17.1942, Calls: General Ling./France;General Ling./Germany
Mon Jul 3 16:13:49 UTC 2006
LINGUIST List: Vol-17-1942. Mon Jul 03 2006. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 17.1942, Calls: General Ling./France;General Ling./Germany
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Wayne State U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews (reviews at linguistlist.org)
Laura Welcher, Rosetta Project / Long Now Foundation
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Date: 03-Jul-2006
From: Rafael Marín < rafael.marin at univ-lille3.fr >
Subject: International Conference on Adjectives
Date: 02-Jul-2006
From: Raquel Fernandez < raquel at ling.uni-potsdam.de >
Subject: Brandial06: 10th Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue Workshop
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Mon, 03 Jul 2006 12:08:43
From: Rafael Marín < rafael.marin at univ-lille3.fr >
Subject: International Conference on Adjectives
Full Title: International Conference on Adjectives
Date: 13-Sep-2007 - 15-Sep-2007
Location: Lille, France
Contact Person: Rafael Marín
Meeting Email: colloque.adjectifs at univ-lille3.fr
Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics
Call Deadline: 15-Feb-2007
Meeting Description:
International Conference on Adjectives
University of Lille 3
September 13-15 2007
As opposed to verbs and nouns, adjectives have often been somewhat neglected in
linguistic research. However adjectives and their properties represent a broad
ranging research topic raising many major issues, both from a typological point
of view, with respect to the definition of the category, and from the point of
view of their syntax and semantics, which combine verbal and nominal properties.
Investigations of the adjective can raise major theoretical challenges for
linguistic theories, which tend to be centered on the verb and the noun, raising
numerous theoretical questions. Abstracts for the conference we are organizing
at the University of Lille 3, in September 2007, are invited on all questions
pertaining to adjectives.
Important dates:
-Dead line for abstract submission: 15 February 2007
-Notification of acceptance to authors: 1 May 2007
-Preliminary program: June 15 2007
-Conference: September 13-15 2007
International Conference on Adjectives
University of Lille 3, France
September 13-15 2007
1st Call for Papers
(version française ci-dessous)
Invited Speakers: Guglielmo Cinque (Università di Venezia), Greville Corbett
(University of Surrey), Chris Kennedy (University of Chicago), Louise McNally
(Universitat Pompeu Fabra), Ora Matushansky (Université de Paris 8)
As opposed to verbs and nouns, adjectives have often been somewhat neglected in
linguistic research. However adjectives and their properties represent a broad
ranging research topic raising many major issues, both from a typological point
of view, with respect to the definition of the category, and from the point of
view of their syntax and semantics, which combine verbal and nominal properties.
Investigations of the adjective can raise major theoretical challenges for
linguistic theories, which tend to be centered on the verb and the noun, raising
numerous theoretical questions. Abstracts for the conference we are organizing
at the University of Lille 3, in September 2007, are invited on all questions
pertaining to adjectives, including:
- The derivational morphology of adjectives
- The inflexion of adjectives
- The lexical semantics of adjectives
- The argument structure of adjectives
- The syntax of adjectives and their behaviour both within and
outside of the noun phrase
- Predicative uses of adjectives
- The ordering of adjectives
- Relationships between adjectives and participles and other
intermediate forms between the adjective and verb
- Relations between adjectives and nouns
- The typological status of adjectives
Important dates:
- Dead line for abstract submission: 15 February 2007
- Notification of acceptance to authors: 1 May 2007
- Preliminary program: June 15 2007
- Conference: September 13-15 2007
Guidelines for submission:
1) An anonymous abstract (in English or French) of less than 1000 words
(excluding bibliographical references). The abstract (including references) must
fit on 2 pages in A4 format using a Times 12 font (or US letter format if A4 is
unavailable). The abstract must clearly specify the subject that you will be
addressing as well as your main conclusions. References must be made to previous
work on the subject and the crucial data on which your conclusions are based
must be mentioned.
2) On a separate page, you should mention your name, first name, affiliation,
mailing address, academic status and the title of your paper.
Submissions should be sent by electronic mail to
colloque.adjectifs at univ-lille3.fr, preferably in .pdf format (or .rtf or .doc if
.pdf is unavailable). Please be sure to send the page with the personal data as
a separate attached document from the abstract. Please call the file with the
personal data name.perso.pdf and the one with the abstract name.abstract.doc
(where ''name'' is the name of the author or of the contact person in the case
of multiple authors). Abstracts must be received before February 15 2007.
(Abstract submission is limited to one abstract as single author and one as a
If you cannot submit your abstract electronically, you can send 2 paper copies
of the abstract and the page with personal information to the following address,
making sure that it arrives on 15 February at the latest.
Colloque Adjectifs
UMR 8163 - STL- Bât. B
Université de Lille 3
Domaine universitaire du ''Pont de Bois''
Rue du Barreau, BP 60149
59653 Villeneuve d'Ascq Cedex
Information about the conference (fees, registration form, accommodation,
transportation, ...) will be kept up to date on: http://stl.recherche.univ-lille3.fr
Organizing committee: Georgette Dal (Université Lille 3), Jan Goes (Université
d'Artois), Rafael Marín (Université de Lille 3), Philip Miller (Université de
Lille 3), Fayssal Tayalati (Université de Lille 3).
Colloque international sur les adjectifs
Université Lille 3, France
13-15 septembre 2007
1e Appel à communications
(version française)
Conférenciers invités : Guglielmo Cinque (Università di Venezia), Greville
Corbett (University of Surrey), Chris Kennedy (University of Chicago), Louise
McNally (Universitat Pompeu Fabra), Ora Matushansky (Université de Paris 8)
Par rapport aux verbes et aux noms, les adjectifs constituent les parents
pauvres en linguistique. Pourtant, les adjectifs et leurs propriétés
représentent un vaste domaine de recherche et posent souvent de nombreux défis à
la théorie linguistique, à la fois au niveau typologique, pour ce qui est de la
définition de la classe, et par leur statut syntaxico-sémantique, qui combine
des propriétés verbales et nominales. Leur étude permet cependant d'éprouver les
différentes théories linguistiques centrées sur les verbes et les noms et
soulève des questions multiples qui rendent intéressante toute investigation
portant sur les membres de cette catégorie aux contours encore flous.
Les soumissions que nous sollicitons pour le colloque que nous tiendrons à
l'université de Lille 3 en septembre 2007 pourront porter sur toute question en
rapport avec la problématique de l'adjectif. A titre indicatif, l'approche
pourra être:
- La morphologie dérivationnelle des adjectifs
- La flexion adjectivale
- La sémantique lexicale des adjectifs
- Leur structure argumentale
- La syntaxe des adjectifs et leur comportement à l'intérieur et
à l'extérieur du syntagme nominal
- L'emploi épithète et prédicatif des adjectifs
- L'ordre des adjectifs
- Les relations entre adjectifs et participes et autres formes
intermédiaires entre verbe et adjectif
- Les relations entre adjectifs et noms
- Le statut typologique des adjectifs
- Date limite de soumission : 15 février 2007
- Notification des acceptations aux auteurs : 1e mai 2007
- Programme préliminaire : 15 juin 2007
- Colloque : 13-15 septembre 2007
Modalités de soumission:
1) Un résumé anonyme (en français ou en anglais) ne dépassant pas 1000 mots,
bibliographie non comprise, l'ensemble (résumé + bibliographie) ne dépassant pas
2 pages format A4 corps Times 12. Le résumé devra spécifier clairement le sujet
traité et les conclusions principales établies en faisant référence aux travaux
antérieurs sur la question. Les données les plus centrales, qui permettent
d'étayer vos conclusions, devront être citées.
2) Une page séparée mentionnant vos nom et prénom, votre appartenance
administrative, votre adresse postale, votre statut, votre courriel et le titre
de votre contribution.
Les soumissions seront envoyées par courrier électronique à
colloque.adjectifs at univ-lille3.fr de préférence au format .pdf, et à défaut aux
formats .rtf ou .doc (veillez à envoyer le résumé et la page où figurent les
renseignements personnels sous des fichiers attachés distincts, le premier étant
nommé nom.abstract.pdf et le second nom.perso.pdf, où ''nom'' est le nom de
l'auteur de l'article ou de l'auteur qui sert de contact en cas d'auteurs
multiples). Délai de rigueur : 15 février 2007. (On acceptera un seul résumé à
titre de seul auteur et un en collaboration.)
S'il vous est impossible de faire une soumission électronique, vous pouvez
envoyer 2 copies papier du résumé et de la page comportant les renseignements
personnels à l'adresse suivante avant le 15 février 2004 (date limite de
réception) :
Colloque Adjectifs
UMR 8163 - STL - Bât. B
Université de Lille 3
Domaine universitaire du ''Pont de Bois''
Rue du Barreau, BP 60149
59653 Villeneuve d'Ascq Cedex
Les informations (frais d'inscription, formulaire d'inscription, logement,
transport, etc.) concernant le colloque seront affichées ultérieurement :
Comité d'organisation : Georgette Dal (Université Lille 3), Jan Goes (Université
d'Artois), Rafael Marín (Université de Lille 3), Philip Miller (Université de
Lille 3), Fayssal Tayalati (Université de Lille 3).
-------------------------Message 2 ----------------------------------
Date: Mon, 03 Jul 2006 12:08:48
From: Raquel Fernandez < raquel at ling.uni-potsdam.de >
Subject: Brandial06: 10th Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue Workshop
Full Title: Brandial06: 10th Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue Workshop
Short Title: Semdial 10
Date: 11-Sep-2006 - 13-Sep-2006
Location: Potsdam, Germany
Contact Person: David Schlangen
Meeting Email: das at ling.uni-potsdam.de
Web Site: http://www.ling.uni-potsdam.de/brandial
Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics
Call Deadline: 17-Jul-2006
Meeting Description:
Brandial06: The 10th International Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of
Dialogue (SEMDIAL10)
Potsdam (Germany)
September 11-13 2006
Brandial06 will be the 10th in a series of workshops that aims to
bring together researchers working on the semantics and pragmatics of dialogues
in fields such as artificial intelligence, formal semantics
and pragmatics, computational linguistics, philosophy, and psychology.
The SemDial conferences are always stimulating and fun, and
Potsdam/Berlin is a great place to visit.
- James Allen (University of Rochester, USA)
- Elisabeth Andre (University of Augsburg, Germany)
- Manfred Krifka (Humboldt University and ZAS, Germany)
- Emanuel Schegloff (University of California LA, USA)
We invite short abstracts describing system demonstrations
and/or ongoing projects relevant to the topics of the workshop,
including, but not limited to:
- models of common ground/mutual belief in communication
- modeling agents' information states and how they get updated
- multi-agent models and turn-taking
- goals, intentions and commitments in communication
- semantic interpretation in dialogues
- reference in dialogues
- ellipsis resolution in dialogues
- dialogue and discourse structure
- interpretation of questions and answers
- nonlinguistic interaction in communication
- natural language understanding and reasoning in spoken dialogue systems
- multimodal dialogue systems
- dialogue management in practical implementations
- categorisation of dialogue moves or speech acts in corpora
- designing and evaluating dialogue systems
Authors should submit a two-page abstract including names,
affiliation, address, and e-mail, formatted according to the style
provided on the brandial web-site. The abstracts should be submitted
electronically in PDF format to the following e-mail address:
brandial2006 at gmail.com
Selection will be made on the basis of relevance to the workshop. The
accepted abstracts will be published in the workshop proceedings and
will get space for presenting posters and/or facilities for showing
demos during the workshop.
Demo and project abstracts due: July 17th, 2006
Notification of acceptance: July 21st, 2006
Final version due: August 4th, 2006
Conference: September 11th-13th, 2006
Please note that the deadline for booking accommodation at the special
conference rate is the 28th of July. Visit the workshop web-site for more details.
The workshop will take place in Potsdam at the ``Neues Palais''
campus at the edge of beautiful Park Sanssouci. The local committee
is chaired by David Schlangen and Raquel Fernandez.
Previous workshops in the SEMDIAL series include:
( see also http://cswww.essex.ac.uk/semdial/ )
MunDial'97 (Munich)
Twendial'98 (Twente)
Amstelogue'99 (Amsterdam)
Gotalog'00 (Gothenburg)
Bidialog'01 (Bielefeld)
EDILOG'02 (Edinburgh)
DIABRUCK'03 (Saarbruecken)
CATALOG'04 (Barcelona)
Dialor'05 (Nancy)
LINGUIST List: Vol-17-1942
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