teaching and Learning in an Elementary EFL Class 

Hui-ru Hsu       (National Taiwan Normal University) The leveling of neutral tone in Taiwan Mandarin and its new identity   

Chinfa Lien & Chienlung Chiang        (National Tsing Hua University) Explorations of intransitives in Taiwanese Southern Min: Interface of verbal meaning and construction      

Yihsiang Kuo        (National Taiwan Ocean University)  How to effectively increase Taiwanese EFL learners' English listening comprehension     

Li-jen Kuo       (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)      The role natural features play in the acquisition of phonotactic regularities      

Yi-jing Chen     (Takming College)    Learning the learning strategies: In the eyes of psycholinguistics  

Hao-jan Chen   (National Taiwan Normal University) Four web-based collocation retrieval tools and advanced EFL learners

Su-chiao Chen  (National Chiayi University)      Multilingualism in Taiwan   

Hsueh-chu Chen       (Wufeng Institute of Technology)       Rhythm patterns of L2 speech and their effects on perceptions of foreign accents  

Wen-hsien Yang        (Shih Chien University)     Training English learners of Taiwan linguistic skills by introducing theme, rhyme, and multiple themes of functional grammar

Li-chin Yang     (Mingdao University)        A study of the effects of social status  relative to the interlocutor on young children's production and perception of refusal in Mandarin Chinese  

Hsien-Fei Yang  & Chih-Chien Yang        (National Taichung University)   The make up of English phonological awareness test and the correlation study with real words and pseudo-words       

Yea-Ru Tsai  & Robert Ingebrtson  (I-Shou University)   Internal and external factors of EFL learners' autonomy

An Chung Cheng  (University of Toledo) and Hui-Chuan Lu (National Cheng Kung University)        Form and meaning connections in foreign language acquisition: A case of form with semantic-aspectual values  

Fei-Wen Cheng        (National Chiayi University)      Exploring the constructive processes of task interpretation 

Chin-kuei Cheng     (Taipei Municipal University of Education) Helping students become independent readers

Tsung-yuan Hsiao        (National Taiwan Ocean University)  Statistical anxiety of graduate students in foreign language programs  

Wen-Feng Lai  (National Taiwan Normal University) Narrating the stigmatized experiences        

Yi-hsiu Lai        (Chien-chen Senior High School, Kaohsiung City)     Taiwanese EFL learners' perception of English tense and lax vowels  

Siaw-fong Chung  & Kathleen Ahrens     (National Taiwan University)     Examining near-synonyms: The case of ''create'' and ''produce''   

Bo-Zhang Lo, Shu-Fen Su  and Xue-Mei Zhu (Southern Taiwan University of Technology)      An analysis of language learning strategies used by comprehensive high school students  

I-wen Su  & Louis Wei-lun Lu        (National Taiwan University)     A cognitive linguistic approach to ''up''   And ''down'': A pedagogical perspective        

Hsi-yao Su       (National Taiwan Normal University) Linguistic and discursive construction of regional differences in multilingual Taiwan: Cities, cultural places, and language ideologies

Fu-hsing Su      (National Chiayi University)      Applying linguistics in the Taiwanese context      


The above list may be modified. There are 8 presenters in the waiting list.

LINGUIST List: Vol-17-233	


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